Interview: Tracy Banghart, Author of ‘Queen of Ruin’

Tracy Banghart Queen of Ruin Author Interview

Written by Teralyn Mitchell

Tracy Banghart’s conclusion to the Grace and Fury duology, Queen of Ruin, recently released and it is amazing! Our contributor, Teralyn, had the pleasure of talking with Tracy about her latest release, her writing habits, and much more. Check out the interview below!

Can you tell our readers a little about you?

It’s a good thing I enjoy traveling and seeing new places because as an Army wife I move a lot! I’ve lived in five states and four different countries. I love baking, knitting, and Lego-ing. Someday I’m going to put together the Lego Disney Castle. #goals I have two dogs, two children, and overflowing bookshelves.

What inspires you to write?

I usually write about things that make me uncomfortable, but in a way that helps me take control. For example, the Grace and Fury series was inspired by my frustration with all the sexism I was seeing and experiencing, particularly after the last election. I wanted to write about it in a way that empowered me, and hopefully my readers too. I have another series, beginning with Rebel Wing, that was inspired by my husband being deployed and how helpless I felt stuck at home without him while he was doing this scary, important thing.

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process? What’s the easiest part?

For me, the hardest part is drafting. The blank page is so intimidating! I’m actually really productive while I’m drafting…at getting the rest of my life in order. Anything to procrastinate actually putting words on the page. But I love revising. I wouldn’t say it’s “easy” per se, but it’s my favorite part of the writing process.

Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

I usually spend the morning taking care of the business side of writing—returning emails, updating my website, etc.—and then write in the afternoon and evening.

Queen of Ruin was such an intriguing and amazing read! Can you tell us a little about the book?

If Grace and Fury is all about establishing this bleak, patriarchal world, Queen of Ruin is about tearing it all down. My sisters face new challenges but overall are seeking the same thing: freedom, and each other. I love how their story ends, and I hope you do too!

What was your process with coming up with this sequel? How hard was it to figure out where this story would go and how it would end?

I had a general sense of where I wanted the story to end from the very beginning of the writing process. But as I was writing, moments and plot twists popped up and surprised me! In particular, Serina has a full circle moment at the end that I wasn’t expecting but am very happy about. I love that you can have a really clear plan for where your characters are going, and they can still surprise you!

If you had to describe Queen of Ruinin five words, which words would you choose?

Rebellion, empowerment, bloodshed, loyalty, sisterhood.

Are there any secrets from the book (that aren’t in the blurb), you can share with your readers?

The book includes one of my very favorite tropes—the “we have to pretend to be married and stay in the same bedroom” trope. 😉

What is the key theme and/or message in the book?

I really wanted to write a story where girls work together, love interests play supporting roles, and finding one’s agency is the central theme.

What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

Most of all, I just hope they enjoy the ride. I hope the read is fun and exciting and they’re happy with where Serina and Nomi end up.

Out of all the characters you’ve created, who resembles you the most? Who is the most unlike you?

In Queen of Ruin, Nomi is probably most like me. In all of my writing, I’d say Aris from Rebel Wing. She’s certainly the most aspirational. As for who’s most unlike me, probably Serina. She becomes so physically strong and fearless—I have so much respect for her and love where her journey takes her.

Let’s end this interview with a couple of fun questions! Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter?

Endless summer, but like 75 degrees and sunny summer. Lol. I don’t like to be really hot OR really cold.

Would you rather have constant nagging pain or a constant itch?

Neither? Ha ha. But if I had to choose, probably an itch.

And one final question: do you have any book recommendations for us?

Here are some of my favorite reads of this year so far:
The Beholder by Anna Bright
The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons
Rule and Rise by Ellen Goodlett
The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo

Have you read anything by Tracy Banghart? Tell us in the comments below!

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