Last week’s episode of Once Upon a Time, revealed to fans that Drizella is awake and she’s up to no good.
This episode begins with Henry and Roni still not understanding the picture of them. Roni is startled and wants to go “deal with” Victoria as she it’s staged. Henry stops her in the end, which is kind of a shame as I wanted to see that battle go down. They are then interrupted by Jacinda who needs some tools from Roni, but she’s also upset with Henry because she saw his social media posts of him and Ivy. Meanwhile, Victoria struggles with a terrible headache and Ivy insists it’s the flower pollen and takes the bouquet to the creepy lady upstairs. It turns out that she needs the flowers for the next step in her plan.
Flashback to Henry and Cinderella’s realm where they are fixing Henry’s motorcycle when some people try to steal it. Regina shows up to help them, but Henry and Cinderella already have it covered so she goes for a stroll in the woods. She then sees a hooded figure being attacked by a vine coming out of a box, so Regina finds her and discovers it to be Drizella. She admits she’s out in the woods to steal someone’s magic, but Regina tells Drizella that she’s going to help her use the gift she has all on her own.
In reality, Drizella has collected the last part of her ingredients for a mixture, and out of it, a plant grows. She squeezes out the juice from the plant and says, “Let’s see if Regina is as powerful as she thinks she is”—this does not look good for Regina!

Rumple finds himself awake and ready to leave the hospital with Rogers sure something is up and tries to question Alice, although she’s on Rumple’s side (even though she did shoot him). At Roni’s, Lucy comes in and demands to see the picture and spells out Roni and Henry’s connection in an annoying manner, which causes Roni to snap at her. The reasoning behind this is because Roni wanted to adop a boy, but she was shut down at the last minute and it became a painful memory for her. She then goes into full mother mode and tells Henry to ask Jacinda out.
At Jacinda’s food truck, Henry walks up with a boombox, but she’s not interested because she saw what Ivy had posted. However, his ramblings pay off and she finally agrees with Henry reacting in the most adorable way. Granted, it’s not really a date as he will just be helping her fix the food truck. Elsewhere in town, Roni visits Lucy, who is pretty brokenhearted that no one wants to try remembering their fairytale life.

In the magical land, Regina is giving Drizella a serious lesson in magic. At first she can’t get it, but when Regina puts them in mortal danger, Drizella steps up and saves her. Regina gets real and explains that with magic, you must use it correctly as she once cast a spell and it didn’t go so great.
Back in Seattle, Roni and Lucy go to see Rumple and ask if a Regina Mills adopted a kid named Henry back in Boston. When Roni says she owes him one, Rumple says they have a date. Rumple later reveals they were correct, but the favor she asked for will need to be returned.
Alice is then asking Rogers about Eloise Gardner (the girl who disappeared from the last episode) to which he pulls out the notebook with the few clues he has. Alice then starts speaking in riddles, insisting he may already have the pieces he needs to solve where Eloise Gardner went. Rogers then reviews all of his clues again when he decided to visit the man with the tattoo that matched the diagram in his notebook but finds the man dead by the time he gets there.
In the past, Regina finds Drizella again and reveals that Victoria’s big plan for Drizella is to steal her heart and put it in Anastasia to wake her. Victoria has already tried to get Henry’s, but it didn’t work so it will have to be Drizella’s. She asks Regina to help kill Victoria, but Regina declines causing Drizella to find help elsewhere. She finds Prince Gregory, but Regina chases her down and stops him from killing her mother. But it turns out, she didn’t bring Gregor here to kill her mother—she brought him to turn her own heart black and cast a dark curse.
Meanwhile, Roni opens the adoption papers and signs Regina’s name to find that the handwriting matches exactly. Just as she discovers that, Drizella comes into Roni’s bar and uses the mixture she made to poison Roni. Roni gains all of Regina’s memories, which is confusing because why would Drizella want to wake her up? Regina realises why, but we don’t get those details just yet because then Drizella reminds her that if the curse is broken, something bad happens to the people she loves. Regina then has to keep Henry and Jacinda apart because if true love’s kiss happens, it could break the spell.
In the past, Regina speaks with Henry and says she was stupid for ever letting Drizella that close to magic and ultimately, she hurt him when she was just trying to help. But Henry admits he needs his mother, no matter what. They have a similar moment in Hyperion Heights, but Henry doesn’t know Regina is his mother. He mentions he was so lonely as an orphan and that he made up not one but two mothers (awe). Regina nearly breaks the truth to him, but it would cause everything to fall apart so she restrains herself because for now, everything has to stay as it is.
Overall Thoughts?
This episode was enjoyable overall. I really liked seeing more of Regina/Roni, finally as they’ve been neglecting her character for awhile. Henry is growing on me a lot and I feel really bad for him as he feels like he doesn’t have a family.
What did you think of ‘Wake Up Call’? Did you like more screentime for Regina/Roni? Sound off in the comments below!
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