‘The 100’ Season 5 Recap

The 100 Season 5

Season 4 left the last of the human race divided. Some found solace in space, once again. Others buried themselves underground in a bunker. And some were left on Earth as Praimfaya raged on the very ground they sought for so long. But do you remember what happened after? No?

As we get closer and closer to the new season premiere on April 30th, a refresher course is definitely in order. Here is a detailed summary of each episode leading up to the devastating season 5 finale!


In Eden, we retrace Clarke’s movements after she survives Praimfaya. After discovering that she can’t open the bunker and free her mother and her friends, she comes to realize that she truly is alone, left with only a radio to comfort her. This is until she stumbles upon a village seeming to be untouched by the radiation and fire and encounters a savage, young girl who attacks her before fleeing. A Natblida. Over the course of 6 years, we see Clarke grow into a mother to this girl, Madi.

Meanwhile, we see Bellamy and the others and their life in space. Murphy is on the outs (no surprise there!). They’ve been living off of Monty’s algae, which took some time to get right (they make many jokes about how bad it was). Life seems to be good until they see another ship and soon realise that it’s a prisoner transport. They decide to steal their fuel so they can make it to the ground.

This episode closes with a quick glimpse into life in the bunker, where Octavia watches over a fighting pit, sporting new war paint, the colour of red.


Hearing sounds coming from the bunker, Marcus and Abby try for the first time to open the seal since Praimfaya, however they soon realize that they can’t due to rubble. This spurs a range of problems including food shortages and impromptu rationing. Here we are introduced to Kara Cooper, the person in charge of their only means of food, the hydrofarm. After more clan strive, Cooper launches a lock out, restricting all clans but Skaikru, starving all others. Octavia enlists Jaha’s help as an engineer to find a way into the farm and stop Cooper from doing any more damage but he refuses until Octavia promises no more unnecessary bloodshed. She gives them a choice, fight and die or surrender and live.

“You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru.”

Once inside, Octavia stops Cooper from killing herself because she is not allowed to get off that easy. Unfortunately, Jaha succumbs to his wounds he sustained during the beginning of the revolt. Animosity between Gaia and Octavia is resolved as she now believes that it will be Octavia that gets them back on the ground. Traitors, including Cooper are sentenced to fight to the death, like the gladiators in Ancient Rome.


The origins of the ship are revealed through the Captain’s log, showing them that the ship was taken over by the prisoners before they went to the ground. They also discover hundreds of people in cryosleep after one wakes up and attacks them. Raven volunteers to stay behind once they hear Clarke is alive and in trouble on the ground, using their people as leverage. Murphy stays behind last minute as Emori takes the others to the ground. As soon as they step foot on soil, they are held at gunpoint. Madi comes in and saves them and they discover that Clarke was captured. The episode ends with Bellamy offering a deal for Clarke’s life.


Bellamy makes a deal with their leader, Dioyza to get Clarke back and the bunker opened in exchange for her people in cryosleep. Meanwhile back in the bunker, we see the latest contenders in the pit and Marcus is among them. But despite winning, Octavia (now referred to as Blodreina) sentences him to fight again. His crime was for stealing medicine, that we later find out was Abby and he took the fall for her. Raven finds files on the ship, Eligius on their mining endeavours and discovers that there were four missions carried out but for some reason the third mission is encrypted. Before Octavia can execute Kane, Bellamy and Dioyza burst through the ceiling

Now all key players have made it back to the ground, however there seems to be only one place that is sustainable, the valley where Clarke found Madi years earlier. All bets are off and it is a race to the valley. The episode ends with Dioyza and pilot, Shaw heading to space to get her people back.


Dioyza has the valley and her second, McCreary, tortures Murphy and Raven until Shaw steps in. He reveals that it was him who blocked the missiles from working not Raven. Abby is given several patients with mysterious symptoms that seem to trace back to their mining endeavours. McCreary is one of them. Dioyza and Marcus have a talk about Octavia. John escapes and Emori stays behind with Murphy as they hide in a cave, to block out the collar signal as they try to remove it.

Octavia, Indra, Bellamy and Clarke head to the valley but soon come under attack by sand worms. Octavia is infected and when a sandstorm sweeps right through their path, they cover her, protecting her from any shards being thrown as Clarke extracts the worm. Dioyza has a missile launched at them before they reach the valley, but it misses. 11 people die in the sandstorm and Indra is injured. Octavia has a heart to heart with Bellamy, telling him that if he ever speaks out against Wonkru again, he is the enemy of Wonkru.


Clarke and Madi continue to lie about Madi’s heritage, worried that Octavia will have her killed because it threatens her rule on Wonkru as Madi is a true commander. Octavia gives Echo a 24 hour warning to leave camp before she has to fight to the death. But once Dioyza drops food to Polis with an invitation to the valley if they surrender, Octavia changes her mind and wants to enlist Echo to spy and root out all defectors. Echo declines, not being able to bear the consequences. Instead, Octavia orders Cooper to shoot any and all defectors before they reach Dioyza’s ship. When Monty can’t hack the eye remotely, Echo goes across enemy lines as a spy to gain them access through the ship’s system with the help of Raven. Madi runs away from Clarke to confide in Octavia that she is in fact a Natblida. Clarke stumbles in just in time to see Octavia making Madi Wonkru. Bellamy sees just how far Octavia is willing to go for the cause and struggles to see where the sister he knew went.

We also find out why Murphy and Emori are estranged. He got jealous of Emori’s ability to help where he could not and he felt useless. Thought she deserved better.


Clarke hands Monty Jasper’s letter that she found after Praimfaya only to see Cooper wheeling in a body to back room of the hydrofarm. Monty uses a magnet to break in and discover that they are breeding the worms.

Meanwhile, Echo and Raven try to recruit Shaw to help them and he reveals that it was him who disabled the prisoner’s collars, allowing them to takeover and kill the crew. He found out that once they finished their missions, they were ordered to leave the prisoners in space to die and he didn’t agree. Marcus gives Abby an ultimatum, him or the pills, and like every addict she chose her addiction. Dioyza also reveals that she is pregnant and needed a doctor for check-ups.

Clarke radios Dioyza proposing to share the valley and she will take Octavia out, making it a battle without bloodshed. She accepts.

Madi starts her training but Gaia and Clarke urge her to throw it, however she doesn’t and she’s so good that Octavia deems her ready for battle.


Abby finds the cure for the Dioyza’s men by using shockwaves to burst the masses apart but is told not to tell McCreary. Abby enlists Raven’s help to manipulate their sonic weapon to disperse the sound waves strong enough to cure without killing but Raven doesn’t want to help an addict and if their dying anyways why help them, they are the enemy. All Abby sees is her pills and betrays Raven by shocking her with her collar. Dioyza reveals her pregnancy to Marcus and they bond over the idea of peace.

Octavia finds out the eye is disabled and is surprised that Echo actually followed through. Clarke and Bellamy hatch a plan to kill Cooper with the worms to stop Octavia from marching into battle and they use the worms to do it. However, after arresting Clarke, Octavia reveals that they weren’t using the worms but rather their eggs.

Murphy and Emori make a deal with McCreary after capturing him and killing his search party to help them sneak into Dioyza’s camp as prisoners. He does it because Dioyza left him for dead.

Bellamy poisons Octavia to stop their people from marching into a bloodbath.


When Indra fails to appeal to Wonkru, her and Bellamy plan to use Madi because the clans will follow a true commander.

All hell breaks loose in the valley when Dioyza and McCreary finally showdown. In the chaos, Emori, Murphy, Raven, Echo and Shaw manage to slip their collars and escape.

Madi is planted with the Flame by Gaia and Bellamy, Clarke takes her and runs. Octavia wakes up only to find out that her Seda, Indra knew what Bellamy was up to and agreed. This betrayal lands Indra, Gaia and Bellamy in the pit.


McCreary takes the valley and orders men to hunt down Dioyza after revealing that he is the father to her baby.

Octavia struggles to win back her people after Madi is revealed as a True Commander. Indra warns Bellamy that she will let her daughter win and that his death will be swift before they enter the pit. Instead, Gaia launches a spear right at Blodreina. Before punishment can be done, Monty enters the pit and tells them to stop fighting because he got the hydrofarm working again so they won’t need the valley for food. He tells them that Octavia knew and lied about battle being the only way to survive. When she sees that she has lost her support in Wonkru and runs off to burn the hydrofarm down, giving them only one way to live; the valley. Wonkru marches to the valley, having only enough food for the trip.

Clarke and Madi find an overdosed Abby and are caught by McCreary and his men as they try to save her.


Clarke works with McCreary to save her mother so she can cure his men and he uses Madi as incentive.

Echo radios Bellamy that they know about the eye and scout possible ways for them to get in. But when they get caught at an outpost, Shaw swoops in and saves them. Raven is mad at him for risking his life because it shows how much he made her care for him.

This episode reveals a flashback into the heavily foreshadowed, Dark Year for those in the bunker. A failed protein crop left those in the bunker with a whole year with no protein and with no protein, they would all slowly starve to death. Abby comes up with an unsavory solution, the pits. Eating those who have died in the pits, in the form of blood cubes would sustain them until new crops can fully mature. However, some don’t take to the idea, including Marcus. Abby tells Octavia that she needs to punish those who refuse severely, because they follow Marcus and they will eat if he eats. So Octavia shoots all those who wouldn’t eat until Marcus relented.

Dioyza and Marcus turn themselves in because they won’t let the valley be destroyed by pointless war


Wonkru gets ambushed. Many are injured, including Miller, Gaia and Indra and Bellamy and Octavia are trapped in the gorge with no way out.

Madi doesn’t agree with Clarke and leaves to fight with her people but is collared by Clarke before she can. Echo, Shaw and Raven sneak in to get Madi but are caught by Clarke and McCreary. Madi snaps Clarke out of it and helps them escape before going to try and stop McCreary. Echo and Madi charge to the gorge to save Wonkru.

Octavia makes a stand in the gorge to allow Bellamy, Gaia and Indra time to escape. Madi, Echo, Emori and Murphy arrive only moments after in the rover to save them.


McCreary tortures Shaw and Raven to get the missiles back online before Raven finally offers to fly it when McCreary threatens to break Shaw’s legs. Clarke confronts him and tells him to stop and threatens the life of his unborn daughter if he doesn’t. With no way out, he types in the launch codes to send the dangerous substance plummeting into the valley. Clarke shoots him in the head. They have 14 minutes before it impacts and decide that their only option is to take the ship back into space. Raven radios Monty, telling them they have minutes to get back to the ship and he carries Murphy when he says he can’t go any further (due to a bullet in his leg).

They all make it onto the ship (barely) and with no time to spare. Gaia keeps her leg, Murphy survives and Marcus is put into a coma to give him time as they figure things out. Shaw figures out that they have 10 years before Earth will be survivable once again, leaving cryosleep as their only option. They won’t age and there are more than enough to hold everyone as they wait to get back down.

However, Clarke and Bellamy awake early and meet Harper and Monty’s son, Jordan. Jordan plays them a message from his parents explaining everything. It turned out that 10 years was not long enough and that Earth was never coming back. After years and years of searching for another way, he finally finds a planet they could go to and sets the course for them. He comes across this information in the Eligius three mission files that detailed an exhibition to another planet. He doesn’t know whether or not it’s safe or if they actually made it to the ground because they lost contact shortly after arriving but it was there only option.

They have been asleep for 125 years.

Are you excited for Season 6 of The 100? Tell us in the comments below!


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