Motivational Tips From Riverdale’s Cheryl Blossom

My favourite redhead in Riverdale, sensational Cheryl Blossom, is a joy to watch. Over the seasons we have seen her develop from an entitled, scathing, “loveless monster” (her words) to someone with a range of emotions, depth, and a fighting soul. She still gets it wrong sometimes, but we can all learn a thing or two from her.

Know Your Self-Worth

“Listen up fives, a ten is speaking”

Cheryl can be catty and savage, but her put downs and one-liners add humour to the show. A lot of it can be seen as a mask that she uses to hide some of her insecurities.  We could all take something from her quips and cheekiness though!

Cheryl Blossom Riverdale Dancing

Expand Your Vocabulary

I’ve not heard “Hobgoblin” thrown as an insult in a long time, and I want to bring it back (bow and arrow optional).

Cheryl Blossom Riverdale Bow and Arrow

Make A Memorable Entrance

Cheryl may have stolen this moment from Toni in Episode 6 of Season 2, however it was great scene between the pair. I guess if you see an opportunity you think you are good for then go grab it. “I was born for this moment”…. and she was.

Cheryl Blossom Riverdale

Confidence Is Key

“Everything looks good on me”

Yes Cheryl, work it. If you don’t believe in yourself, who else will? Also, she’s not wrong; she totally pulls off ginger hair and a bright red jacket. In true Cheryl style she has to be that bit extra and gets herself a red version as opposed to the usual black.

Cheryl Blossom Riverdale Toni Topaz

Know Where The Best Place Is At Parties

Cheryl knows where it’s at; “Let’s get you a good spot by the food.” Food is the way to a girl’s heart right? It’s always good to get to the buffet first for first dibs, and if you hang out in the kitchen with the snacks, that’s usually where the gossip is at.

Cheryl Blossom Riverdale Nana Rose

Stand Up For Yourself (And Be Terrifying)

Not one to do anything by halves is she! The musical episode where Cheryl confronts her mother and stands up to protect her Nana Rose was a great moment! Be dramatic at all times to get your message across.

Cheryl Blossom Riverdale Carrie

Do you love Cheryl Blossom? Tell us in the comments below!

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