Written by Melissa Platt
This episode begins with a flashback of Turner with his wife and kid having a picnic while a mutant protest happens just outside the park. Things become heated and results in one mutants power wiping out the park and killing Turners child.
We then return to the present where Turner continues tracking the mutants from the last episode. Sentinel Services begin to narrow down and the underground is in chaos. Johnny, Reed and Caitlyn return to the underground and Johnny tells Marcos and Lorna about Pulse in the fight. Marcos and Lorna then work together to try to get the police off their trail while Johnny takes charge since everyone is in panic.
Reed quickly reunites with Lauren and Andy, but it is short-lived when Tex (the driver of the van that Reed almost turned in) starts attacking Reed because he once worked for the Sentinel Services. His family, and most of the underground, find out about him almost tracking Turner to the underground and many aren’t happy, but there’s not much time to worry about it.
Caitlyn then gets taken from the confrontation with Reed and Tex to help Harry (Trader), who is still badly hurt from the bullet wounds.
Turner starts doubling forces as he is determined to catch the mutants and everyone involved, but then his wife calls him. She seems slightly distraught about Turner not being home yet, but he ensures her that everything is fine.
Reed wants to help Johnny and Sage protect the underground as he knows all the police codes and tricks causing him to discover Sentinel Services is after him, so they begin to devise a plan. Reed wants to show his face to help redirect their interest when Shatter (another newly introduced mutant) tells Dreamer she may have to make Reed forget in case he does get captured. Clarice overhears this and nicely confronts Dreamer, who then tells her about her abilities with Clarice pondering over the memory she has of her and Johnny.
As they continue driving, Marcos confronts Lorna about the baby and we find out that the baby is still okay and they both become very happy. They soon run into the police and end up taking Turner hostage to get information on Pulse. She tries to torture him, and he ends up telling them about what happened to his daughter. It becomes clear to Marcos (and to us) why Turner is fighting so hard to capture the mutants, however, Lorna is willing to take drastic measures to get the information needed. Marcos asks her not to do it, and then calls Dreamer for help.

Back at the underground, Andy volunteers to give blood to Harry and Caitlyn agrees. She later decides she must open Harry’s wound to get the bullet out, and once they do, he begins to bleed out. Lauren uses her abilities to stop it while Caitlyn sews him up and they end up saving him.
Johnny is onboard with Reed’s plan to redirect the Sentinel Services, and he then gets Tex to help by being the driver. Later, Reed’s plan is put into motion, but Tex doesn’t show up where he’s supposed to pick him up. Reed stars to run from the police and right into Tex’s car, who picks him up saying he was testing him and they drive back.
Dreamer and Clarice join Marcos and Lorna by using a portal as the police now have the building surrounded where they are holding Turner. Dreamer uses her powers to get information on what the Sentinel Services have been doing, including Pulse. The police gas the place and the four mutants star to run, but Dreamer must leave Turner in a very bad state. After they all get back safely, Dreamer tells the others what she saw, including a symbol Reed knows little about.
The Strucker family decides to stay with the underground to be safe, but also because Reed is helping the others stay safe, and they all seem happy about this decision.

Clarice later confronts Dreamer about the memory she gave, saying she lost a whole conversation with her. Dreamer then admits it and Clarice is furious, not even allowing Dreamer to take it back.
At the end of the day, Turner goes home to his wife, but simply tells her that he had a long debriefing meeting, instead of where he really was. We assume he just didn’t want to tell her what really happened, but we then find out Turner doesn’t remember his daughter died, which means he has lost memories because of Dreamer.
Tune in next Monday to find out how Turner deals with this and what happens between Clarice and Dreamer. Let us know what you thought about this week’s episode in the comments below!