It’s almost here! TV Land’s addictive series Younger is set to return for its sixth season on June 12th and many fans (us included) cannot wait to see what drama is instore for us this season! As always, the previous season was packed with plenty of storylines with Charles finding out about Liza, Diana pursuing a relationship with Enzo, Kelsey becoming involved with another author once more while also juggling Zane, Josh returned from Ireland and almost left before he decided he’s not done trying to be with Liza until a pregnant Clare rocks up on his doorstep, Lauren is out there trying to make a name for herself, and Maggie continues doing her art and finds herself in a relationship with Malkie.
However, if you haven’t had time to binge watch the whole series or season five again, then don’t worry, we’ve created an episodic recap to jog your memory! If you want to read the full recap of the episode, just click the episode’s title!
Read on to discover what happened in season 5 and tell us in the comments below if you’re looking forward to the new season!
5.01: #LizaToo
Liza returns from Ireland and jumps straight back into work, which involves a new series by Edward LL Moore, however, things take a not-so unexpected turn when women began to make allegations about LL Moore and the series adding a little #MeToo to the episode. Meanwhile, Pauline’s novel Marriage Vacation is almost here and after the allegations came out, her book takes over a billboard in Times Square to replace Moore’s. Unfortunately, the drama doesn’t stop there as Moore investigates those who made allegations against him and that included Liza. The information was taken directly to Charles, and now he knows who Liza really is.

5.02: A Titanic Problem
Marriage Vacation catches the interest of Reese Witherspoon’s book club and with the hard work of Liza and Kelsey, Millennial signs a deal with Reese’s production company Hello Sunshine for exclusive access to their upcoming titles. Josh is back and later on, we learn that Clare isn’t coming to the U.S anymore and he seeks comfort in Liza, platonic comfort that is. During the book launch of Marriage Vacation, Charles makes the big announcement despite not wanting to give Liza any kudos. Afterwards, he informs Pauline that their attempt at a relationship is not working.

5.03: The End of the Tour
Kelsey and Zane face off in order to get Jake Devereux, a former White House speechwriter for Obama, to write a memoir. After a little romp around, the pair find out the next morning that Jake wants to work with them both. As for Liza, her and Diana are trying to help Pauline get through her interviews when they keep asking her personal questions about Charles. However, Pauline comes out with the truth, and Charles assumes lying was Liza’s idea and he confronts Liza when she chases after him.

5.04: The Talented Mr Ridley
Liza meets a Vanity Fair writer named Don and the pair hit it off, which leads to them spending time together. It also leads to Kelsey and Liza bringing him in to pitch a potential book, but grumpy and upset Charles won’t even let Don speak. Meanwhile, Diana goes out on a date with Enzo, the plumber she previously had a fling with, while Maggie, Lauren, and Josh hang out. Surprisingly, Charles somewhat apologises to Liza, but becomes even more angry with Liza.

5.05: Big Little Liza
Liza is almost outed by freelance writer Don who she was seeing after he saw Liza’s real and fake ID cards. Meanwhile, Kelsey was invited to a function with Jake, which results in the pair kissing, and for Josh, he almost makes the decision to leave Brooklyn behind but decides to stay after Liza’s speech, and most likely for her too.

5.06: Sex, Liza, and Rock and Roll
Maggie finds herself selected for a special art show which leads to a married couple interested in her artwork and she also finally meets Diana; Liza winds up helping Charles obtain a manuscript and the pair end up drinking and almost finally talking at the author’s house; Diana spends the night at Enzo’s house; and Lauren tells Kelsey she can have both Jake and Zane.

5.07: A Christmas Miracle
Kelsey has trouble juggling both Zane and Jake, so she ends it with Zane although Jake sees them kiss and gets Zane thrown off as editor. Meanwhile, Liza and Charles “meet” at a Christmas party where we see Liza and her family perform a song from The Sound of Music, and gradually realises that Liza has done everything for her daughter, which leads to him turning up to her place, apologising, and going in for a big ol’ kiss.

5.08: The Bubble
Charles and Liza find themselves in their own little love bubble by doing the devil’s tango, stealing moments at work including footsies and a stairwell make-out sesh, and a cute little date. However, happiness can never last in a drama and so Pauline was brought back into the picture to stir up some trouble. Meanwhile, Zane was upset over being kicked off the Millennial book, however, after Jake went on a little tantrum spree after Kelsey asked to cool things off, he gave Kelsey all the credit for what she has done so far. Maggie also got some significant airtime when Malkie was brought back into the picture, and she found herself trying to prove herself to Malkie that she can let someone in.

5.09: Honk If You’re Horny
Liza and Charles are trying to cover up their relationship, however, Liza has to come clean to Kelsey after Charles overrules Kelsey’s decisions. Lauren manages to get Kelsey recognised for an awards, and after her ordeal with Liza, she gives a heartwarming speech about how Liza has been part of her success also. The girls also score a new title with Quinn Tyler who is a self-made billionaire. At the end of the episode, Charles wants his relationship to stay off anybody’s radar since it’s “not the right time”.

5.10: Girls On The Side
Diana stood up to Enzo’s mother during dinner and now Enzo will be moving to Manhattan to make their relationship work. Josh’s tattoo parlour reopens with a new look and he thanks Liza for believing in him. Caitlin introduces her much older boyfriend, which resulted in an awkward brunch with Liza and Josh. After Caitlin’s boyfriend asks her to leave the wedding they were attending, Liza tells Caitlin the truth about everything she’s done. This results in her confronting Charles and wanting to put their relationship on hold until Charles was ready to be open about it.

5.11: Fraudlein
Empirical heads to Frankfurt to promote their upcoming books and we’re treated to a cabaret performance by Diana and Cheryl. Liza is offered a job by Cheryl, which means Charles and Liza could finally be together. For Kelsey, she becomes upset by the news of Liza potentially leaving, while Maggie and Malkie wind up in a fight as Malkie wants children. It also brings up jokingly that Josh could be a potential sperm donor…

5.12: Lizability
Liza takes the job Cheryl offered, but it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be and doesn’t take it. Kelsey is forced to come clean to Charles about her relationship with Jake and she learns that Zane wouldn’t take credit for the memoir. Zane tells Kelsey he was in love with her and quits Empirical. Maggie talks to Josh about being a sperm donor, but he instead dreams of having a baby with Liza and says no and then the following day, a pregnant Clare turns up on his doorstep. Meanwhile, Charles meets with Quinn Tyler as potential investor and she wants to make Millennial the forefront of the publishing house. Later on, Quinn is sent an article about Charles and Liza and so he steps down from his role and Kelsey becomes publisher. At the end of the episode, Charles and Liza walk off holding hands, but their faces don’t look overly happy with what’s happened.