Younger Recap: 6.01 ‘Big Day’

Younger Season 6 Premiere

Younger is officially back with the premiere of season 6 and we couldn’t be more excited! If you don’t know about the series, get on it ASAP because this series is packed with great characters, drama romance, friendship, and fantastic storylines which centralise on a group of individuals that work within the publishing industry, along with their friends, family, and partners.

In season 5, we saw Charles find out about Liza, Diana pursued a relationship with Enzo, Kelsey became involved again with another author while also juggling Zane, Josh returned from Ireland and almost left before he decided he’s not done trying to be with Liza until a pregnant Clare rocks up on his doorstep, Lauren is out there trying to make a name for herself, and Maggie continues doing her art and finds herself in a relationship with Malkie. If you need even more of a refresher, check out our full season 5 recap!

Now, on to the new season!

Back At Empirical

After spending the night at Liza’s, Charles (Peter Hermann) has a sore neck, which he tries to blame on the bed, and he’s supposedly looking forward to having some free time now that he’s stepped down from Empirical. As Liza (Sutton Foster) leaves for work, she says “love you” much to her shock.

Liza tells Kelsey (Hilary Duff) about her “verbal grenade” and her leaving so abruptly when they’re interrupted by Lauren (Molly Bernard) who is filming social media content to make Kelsey a role model since she’s now the youngest publisher in New York.

Diana (Miriam Shor) is surprised to see Lauren so Liza explains that Lauren has been hired to be their social media strategist, to which Diana simply says “you call the shots, Kelsey. You’re the boss.” Now that we’ve gotten rid of the sexual tension at Empirical, it looks like we may be in for a tiny bit of Kelsey/Diana rivalry this season! Later on, Liza confesses to Kelsey that she’s a little worried about Charles, but she will support Kelsey in every way she can.

Some Skin and A Bump

With a barely buttoned up shirt, Maggie (Debbie Mazar) is treated to some abs when Charles walks into the lounge room. Talk about a way to meet your roommate’s boyfriend! As he covers up, she tells him that the male form does very little and invites him to sit down and talk—cue the best friend talk! Maggie says that both Charles and Liza have been through a lot and can either make people perfect for one another or wreck them…

Meanwhile, Josh (Nico Tortorella) has coffee with Clare (Phoebe Dynevor) who claims she didn’t know that she was pregnant until she was 13 weeks along and didn’t know how to tell him. He feels the baby kick and the pair seem happy… Oh Josh, what are you in for with this girl again!?

Cue The Work Drama

Liza is excited about having Kelsey’s old office and Kelsey says Liza should talk to Josh at some point. However, before they can get into that, Quinn (Laura Benanti) says they have a problem. The article about Charles and Liza is about to go public, but it’s rather negative. Quinn says if Liza comes forward about her age, everyone will then assume it was actually Kelsey so they need to keep it quiet for now. Diana storms in and congratulates Kelsey on “bottoming her way to the very top” so Liza yells out to everyone that it was her, and this only seems to upset Diana more. Next minute, Liza receives a picture of a pregnant Clare from Josh. Drama, drama, drama.

After this, Diana meets with Redmond (Michael Urie) and puts it out there that she’d be interested in a new job and doesn’t care if he doesn’t keep his inquiries quiet.

At Empirical, Quinn and Kelsey are having a meeting about finances and after a whole bunch of acronyms, Kelsey learns the company is in fact losing money and now she has to make cuts. Kelsey later goes to see Zane (Charles Michael Davis), which features some flirtation, but Zane wants to stay friends for now. He tells her Diana is looking for a new job and he says they can’t afford to lose Diana.

Crisis After Crisis

After his text, Josh is at Liza’s and he informs Maggie and Liza that Clare works for Google and managed to get transferred to New York. Maggie suggests a paternity test and Liza seconds it, but Josh seems a little hesitant about asking Clare.

Returning to Empirical, Liza and Kelsey have a meeting with a potential author and it piques Kelsey’s interest as it’s all about how females may get set up to fail in businesses and this could be the situation Kelsey is in. Later, Kelsey tells Liza about Diana job hunting so they head to her apartment. Greeted by Enzo (Chris Tardio), he informs them that she’s not there as she’s having a crisis and they know exactly where to find her.

At Marie’s Crisis Cafe, they find her singing next to the piano and try to apologise with Kelsey offering part of her salary. However, Diana says it’s only a matter of time until she’s gone since she’s not a millennial and walks off. Liza then has an idea and whispers a song Diana loves to the piano man. That song? Dolly Parton’s 9 To 5. Kelsey and Liza then start singing and approaching Diana in hopes she’ll join in. She starts singing certain lines aggressively, but then eases up making for a very fun scene.

Afterwards, Kelsey and Liza find Josh at his shop and apparently it is Josh’s baby. He asks Liza to help him out with everything and reflects on why they broke up.

The next morning, Liza brings Diana some coffee and things are back to normal. Maggie then calls to Liza that she has a new bed to enjoy so Liza goes to say thank you to Charles. He says he loves her and they kiss when Zane interrupts them as he has a meeting with Charles since they’re trying to figure out their next move…

Overall Thoughts?

Honestly, I could watch this series on repeat. The writing is fantastic and the characters all get their moment in most episodes with great, and sometimes unexpected, storylines to continue their character development. It’s going to be interesting to see where season 6 goes as we have so many new paths for the characters from Charles and Liza finally being together and out in the open, Josh going to be a father, and Kelsey becoming head of Empirical. Plus it also seems as though maybe Zane and Charles will start their own thing together, which could cause conflict with Empirical along with Kelsey and Liza.

Diana had quite the storyline last season, but here’s to hoping her and Enzo will continue to have scenes together and with Lauren now the social media strategist, it’ll be fun to see her interacting more regularly with everyone else.

Being a Josh fan, I can’t say I’m thrilled about Clare being pregnant and part of me hopes is that the results are wrong or Josh lied and never asked Clare to get a paternity test.

Lastly, I am all for more musical scenes in this series because this cast is beyond talented and the 9 To 5 scene in this episode was incredibly fun and a nice way for the girls to make up rather than have a conversation or Diana continue on the path of finding a new job. That being said, I still feel there may be some tension between Kelsey and Diana at some point, and perhaps Kelsey will decide that she misses working on books and decide to give the position to Diana at the end? Who knows, we’ll have to see how it plays out!

What did you think of the season 6 premiere? Sound off in the comments below!


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