Well Younger fans, in the blink of an eye, the fifth season has come to an end, but not before throwing a few surprises at us! In true Younger fashion, something happened to each of our characters causing an array of emotions from happiness to anger, along with many laughs.
During last week’s episode, the publishing company heads to Frankfurt to promote their upcoming books and we’re treated to a cabaret performance by Diana and Cheryl. Liza is offered a job by Cheryl, which means Charles and Liza could finally be together. For Kelsey, she becomes upset by the news of Liza potentially leaving, while Maggie and Malkie wind up in a fight as Malkie wants children. It also brings up jokingly that Josh could be a potential sperm donor…
Liza The Chick(y) Babe
Liza is at Cheryl’s publishing house and she tells her that Liza will be heading up their new imprint. Chick(y) will be targeting women, but they won’t be excluding the Y chromosome and Liza will also be given a very spacious office and generous salary. Liza asks if her lawyer can look over the contract before signing.
At Empirical, Diana speaks of a Capitol Letters party that Joe Biden is throwing in DC according to Charles, however, Kelsey hasn’t heard anything about it. Kelsey visits Charles saying she can attend, but Jake has asked for Kelsey not to go. Charles queries this, which causes Kelsey to tell the truth about her and Jake. He also lets Kelsey know that Zane refused to take over the Capitol Letters book.
Charles meets with Quinn Tyler as she has apparently been putting together a group of investors to back Empirical. She tells him to keep an open mind due to having a specific strategy on how to run the company. Afterwards, Charles has Liza and Kelsey in his office and informs them that Quinn is impressed with Millennial. According to Quinn, she wants to make Millennial the prime driver of the business and it would become the flagship brand. Kelsey says Liza cannot leave now, but Liza still thinks she needs to leave. Liza speaks with Charles privately and after asking if Kelsey can run it on her own, Liza says she will tell Quinn that she is leaving.
Liza meets with Quinn to tell her, and Quinn thinks that Chick(y) isn’t right for Liza and doesn’t understand why Liza would leave. So, in that moment, Liza tells Quinn the truth. However, Quinn loves it because she embodies every single CLAW principle from Quinn’s book and that it could be huge for the company.
Oh Baby!
At Maggie’s, Josh is over asking about Malkie and he thinks them having a kid would be great. Lauren then “helps” Josh with deciding if he should help Malkie and Maggie by hosting a meditation circle. He dreams of holding the cutest little baby boy, and in that dream he is with Liza before waking up wistful of what he wants so badly. Josh goes to see Maggie and he tells her that he wants it to be his kid with someone he loves.
The following day at Josh’s apartment, Lauren opens the door and screams before slamming it closed. Josh rushes out and opens the door to find a pregnant Clare and Josh is not happy.

New Paths
Kelsey stops by Zane’s office to find out why Zane didn’t take up Jake’s book. He tells her that he was in love with her and she’s upset he said it in past tense for the first time. It seems Zane also knows about the new changes coming their way, and congratulates Kelsey on getting it all. Later on, Kelsey sees Zane heading for the elevators with his belongings and he tells her that he’s quit. She says he can work for Millennial, but he’s already gotten another job.
Charles and Liza are out for a walk and they talk about being together out in the open. However, Liza is interrupted by heaps of texts about the contract. The next day, Liza goes to Cheryl and it turns out she’s arranged a party with everyone that will be involved in Chick(y). Liza awkwardly has to Cheryl she can’t take the job and Cheryl explodes.
A Hot Mess (Literally)
Diana is over at Enzo’s empty and tiny apartment as apparently Enzo has been assigned to a special task force to take down a fatberg. What is that? It’s a congealed mass of things you shouldn’t flush and he’s quite excited about it. Diana can’t control herself over the whole thing, but Enzo hurt about the way she has reacted. The next morning, it seems Diana is angry and upset that Enzo is ignoring her and she’s back in old Diana mode.
At Empirical, Kelsey is glad Liza didn’t take the job before Diana interrupts them in a flurry about what is on the news. The news is reporting that someone has gone missing during the fatberg operation, and it happens to be Enzo. Diana arrives on the scene just as they’re pulling Enzo out of the sewer and she rushes to him. At first she hesitates (most likely because he’s covered in so much shit, literally), but then she embraces him with a grimace or two.

A New Beginning
Charles meets with Quinn who has been sent an article scheduled to run tomorrow, and it’s about Liza and Charles. It turns out it was Cheryl who gave the scoop, but Charles informs Quinn the relationship is consensual and Liza isn’t 27. Quinn says she can’t have that with Charles being the face of the business and withdraws her offer. However, Charles stops her and suggests he not be the public face.
Charles holds a meeting an Empirical to tell them they’ve received a sizeable investment from Quinn. She congratulates Kelsey and Liza while saying it will be the focus on the company. Charles continues by announcing that Kelsey will be their new publisher much to her and Diana’s shock. Quinn also says Charles will be the new Chairman of the Board. Diana is shocked that Charles would accept it, and Liza assumes it’s a promotion. Diana informs her that he is being put out to pasture essentially.
Liza goes after him thinking they forced him out, and he tells her the truth, which Liza is upset about. However, he thinks it might be time for a new one with Liza and his children as now he has everything he wanted. The pair kiss before he takes her hand to stroll through the park. However, judging by their faces, it doesn’t look like they’re too happy…

Overall Thoughts?
Well. Here’s to a whole year of waiting for the next season! It wasn’t a surprise Charles stepped down from his role, although I was disappointed Diana didn’t get any promotion or recognition. That being said, I am incredibly happy the season ended with Diana happy with her beau. I do hope the pair will remain together, minus the shit.
As for Josh, Clare coming back unfortunately wasn’t a surprise either. However, I was hoping it wouldn’t happen because well, nobody liked her I don’t think. I think it would be incredibly amusing for Maggie to assume a maternal role though, and maybe if Clare doesn’t want to keep the baby, they could adopt? Let’s just get Clare out of the picture ASAP.
It was interesting to see Charles and Liza’s reaction at the episode go from incredibly loving to an almost ‘what the heck are we doing and what is next for us’. Now they can be together, are they officially out of their bubble? Has the thrill of the relationship been all that’s kept the fire going? I hope so. I’ve never been much of a Charles fan if you can tell.
Will Zane be heading up Chick(y)? Will Kelsey crack under the new pressure? How will Liza’s true age be revealed? Will we have a Younger wedding next season? Or a new character in the form of a baby? I want season six stat.
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