The 100 Recap: 7.10 ‘A Little Sacrifice’

‘A Little Sacrifice’ opens just moments after Sheidheda escaped the banquet hall, leaving his bloody massacre for Emori, Jon, and Indra to discover. Sheidheda goes after the last Commander, Madi, to force her to relinquish the clans from her control. He finds her quickly and as he approaches, she gets more and more uncomfortable realising that this isn’t Russell, but Sheidheda. What makes this scarier than him being in her head is that fact that he can now put his words into action. He threatens her and asks her to kneel in exchange for her life. When she doesn’t immediately give in, he threatens her loved ones. This makes her obey and she yields to his demand. Now satisfied, he leaves the room without uttering another word.

Clarke asks Bill to let her friends go, but he tells her that they aren’t his prisoners. He turns the decision to them instead. Trying to process this new information, Clarke calls for a new deal. She offers to help him only if he lets all of her people return to Sanctum.

Echo answers Bill saying they aren’t going anywhere and have a war to fight. Dioyza agrees and then finally so does Octavia. They leave the room. Clarke immediately asks to talk to her people, alone. She demands his people to leave the stone room, everyone but Bill. They huddle together and Clarke asks her friends why Bill is so obsessed with her possession of the flame. She wonders why they think she has the flame in her head.

Hope is locked in her cell. A guard comes in telling her it’s moving day, then Echo comes in and kills the guard. When Hope doesn’t know what to think or how to react, she flashes Echo a look in which she responds with, “What? You didn’t really think I believe this garbage.” It was a great line and 100 % Echo. She tells her that she has one hour to get all their loved ones off this planet. When Hope tries to learn more, Echo tells her they only have one hour, she has to move. Then she disappears.

Jon, Emori, and Indra go looking for Madi. Jon finds her in her room cowering by her bed with her dog. She’s slightly hysterical and panics when he finds her. Jon immediately goes over to her and talks her down. He calms her down. Great character development for Jon!

Then Russell starts to broadcast over the whole compound, addressing all 12 clans. He’s trying to turn Indra’s people against her. She rushes over to the palace knowing that that’s where he must be to make the announcement. Once outside, she orders her people to follow her in an attempt to stop him, but they hesitate. He continues to speak and Indra is stunned by this turn of events. She repeats herself, louder and then they obey.

Nylah strikes up conversation with Bill about his daughter, Calliope. She talks about what she knows from clan history about his daughter’s role as a flamekeeper. She describes her and this makes him happy. Gabriel takes a turn and asks him how he’s even still alive in which he responds with, “cryogenics and a well-balanced diet” as his secret to longevity. Bill gets up to address Gabriel stating that they are more similar than he lets on and he tries to use that to get Gabriel to talk. It’s clear Gabriel doesn’t agree. Bill explains how he needs Clarke to access the code from the AI so it can be entered in to their system which will then trigger this “last war” he’s going on about. Jordan calls this whole thing ridiculous. Bill leaves for lunch and Gabriel rushes to follow him to keep him guarded. He takes Jordan’s gun and tell them that they will be back after lunch. Jordan and Nylah can’t follow because they have to keep the stone room secured.

Clarke, Miller, and Raven walk into Dioyza and Octavia’s room. Clarke and Octavia hug almost immediately after the doors close behind them, then Octavia hugs Miller. When he doesn’t return it, she tells him to hug her back when Hope bursts in. Clarke asks about Echo and Hope says they don’t have time to discuss it. They only have 45 minutes to get out. Octavia realises that she’s getting revenge for Bellamy after Hope shares that Levitt was helping Echo, finding that suspicious. They go to look for Levitt. Dioyza tries to get through to Hope, telling her that they shouldn’t be killing innocents. Hope tells her that there are no innocents on Bardo.

Jon goes back to the Banquet Hall to help with the wounded and tells Emori that they hate them. This massacre has put them in an awkward place with their people and either way they lean, there’s trouble for them. Making their positions tenuous at best.

Bill and Gabriel sit down for lunch. Gabriel says he still has problems with people who claim to be God. Bill tells him that he never claimed to be God but rather a person who was chosen. A religious debate ensues. Anders comes in and breaks it off. He tells his guards to escort him back to his friends. They disarm him before leaving.

Octavia and the others find Levitt tied up and beaten. He’s bloody but lucid. He tells them Echo killed two people in front of him before he was forced to help her. She used him to access the weapon that killed the Bardoans, J9. Octavia leaves Levitt how Echo left him, gagged and subdued before going to stop Echo from killing everyone on Bardo. But not before she apologises to him.

Jordan tries to make sense of Bill’s logic about the code from the AI and his theory of the last war. He draws similarities from the code/language on the computer in the stone room to Korean. He thinks he might have found a connection. He believes that there might be a slight possibility that there’s one more final test before the code from the AI can be inputted. When he tells Gabriel this, he tells them that if he’s right, Bill should not be that person to take it.

Indra says they can’t trust the other clans. Indra hears Sheidheda reciting the lineage and she dashes out of the room to stop his speech. She finds him surrounded by the clans asking them to bend their knees or die. She tells him that they will never kneel and tells him to honour their tradition, calling for single combat. He tells her that this was exactly what he wanted her to do and he accepts her call.

They take the fight outside, immediately. He wants to return the clans to the old ways. As they fight, Indra pushes his sword into the pond and he charges her, knocking her down. They take their fight into the mad crowd. Indra shouts for them to get out of the way as the blows intensify. He knocks her down once more. He tells her to kneel or die. When she refuses, he readies to kill her until Madi springs off a chair and stops him by slashing him with a sword right across his left eye. Madi’s knocked to the ground and vulnerable to a now enraged and severely injured Sheidheda, Indra intervenes and asks him to spare Madi’s life. If he does, she’ll kneel. He accepts and proclaims his new role as Commander. He tells the crowd to kneel and they do. Madi disappears during his speech. Sheidheda tells one of his men to find her and kill her.

Sheidheda leads half of his men to the skeleton room. He tells them to out the names of all of the founding families and kill them. When one asks about the children, he says they grow up seeking revenge, so they all must die.

Jon, Emori, Madi and the rest of the Faithfuls are hiding in the reactor area. Jon tells them to seal the doors to buy time and safety.

Echo readies the poison to destroy Bardo, preparing to dump it into the water supply but Raven yells at her through the door to stop. This makes her pause as the rest filter into the room. Clarke tells her that this isn’t her. Echo tells her that this isn’t like her (Clarke’s) decisions. It’s vengeance, pure and simple.  Clarke tells her that this isn’t what Bellamy would have wanted. Echo claims that if the roles were reversed and he were alive, he would do the same for someone he lost. Raven mentions their time on the ring and tries to connect to Echo. Raven calls Echo her sister and her sister wouldn’t do this.  Echo moves closer to the water. Raven tells her that she’s not going anywhere so if she drops it, she’ll die too. Then the sobs start and Echo collapses in Raven’s arms, screaming hysterically.

Anders comes in and Dioyza hands him the poison as a truce. He tells them that he is disgusted with their behaviour. Dioyza starts to negotiate. He sentences Echo to 20 years on Penance. Hope lashes out and slits his throat. It was brash and fast. The poison falls out of his hands as he tries to stop the blood from leaving his wound. Hope saves the vial but then she dashes to the pipes with the water and she squeezes a single drop into the water. Acting quickly, Dioyza puts her hand out to stop and catch the poison on her hand rather than the water, saving many innocents. But this starts an immediate chemical reaction on her skin, making her rapidly crystallise. She yells at them to get out! Octavia has to drag Hope out of the room as they watch Dioyza fully crystallise and die.

That’s it! Stay tuned for the next recap!

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