Why Rom-Coms Are The Palate Cleanser of Champions

If you’re finding your TBR (to be read) pile a little daunting, don’t worry you’re in good company. Even at the best of times, it can take a while to decide what to read next. Especially if you’ve just finished a series, or a particularly convoluted novel which makes you struggle to remember your name, let along figure out what book to pick up next. If you’re stuck in this book limbo, giving a romantic comedy book a go might be the best thing for you, so here are some reasons why!

They’re Easy To Read

Due to the settings not often being fantastical, romantic comedies don’t need any glossaries, maps, or any mental gymnastics to try and follow what’s going on. While every author has their own style of course, commonly they use everyday language and don’t introduce new or convoluted ideas which make them really easy reading. Not only that, more often than not, the page length is on the shorter side as well, allowing you to add another book to your book goal without too much effort.

They’re Predictable

This might initially sound like a bad thing, but have you ever wondered why watching your favourite TV series over and over is super comforting even though you’ve watched it a million times already? Knowing how something ends, especially if it’s positive is comforting and creates a sense of security.

Typically, romantic comedies follow the same predictable formula:
1. Introduce the hero and heroine with some light banter, which may elicit a giggle or two
2. A challenge of some sort arises, which they of course overcome
3. Everyone lives happily ever
Optional additions: Side characters or storylines that arguably add just as much as the main story.

They Have A Happy Ending

Particularly after the past couple of years, it feels like all you need to do to be barraged with bad news is turn on the television or pick up your phone. The last thing you need to worry about is if the next novel you read will add to that constant negative buzz in the back of your brain. The very nature of these types of stories is uplifting as the characters usually overcome a variety of challenges, sometimes with a moral story or two along the way, to let love persevere. Sometimes it’s just nice to see the good in the world.

They Give Your Mind A Rest

Fantasy and science fiction in particular are great genres to immerse yourself into a completely different world with its own unique settings, lore, and types of characters. Bringing yourself out of those worlds and diving straight into another can be quite jarring as they may have similar concepts but work a bit differently (how many different types of vampires can there be?!). Adding a rom-com in between finishing a series and starting your next one can act as a reset to your brain. You might then find it easier to submerge yourself into your next convoluted read quicker and without needing to double check the rules of its universe a million times. You’ll still likely need to flick back to the map approximately a million times though. No helping that.

You Can Add In Any Other ‘Flavour’ You Want

While romance books have really only taken off in the past few decades, various authors have still had plenty of time to add their own spin on things. Fantasy, historical, science fiction, and even horror, you’ll find some sort of hybrid romantic comedy for whatever genre normally floats your boat. So while you’ll still be getting the same things you know and love from your normal type of read, you’ll be getting the side benefits of a rom-com in there as well.

If you find yourself staring blankly at our bookshelves, or wanting to try something with a different pace from your usual reads, take a look at picking up a rom-com. Who knows? You may find yourself a new favourite genre.
Want some inspiration? Check out all of our romance recommendations, excerpts, and reviews here!

Do you have any rom-com book recommendations? Tell us in the comments below!


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