The 100 Recap: 7.13 ‘Blood Giant’

Moments after Bill, Clarke, Raven, Bellamy and Gabriel arrive on Sanctum they are welcomed in the banquet hall by Sheidheda and his people. He gives them the same offer as Indra and their people; kneel or die. 

Bill approaches and tells him that he would normally relish in this opportunity but not this time. His people, invisible in their suits fire on Sheidheda’s warriors, killing all who are armed. Only Indra and Sheidheda seem to survive, and Indra only survives because she was unarmed. Outraged, Sheidheda advances on Bill ready to strike but is stopped by an invisible force. They materialise in front of him ripping a knife out of Sheidheda’s torso. Bill asks Sheidheda for undisturbed passage for what he came for (the flame) and in exchange he will leave Gabriel to tend to his wounds. Reluctant to agree, not believing in Bill’s theories and beliefs, he accepts having no other choice. 

Madi asks Emori how Jackson is supposed to smuggle in enough food for everyone when there’s three guards on constant watch right outside the reactor doors. She tells her that people are hungry. Emori’s banking on Murphy to save them.

Murphy approaches Bellamy, hoping his whole white suit/belief in Bill is a sham and to ask him what’s the plan. But Bellamy tells him that there is no plan, this is real. Confused, Murphy walks ahead to join Clarke and Raven clearly disappointed in this new Bellamy. Bill stops Clarke and tells her that she can go by herself to retrieve the flame, while Raven and Murphy stay behind, to make sure she holds up her end of the bargain.

Gabriel is treating Sheidheda, Indra is bound beside him but before he can do much he starts to see Josephine in the background. She’s talking to him. That’s when he realises what’s really going on. The red sun toxin is coming back, another eclipse is about to happen and with it, the bugs that make them go insane.

Raven gives Murphy the low down on all that has happened with Bellamy and Bill. Murphy asks her if she would judge him if he said that the craziest part of all that is Bellamy’s robe. She agrees with him. Obviously they both believe this is all an act because the Bellamy they know would never do this or believe in someone like Bill.

Bill has a heart to heart with Bellamy claiming that they are similar, special even. Before more can be said or done, the alarms sound alerting them to the imminent red sun toxin. 

The guards are ramming the door to the reactor when Emori tries to figure out a way to keep all of them save with just one gun and limited bullets. In the shuffle and the chaos, Nikki frees herself and grabs a hostage in an attempt to save herself and get out there. Emori responds to her pleas by shutting down the lights and bringing down the shield, allowing the bugs in. And the toxin.

Gabriel follows Josephine to the Skeleton Room where Jackson is working on the evacuation. She’s trying to sway him to figure out the stone and take the last test to save humankind, instead of Bill. 

Bugs attack the guards before they can break through the reactor door. Clarke meets up with Bill, Bellamy, Raven and Murphy with the flame and the anti-toxin. Murphy reunites with Emori. Raven goes to the control panel to try to get the lights pack on and the shields back up to save them from the bugs. Madi tells Clarke that she doesn’t agree with giving Bill the flame. She tells her that she still remembers things from the flame. Clarke tells her to never tell anyone what she’s seen or about her drawings in her sketchbook. 

Raven fixes the power but then notices a leak in the interior room of the reactor. She goes to fix it. She struggles to finish the fix after reliving flashes of when Hatch when into that exact same room where he died on her instructions, knowing the outcome. Once finished she turns around to be greeted by Nikki and her knife. She tells her that she’s going to die tonight but not before she confesses what she did. To Hatch. She sees the guilt written on Raven’s face as the tears fall down her face. It’s consuming her she realises. Rather than killing her like she intended she realises that there’s a fate much worse for her and that’s living with what she’s done. 

In the Banquet Hall, Sheidheda and Indra see the affects of the toxin take its toll on the guards watching them. Indra gets free and takes them down despite seeing hallucinations. Jackson and Gabriel come in and Jackson gives her the antidote. She tells them that no one treats Sheidheda, she tells him that he can die from his gut wound courtesy of Bill and his people. 

Indra holds a gun up to Bill demanding her daughter. Bellamy tells her that they didn’t know Gaia was missing until they arrived on Sanctum. Gabriel tells Bill that he might be able to repair the damaged code in the flame by using mind drive technology. As he starts to work on that he realises how wrong it is and he shoots the flame before anymore work can be done on it. Ruining the flame and ridding himself of Josephine. Bellamy tells Gabriel that they need Bill to get their friends back. A follower tries to jump to Bill’s aid and all he gets is a bullet from Clarke. Bill tells them that the stone is offline and only he has the code. He inputs the code and Clarke escorts him over to it, they all go through it except for Bellamy. He’s not invited. They start to go through the stone when Clarke sees Sheidheda tell Bellamy to grab something from his throne. It’s Madi’s sketchbook. Clarke confronts Bellamy as he flips through it, he promises to keep Madi safe but Clarke won’t leave until he gives it back to her. He goes to hand it to a guard when she shoots him in the chest and he falls to the ground. 

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