The 100 Recap: 7.06 ‘Nakara’

The 100 Recap 7.06 'Nakara'

Nakara opens with showing where Dioyza split up with Octavia after their capture and subsequent arrival to Bardo. She endures the same procedures as Octavia in the white room but unlike her, Dioyza continues to block her memories through her use of fear. They can’t get past those walls so they realise that they need to break her in order to release her hold on her memories. They try several things to no avail. She even goes as far as biting the throat of a guard when she pretends to choke on her food just so he releases her. She extracts his eye and uses it to bypass the retinal scanners at the doors in the compound furthering her escape from Bardo.

During her escape, she runs into her daughter Hope, Echo, Octavia, and Gabriel. Echo is in a particularly bad mood and when Dioyza mentions it Octavia informs her that Bellamy is dead, hence the mood. Dioyza hugs her daughter first, then Octavia before they all flee as a group to the outside. They run into Levitt, now a janitor moping the floors and he warns her. He tells her that they should go to the oxygen farm because they won’t be followed there. They share an emotionally charged look before he tells her that what he did to save her was all worth it. Then he tells her to punch him already and run. 

They run into a guy returning from outside with a bundle of flowers. He tells them that they can’t go out that way because they don’t have rebreathers. Alarms sound. Echo kills the guy after Octavia mentions Levitt by name saying that she trusts him and his plan. Gabriel gets angry with Echo’s rash decision to take the man’s life. Dioyza understands it. Before they can make a decision, Gabriel knocks them out and surrenders to the guards. They knock him out next.

Indra is trying to deal with the Russell situation which might be simple but in her case, it isn’t as she now knows the true mind behind the face. She’s dealing with Shanheda. This only complicates the martyrdom that Russell left in his wake. There’s trouble either way if he lives or dies. Either way she can’t win. He’s even luring her loyal guards to bend the rules to his advantage. This shows her how easy her power could fall. She informs them that from now on only Trikru can guard Russell. He sees this as fear from Indra, his deductions lead him to believe that she is afraid that her people will turn on her and follow him.

Nelson goes to see Russell with a smuggled knife ready to kill him, finally. However, he proves to be much more of a challenge when they fight, but Nelson loses. Russell offers his hand to help him up which he accepts before telling him that he is no longer Russell. First baffled, he asks how this happened. They talk about the mind drives and how two minds can’t share a body and he won the battle for it, killing Russell in the process. He tells him about the theft and how there’s a common enemy between him and the suspected convicts. He tells him to make allies with them to take down Indra.

Indra approaches Jon drinking at the tavern and enlists his help to the find the stolen weapons. The convicts are suspected with Hatch’s wife as the ring leader, so they take the direct approach and they ask her. She doesn’t ask what was stolen which is odd and when they ask her what she wants (determined that this is all a charade and she was the one behind the theft) she tells them she wants her husband back. Now riled up, she calls out Jon and Raven. She’s angry that Raven knew that Jon had the blood alteration making him safer to fix the reactor than her husband, accusing Raven of cold-blooded murder because she knew they wouldn’t make it out alive. She tells them that Raven needs to watch her back.

A boy approaches Madi on a bench and takes an interest in her drawings. They talk for a little about them before another kid (roughly the same age as them) comes over and asks them if they want to play a game together with the rest of his friends. She wants to but before she can, Indra approaches her. They boy who sat with her just tells her to find him later before rejoining the game and walking away to give them space. Now alone, Indra informs her of the missing weapons situation and tells her that she needs a Commander to help solve this. She acknowledges her reluctance, but hopes that Madi will help anyway.

Jon, Emori, and Jackson try to stop Indra’s plan to use Madi as the Commander to reach her people and lead them. They convince Madi not to and run off, apologising to Indra. Jackson says it’s a panic attack and goes after her to make sure she’s alright. Indra tells them that Russell is Shanheda and she should be the one to lead her people. She tells them that she’s just a soldier, a warrior, but Emori says that’s exactly why she should be the leader. A little shaky but with no other option, she goes to confront her people. Jon and Emori watch from the sidelines. One person speaks out, riling the others up. She fights him and wins. She tells them that they are Wonkru and spares him.

Clarke finds a body half buried in the snow, making them realise that this is a planet for the dead. They believe the planet’s purpose is to store one’s dead. Raven uses the mask to locate the stone on the planet, leading them on a 2 kilometre walk. It leads them to a tunnel where the temperature keeps climbing. It’s noticeably warmer as they get closer and closer to the stone, while hearing noises making them pause several times. Raven (who’s leading the charge because she wears the suit with the tracking interface) is attacked by a spider-like creature, damaging the helmet severely before she grabs her knife and stabs it, making it flee. They ask her what it was, but she doesn’t know and they pause only briefly for her to regain some composure. When they turn around, Nylah notices the tunnel they just came from has disappeared. It has now become just another wall in the cave. This is when Raven and Clarke are separated from the group with no way of getting back. They realise that the walls are shifting. On closer inspection, Raven deduces that this cave is a living organism and they’re it’s next meal.

Facing imminent death, Raven asks Clarke how she can stay so strong despite everything that they’ve faced. Clarke tells her that the people they’ve killed was to keep others safe. Raven’s guilt about the people she killed fixing the reactor comes back up to the surface and she tells her that she’s afraid before breaking down further. They hug. Meanwhile the others are greeted yet again by those spider like creatures. They shoot them making the walls shift once again. This time they open up, reuniting Raven and Clarke with them once more.

They reach the stone in the cave but the suit interface from the earlier attack is broken making it difficult to focus on the right planet to jump to. As she tries to pinpoint it Miller notices a symbol on another dead body. Nylah says it’s the mark of the Second Dawn from Polis. They find that strange. Raven gets the link established just in time and they go through. Weapons hot. Having no clue what will greet them on the other side.

And that’s it! They tuned for the next episode!

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