The 100 Recap: 6.04 ‘The Face Behind The Glass’

The 100 The Face Behind The Glass

Wow. Last night’s episode has left me with an information overload. Halfway through, it seemed like we were going to focus on Deliah’s Naming Day and it seemed as though not too much would happen, but boy that was not the case. This episode not only revealed new relationships in the making, but it also shed light on the darkness that lurks behind the Primes and their reign on Sanctum.

Episode 3 left many things in the air. Dioyza’s fate was unknown and Rose and Octavia were now in the hands of the Children of Gabriel. Thankfully, this story arc was addressed in the first few minutes. Dioyza is asked to track and rescue Rose and in return her child will be cared for, so she accepts. Arming her with a bike, a weapon, and a future for her daughter.

Meanwhile the first day of Deliah’s Naming has everyone making amends as it is tradition. And don’t worry, Clarke is definitely one of them. This was really important for Clarke because she finally has a chance to talk to Raven. She apologises for everything that had happened at the gorge, with McCreary and the torture of her and Shaw. Obviously words don’t cut it because that’s all they were, Raven tells her that she can apologise over and over, but unless she stops repeating those mistakes, these apologies will mean nothing. Raven also makes an astute observation comparing Clarke to Octavia, but with one major difference, at least when Octavia makes a decision she has the balls to not feel bad about it. She owns up to them and that’s something that Clarke can’t do and her track record proves it. Obviously still upset (and with every right to be), Raven leaves.

Octavia is being her charming self with her captives and as such we see her being beaten, until Xavier steps in. Rose tells her that they are monsters and I absolutely love her response. She tells Rose to not worry because so is she. Basically telling her that she’s more vicious than she looks and the Children of Gabriel have no idea what they just inherited. What a great albeit very short scene!

Later she and Rose are tied around a huge trunk while they gather their bearings and rest before continuing their mission. Xavier offers food, but Octavia gives it a defiant kick. He tells her that she has a real gratitude problem. And I’m sorry but I am definitely seeing sparks between these two! It might all be in my head, but I see a chemistry there that almost reminds me of Lincoln and we all know Octavia needs someone on her side more than ever. At every turn, he seems to be making an effort to make them comfortable rather than call for brutality like his company. Are his allegiances fully to this mysterious old man that the Children of Gabriel seem to answer to? Because I have my suspicions that he may be a good guy. More on that (hopefully) in the episodes to come.

Clarke is making her rounds yet again, but this time it’s for Bellamy and this was a long time coming for these two. Leaving him in Polis was probably one of their darkest points in their friendship and up until now, it hasn’t been answered for. She tells him that they are family and that she is unbearably sorry for what she has done and now it’s all good on the Clarke and Bellamy front.

As Xavier advocated for Octavia and Rose’s lives, they take this distraction to slip out of their bindings and escape. But only have moments before the rebels notice and pursue.

A lost Raven finally finds what she seeks. The auto workshop, the perfect place to keep her mind busy. You can see some happiness return as she wanders through the tiny space, but she isn’t alone. There she finds Ryker. She offers to leave, but he asks her to stay, saying that he values a brain like hers. They work together on the bike before he goes and changes for the Naming Day party (which she thought he wasn’t going to) and he offers to get her name on the list but she chooses to stay behind. Before he goes, he tells her that he has to be there as a Prime. So yes, Ryker is part of the founding families and some sparks were flying between them too! Sparks that were reminiscent of her and Finn back on the Ark. Will the fact that he’s a Prime change that attraction? I’m not sure but I’m hoping that this rugged side to him will make him a possible ally against the other Primes. I feel like if he knew how everything worked, he wouldn’t side with them but again we won’t know yet. Here’s to holding out for a potential happy ending for Raven!

Remember that guy with the snake that healed Murphy? Well his name is Cillian and he pursues Clarke all throughout this episode and it seems to be mutual. They dance at the party and then sneak off to have sex and miss the ritual.

Meanwhile, Bellamy is at the party despite not being in the mood for one. Then Echo approaches and he brings up that the last party he was at, was back on the Ark and it was where his sister was arrested. He brings up that it’s only been 3 days since Harper and Monty died and asks her if she even misses them because it seemed like nothing was affecting her like it should. They fight and she leaves.

Dioyza saves Octavia and Rose just as they are cornered, but before checking to make sure that they were all dead, one manages to open fire and kill Rose before Octavia can subdue and kill them. However, Xavier wasn’t among the dead so Octavia goes hunting and Dioyza goes with because her daughter’s future is still in the balance and killing him will secure it.

The party ends and it is finally time for the ritual of Deliah’s Naming Day to start. She’s about to head into the palace when she runs back to Jordan and kisses him. She tells him, “Don’t let me be a face behind the glass.”

Cillian warns Clarke that not everyone in Sanctum believes in the divinity of the Primes and that’s when she stumbles on some of his art, which features her and all of her friends with her face circled. She calls him out on it and soon realises why she’s circled. Her natblida blood. They want to know how many of them have blood like hers and when she tries to leave, he hits her with a paralytic dart. He tells her it will be okay and that she’s going to the Children of Gabriel claiming that he won’t let the Primes have another host. They are, at this point, shown as the villains so that is definitely not going to make her feel at ease. But as he packs, the primes find them and he kills himself, proclaiming “death to the Primes!”

Deliah re-emerges from the Palace, changed, and looking like a goddess, but when Jordan sees her there’s no recognition of who he is. Instead, she embraces Ryker and he calls her mom! I’m getting slightly Get Out movie vibes here! Anyone else?

Bellamy finds Echo and apologises. She tells him that she does miss them, she just doesn’t show it. She then confides in him what happened to her parents. Her father was killed when she was 8 and he told them to hide in the cellar and they did, but then they used fire to smoke them out and shortly after she started her training.

But here’s the major kicker of this entire episode. Instead of going to the safety of the Children of Gabriel, the Primes take Clarke into the palace and escort her into a room full of upright skeletons. She’s left (still awake but paralysed) with Prime Russel and his wife Simone as they argue about what to do with her. They reveal that her blood is key to bringing back their daughter right now, instead of waiting for her host to be born in the cycle. Russel apologises to Clarke and Simone tells him that this is meant to be. They stab Clarke with a syringe, knocking her out fully. She wakes up in a lab, calling Russel and Simone, Mom and Dad.

That’s where it stops! Like what the hell just happened? This is by far the best episode of season 6 and it deserves a 10/10. Can the next episode come faster? Because that would be awesome. Stay tuned for the next recap!

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments below!


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