Emily In Paris Recap: 1.10 ‘Cancel Couture’

Drama, drama, drama! It’s definitely a Darren Star show with this series finale with the big question lingering: who will Emily choose?

It’s Paris Fashion Week and the cafes are crowed and Pierre won’t let Savoir into the atelier. Mindy (Ashley Park) tells Emily (Lily Collins) that the drag club offered her a job of emceeing. when Emily receives a message from Mathieu Cadault (Charles Martins) to meet and he takes her on a boat ride along the Seine. He tells her that he still hasn’t seen Pierre’s new collection and then takes her to his apartment to a stunning view and they kiss. However, they’re interrupted by Pierre calling as he wants to cancel his show.

The next day, Emily arrives at Savoir and Sylvie (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu) seems excited to invite Emily’s influencers to the show when they’re interrupted by Antoine (William Abadie). Luc (Bruno Gouery) is his new account manager and they all sit down for a meeting about the Zimmer Hotel, but they’re all distracted. Julien (Samuel Arnold) interrupts them about Pierre cancelling the venue when Mathieu calls saying Pierre exclaimed ‘ringarde’ at every piece. Sylvie is not impressed with Emily’s relationship with Mathieu and everything that has happened, so she fires Emily, but Julien and Luc inform Emily that apparently it takes months to actually fire someone in France. Emily returns home to find Camille (Camille Razat) and Gabriel (Lucas Bravo) arguing outside of the apartment building as it turns out Gabriel wants to buy a restaurant in Normandy that he can afford.

The following morning, she’s watching Gabriel pack up his things since he’s moving next week. Emily runs into Sylvie at Savoir, but she says she still has to attend to her clients’ needs. Luc steps in saying he doesn’t think working with Antoine suits, and suggests Emily for the time being and she agrees to it.

Emily receives an invitation as Grey Space have taken over Pierre’s cancelled venue, and Pierre received one too and wants to see Emily right away. Sylvie goes with Emily to see Pierre (Jean-Christophe Bouvet) and he shows them a dress that Emily loves, but Sylvie hates. He wants to show the dress immediately, so Emily says she’ll find a venue.

That night, Mindy pays a visit to Emily with all of her belongings as she was fired. She then receives a visit from Gabriel as he has a gift for her: the pan he used to cook her an omelet. He then asks if she will have dinner with him tomorrow, as it will be his last night and that him and Camille broke up.

The next day, Grey Space has a massive turn out at their event when Pierre arrives and Emily, Sylvie, and Mathieu watch on as a decked out garbage truck drives in. A group of models wearing neon dresses walk out with various phrases on them such as ‘I am tacky’, ‘Pierre who?’, and ‘basic trash’, and the collection is a hit with the crowd.

That night, the Savoir team, along with Mathieu and Pierre, have dinner at Gabriel’s restaurant. Antoine and Catherine also arrive, and she says to Emily that she thinks Emily will be a much better fit for Antoine. Towards the end of the night, Mathieu asks if she wants to go to Saint-Tropez for the weekend, and she says yes.

Antoine approaches Gabriel to learn of why he is leaving, and it’s clear with Emily now sitting with Mathieu and enjoying his company. Gabriel says goodbye to Emily, which is made awkward with Mathieu watching on with the tension between them.

Later on,  Emily sees Gabriel from her balcony and goes after him, so he kisses her and the pair go back to his apartment. In bed afterwards, Emily says she doesn’t think she should see Gabriel again as she doesn’t want to hurt Camille.

The next morning, Emily reads articles about Pierre when Sylvie approaches to tell her she’s not filing the termination paperwork as Emily has potential. She receives a message from Mathieu about their plans when she finds herself stopping out the front of Gabriel’s restaurant and sees Antoine. Gabriel then exits the restaurant with champagne and it appears Antoine wants to invest in him, so Gabriel is staying in Paris. Just as Gabriel goes to get another glass, Emily receives a message from Camille about the news and if they can talk.

Overall Thoughts?

I have to admit, I genuinely feel invested in Emily’s story now, but also frustrated that it took 7-8 episodes to get there. This episode did feel very Younger-esque with it reminiscent of who will Liza choose, but then again, a lot of dramas are like that, except that also ties in with Emily saving the main event, being accepted at Savoir, and being in a complicated area with Camille after sleeping with Gabriel.

I’m intrigued as to why Antoine decided to invest in Gabriel staying, and perhaps he’s playing the long game to be with Emily or maybe he’s not as bad as he seems and wanted to help them be together. Obviously Gabriel seems as though he’s the better fit for Emily over Mathieu, but things could get complicated with Camille.

Regardless, if they do make a second season, I’m hoping they keep it at the same level of drama and interest of these final three episodes, but also give a chance to let other characters such as Julien and Luc to have their own storylines so they can be more fleshed out rather than providing two sentences of dialogue or humour to an episode or scene.

What did you think of the season finale? Tell us in the comments below!


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