Younger Recap: 6.02 ‘Flush With Love’

Younger 6.02 Flush With Love

It seems like this season of Younger is going to be absolutely fantastic because the second episode was certainly something else! It’s typically not what you’d expect of a second episode, however, so much happened without it seeming overwhelming. I don’t know how they do it, but these 23 minute long episodes just go by so quickly, but they always manage to pack so many things in? It’s truly great!

During the season 6 premiere, Charles’ relationship is revealed which causes Liza to come clean to everyone that it was her and not Kelsey, and this upsets Diana who later puts it out there that she’s looking for a new job. Kelsey can’t afford to lose Diana as the business is in trouble, and it ultimately lead to Kelsey and Liza dragging Diana into singing ‘9 To 5’ making for an epic scene. Meanwhile, Josh finds out that he is going to be a dad to Clare’s baby while Charles and Liza declare their feelings for one another. As for what Charles is going to do next, it seems as though it’s going to be involving Zane…a new publishing company perhaps? We shall see!

Dealing With Reality

Liza (Sutton Foster) is rocking a pantsuit in hopes she looks more business-like after revealing she is the one Charles was sleeping with. It seems Liza and Maggie (Debi Mazar) are invited to Josh and Clare’s gender reveal to see if it’s ‘a girl, a boy, or TBD’, however, Maggie still doesn’t trust Clare. With the baby due in two weeks, Josh (Nico Tortorella) turns to Liza to help him in getting some things from a baby store since Liza knows it all and it seems Josh has some unresolved feelings towards Liza judging by some lingering stares.

Diana (Miriam Shor), Kelsey (Hilary Duff), and Liza are at a meeting to obtain some data and research about Quinn’s book, CLAW, but Diana isn’t exactly for using focus groups to vet authors since they’ve never done it before. It turns out, the focus group absolutely hates the book and now they’re concerned. Liza and Kelsey then meet with Quinn (Laura Benanti) who comes bearing gifts for them, which comes in the form of business cards in a gold case. Kelsey informs Quinn that they want to hold CLAW back until Spring due to the tone. However, Quinn isn’t for it and it will be Millennial’s first release.

The next day, Kelsey gives Liza a manuscript which is a screenplay of a film that Reese Witherspoon’s company will be producing and she wants it to be their first release. They hope to adapt into a novel and the screenwriter is on-board meaning they could release it in a month.

Dealing With The Truth

At the New York Literacy Foundation event, Kelsey doesn’t think she belongs, but she’s happy to see Zane (Charles Michael Davis). He tells her that he wants more now that he’s career is back on the up. Charles and Liza are also attending for their first public event, and Diana isn’t thrilled to see them there. Lauren (Molly Bernard) interrupts Diana’s stare as she thinks Diana and Enzo’s love story should be submitted to Modern Romance, but she’s against it.

It seems Charles isn’t happy that Liza is copping all the flack for their relationship, so the pair go over to see Diana and Enzo (Chris Tardio) and he apologises for leaving without a word beforehand. A little conflict later arises between Charles and Liza after Charles essentially saying that perhaps Kelsey shouldn’t have become publisher because experience means something and she’ll “get there eventually”. Liza tells him about Kelsey’s current work and he believes people would blame the first book on the previous publisher, but the second will stick if it’s bad.

Afterwards, Enzo and Diana are walking back and she says she always thought she’d end up with Charles, or someone like him—”cultured, sophisticated, man of the world”. However, it comes across as though Enzo will never be enough for Diana and that she’s settling so he walks off.

Dealing With Problems

The next day, Lauren comes in to go through the photos from the event and shows a gorgeous image of Diana and Enzo. It appears Lauren already went ahead with the Modern Romance story, so Diana says she’ll handle cancelling it herself now that her and Enzo are over.

Kelsey isn’t thrilled that Liza is telling Charles about her decisions and what’s happening. Kelsey now thinks Liza believes she isn’t strong enough, so she asks for a one-on-one dinner meeting with Quinn and slams the door in Liza’s face. At the dinner, Kelsey informs Quinn that the book is being pushed back until Spring. However, Quinn wants it out as she is planning on running for Senate so CLAW will introduce her as a strong voice. Kelsey puts her foot down, but Quinn still believes it’s going to be a big hit and wants it published. Quinn also says if it flops, she will leave.

At Charles’ house, Liza and Charles are cleaning up when he asks her about Quinn’s book and Kelsey, but Liza wants to a Chinese wall between them about Millennial.

Dealing With Love

At the gender reveal, Liza tells Kelsey that she won’t talk to Charles about Millennial and the pair make up. When it comes time to reveal the gender, Lauren tells everyone the confetti inside the balloon will reveal the gender so Liza helps brings it over, but accidentally lets it go and it flies off into the air. However, it seems they won’t have to wait as Clare’s (Phoebe Dynevor) waters break.

Meanwhile, Enzo’s employee shows Enzo a newspaper article which features Diana and Enzo’s sewer pictures and a story about them, and it appears Diana wrote the article. Enzo goes to see Diana and she says she meant every word and the pair kiss.

In an Uber, Josh is in the front seat with Maggie in the back along with Clare who begins to start pushing. Cut to the hospital, Josh holds his baby girl and Liza looks on with a somewhat wistful expression. She heads back to Charles’ house and Liza is hesitant to say that she’s also happy for Clare and Josh.

Overall Thoughts?

Love it, love it love it. Well, I’m not thrilled about Josh having a baby with Clare, although I am happy he’s becoming a father like he wanted. That being said, I’m sticking with Maggie because Clare can’t be trusted and well, she’s never going to be a main Younger character so perhaps we can just fade her out of the picture e.g. Josh is not the father. Plus, the creators of the series cannot just start giving us looks and hesitating moments in relation to Liza and Josh without some of us thinking that there’s still hope for the pair and that Charles actually isn’t right for Liza?

One relationship I am satisfied with is Diana and Enzo. I’ll admit, my jaw dropped during the scene where Enzo left, but I hoped Diana had come to her senses after her previous fails to see that she’s happy with Enzo and that they’re good together. Her story was absolutely beautiful and it tied so well being narrated over the scene of Josh with his baby too.

Naturally being a drama series, there was also plenty of drama with Quinn causing issues for Liza and Kelsey, and it’s definitely not going to be the end of it. It’ll also be intriguing to see when Charles and Zane’s new business comes to light and how it will affect their relationships with Liza and Kelsey respectively… (Let Liza and Josh be together please.. Thanks!)

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments below!


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