The 100 Recap: 6.03 ‘The Children of Gabriel’

The 100 Episode 6.03 The Children of Gabriel

Where communication lacked last episode, it was made up for this week. The Children of Gabriel marks the third episode into season 6 and it was all about making introductions. After Red Sun Rising, there was a multitude of children running back into the village, showing that wherever they disappeared to, it was now safe to finally return. This is where they meet the settlers of Planet Alpha or as they call it, Sanctum, led by Prime Russel. Minutes after meeting these strange invaders, he insists on helping Murphy and uses a snake to remove the poison. Talk about a great opener! These people are clearly resourceful and intelligent. However, now the question remains, where do they go from here? Clarke and the others were living in their homes but now they’re back. Forming alliances wasn’t ever Clarke’s strong suit because she always has a knack for betrayal so this proved to be harder than it looked, especially considering the fact that The Prime and his wife were both educated on Clarke’s past thanks to Jordan. So yet again, here she is making amends for all her wrong doings.

But Clarke’s not the only one with baggage, and the Founding Prime and his people are no different. The Children of Gabriel are seen briefly throughout and they seem to be hell-bent on destroying the Founding Primes AND their families. On their way to the drop ship to meet up with Dioyza, Madi, and Gaia, The Children of Gabriel come first and paralyse them with darts, abducting them before the others can reach them. Dioyza manages to kill one of them before falling which only makes it worse for her because his friend walks up wanting to avenge his death. Fortunately, another rebel steps up and stops him, keeping them on track. However, that’s not the last of them. Later, during the Founders harvest, they kidnap Deliah, the tavern owner’s daughter because of the royal blood in her veins. Thankfully this actually introduced a chance for Clarke to prove herself and she chases after the rebel, thwarting their plans. This showed Russel her character, plus during the rescue they discover Clarke’s natblida blood and this is significant for the Prime. Apparently all Founding Primes have had black blood and this baffles them because she isn’t a descendant. The rarity of natblida blood is not an unfamiliar concept and this may bring turmoil for Clarke and the others once again. Although they know about Clarke’s blood, they won’t learn about Madi’s and we all know that Clarke will stop at nothing to protect her child from harm.

One thing that really surprised me was Jordan and his budding relationship with Deliah. Being raised by his parents with only his parents to talk to, his life was really closed off. His meeting with Deliah immediately sparked a connection , but their impromptu make out session was brief because they were then knocked out by the Children of Gabriel. Talk about a buzzkill. I think she’ll be good for him though, plus a relationship between the Founders and Skaikru would definitely help their alliance. This dynamic was the only source of comic relief in this episode and what little we got was hilarious! Murphy is drinking at the bar (their temporary residence) and after briefly dying, he was left in a foul mood. So when Jordan strikes up another conversation with Deliah, this time about harvesting at night, Murphy makes a joke about his game and how bad it is. It gets you laughing because it sounds SO normal! I was doing a double take after that because the normalcy of it all was so out of place. They deal with life and death not flirting and romance!

We also see that this village/compound is actually protected by a dome shaped shield. Remember that radiation field that killed Shaw? Those were the key to the Founders safety. It makes you wonder what else they have up their sleeves in terms of technology. Will they have the medicine Marcus needs like Abby hopes?

I thought I would save this to last, the ruined remains of Octavia and Bellamy’s relationship. To say a lot has happened between them is a huge understatement. Her rule as Blodreina and the way it changed her has left her a shell of the sister that he once knew. This is the first time in season 6 where they are both awake and the tensions are still strong. The whole time they are trying to show the Founders that they are peaceful, Octavia is jonesing for a weapon and looking at everything as a threat. When they go to rescue Gaia, Dioyza, and Madi, she runs in without thought and jeopardises everyone’s lives. She did it without listening to Bellamy who clearly told her not to, simply because she couldn’t wait. So it doesn’t come as a shock when Bellamy leaves her behind after they successfully rescue Madi and the others and take the ship back to the compound. Left to her own devices, Octavia stumbles upon the Children of Gabriel and challenges them. However, their leader, Xavier triggers a trap, releasing a poison of mace plant that disarms her just before she can reach them.

Meanwhile, Dioyza, Madi, and Gaia finally reunite with the others at the tavern but it’s cut short when Russel discovers Dioyza among them and has her arrested, claiming that she’s as bad as Hitler. She is arrested right after Russel grants them sanctuary too.

There’s no arguing the fact that a lot of major plot points happened in this episode and the amount of questions I have is outstanding. This definitely deserves an 8/10! I’m excited and worried about what the next episode will bring, for Skaikru and the Founders.

What are the Children of Gabriel planning? And what does it have to do with the second moon? Will Octavia get in the way or join them now that her brother wants nothing to do with her? What will happen to Dioyza? And her baby? Will they find out how the Children of Gabriel breached the compound and stole Rose? And who is this old man the Children of Gabriel keep mentioning? Until the next episode!

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments below!


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