Seven Must-Read Adventure Rom-Coms

Guest post written by The Spy and I author Tiana Smith
Tiana Smith is a graphic designer turned novelist who grew up in the Rocky Mountains. She graduated from Westminster College with double degrees in Honors and English with a focus in creative writing. She served for two years as the Communications Chair for the Storymakers Guild and was recently appointed as the Website Chair for the Storymakers Conference, a renowned writing conference in Utah where she currently resides. In her spare time she’s learning sign language with her hard of hearing husband and she volunteers with special needs individuals attending the bi-weekly activities for Utah County’s SNAP program.

It’s no secret I’ve always loved romantic adventurous stories. Half of the TV shows or movies I watch usually fit this genre. I consider it the perfect blend. After all, what’s not to like? Action, romance, comedy? You can’t go wrong! Put them all together and you’re bound to be entertained. It’s the same thing with books, so if you’re like me, I’ve put together some of my favorite reads that I think you should try:

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

This lighthearted read flips the script and has the woman protecting a famous male celebrity. In order to best protect him though, she has to pretend to be his girlfriend, so if you like the fake-dating trope, put this one at the top of your list. There’s plenty of action too, as Hannah (the main character) tries to protect Jack (the hero) from his stalker. The funny moments hit just right and none of the stakes ever get so serious that you feel like you need a break. It was also a Goodreads Choice Award Nominee, so I’m not the only one who thought it was great.

Soulless by Gail Carriger

This is the first in the Parasol Protectorate series, and I’ll admit, when I first heard what it was about, I was skeptical. Vampires and werewolves in a reimagined steampunk Victorian England? It seemed so far-fetched and I usually read more contemporary books. But I do love adventure rom-coms and it came recommended.

This series is worlds of fun. It never takes itself seriously,  pokes fun at society and always leaves you wondering what will happen next. The main character Alexia Tarabotti has no soul and this gives her a unique ability that no one else has. I’ll let you read the book to learn more, but I admired Gail Carriger for the way she was able to blend not only action and romance but also multiple genres as well.

To Have and to Heist by Sara Desai

Who doesn’t love a good heist novel? And when you do that heist in the middle of a wedding, with a ragtag crew that is keeping secrets? That’s the stuff dream books are made out of. I loved reading about Jack and Simi, the two main characters, as they fell in love, but where this book really shines is its humor. You won’t be able to stop laughing. Trust me.

The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton

If I could describe this book in one word and one word only, it would be “witty”. This book is a romping good time. Cecilia is a Victorian lady, but she’s also a thief and pirate. This is another book that straddles genres and does it marvelously. There’s plenty of action and humor (flying houses anyone?), lots of romance (I adored Cecilia and Ned together), and overall felt like everything was perfectly paired to keep me entertained.

Something Wilder by Christina Lauren

Written by Christina Lauren, the pen name for writing duo Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings, Something Wilder is the story of Lily who takes tourists on fake treasure hunts through the red rock canyons of Utah, using her absentee father’s maps as a guide. And then one day her ex shows up with a bunch of his friends in tow, and everything about the trip goes completely sideways (that’s where the action comes in. And the romance). Maybe I love this story so much because I currently live in Utah and I could imagine the red rock canyons vividly, or maybe it was the Indiana Jones vibes, but this one was such a charmer.

The Takedown by Carlie Walker

With my latest book being about a CIA operative, you knew I had to include at least one spy rom-com on this list, didn’t you? This one is Christmas themed, which makes it super fun for the holidays. Sydney Swift is a CIA officer who is sent home at Christmas to investigate her sister’s new criminal fiancé. But Johnny, the fiancé in question, has a handsome bodyguard named Nick. As Sydney and Nick grow closer, Sydney has to dodge her family and the bad guys. I loved the banter, the way it stayed light while still having action and suspense, and of course, the romance. Make sure you pick this one up!

Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura

If you liked the movie The Lost City, you need to pick up this book. It also gives off Indiana Jones vibes with a character that is a lot like Laura Croft from Tomb Raider (that’s a lot of movie references, I know, I’m sorry). Basically, if you like archeological women who know their stuff, mixed with romance and adventure? This book is for you. There’s a lot of witty banter between Corrie and Ford, who are two rival archeologists on the same dig site. Popular tropes in this one to consider are, only one tent, rivals to lovers, and rule-follower vs rule-breaker.

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