Written by Melissa Platt
This episode starts off with a flashback of Johnny talking to someone who seems to be a friend. The pair are interrupted by alarms with Marcos exclaiming they need to run. Pulse (Johnny’s friend) stays behind to hold the soldiers back, but ends up getting shot and presumably dies.
In the present time, we see Lorna (Polaris) being snarky in prison and placed in a cell beside Reed, who is now also in prison. Reed tries to talk to her and reveals he was working with Marcos, which angers her.
Marcos and Johnny propose a plan to free Polaris and Reed, which most people are upset by and don’t want to risk it, however, Marcos is persistent for obvious reasons. Most people are unwilling to help, but Caitlyn is willing to do whatever it takes. Johnny, Dreamer, Clarice, Caitlyn, and a new mutant named Harry (Trader) devise a plan with Caitlyn suggesting they attack during transport. The group agrees, however, they don’t have all the information so Marcos must do something that seems unpleasant to him, which is to dig into his past.
Johnny is still mad at Dreamer for giving Clarice their memory as it’s unfair to her to live with a memory which isn’t hers. Dreamer protests and says that she had to do it to save them and didn’t have time to ask.
Marcos goes to talk to his ‘friends’ to find out more details on the transportation of Lorna and Reed. This reveals some parts of his past as we discover he has some bad blood with the girl he is asking for help. Carmen and Marcos used to be a couple and she was madly in love with him, until he left her for Lorna. Carmen shows that she forgives him, but leaves us with an impression that he may have gotten himself into trouble, which we find out about later in the episode.
Clarice keeps dreaming of Johnny and gets woken up every time as Dreamer’s memory keeps jolting her awake because of what it contains. Her memory is of her and Johnny being intimate, but Clarice has suspicions of this ‘memory’.

The group continue developing their plan by trying to find a way to stop the bus, to which Lauren eavesdrops and begins to involve herself and Andy. The siblings start trying to see if they can find a way to enhance and conceal each other’s power. They later show Johnny their new discover, and Johnny knows it has solved one of their problems, however, Caitlyn is against it. Lauren stands her ground and Caitlyn finally agrees as long as they get out of there as soon as their job is done.
Reed reveals his story to Lorna about his kids being mutants and feeling torn about what to do at first because of his job. He then apologises to Lorna for doing that to her, but she is still mad because of all the other mutants he has hurt who either came to the underground or couldn’t be saved after what he did.
Carmen makes Marcos do her dirty work in exchange for giving him the information on saving Lorna; she also says that Marcos will be at her beck and call whenever she needs him. He is against it, but he does so anyway to save Polaris. Marcos then returns several hours later, very conflicted about the events that have unfolded and Johnny is suspicious of what happened or what Marcos did, as he knows what Carmen and her family can do.
Lorna and Reed load the bus, but Lorna won’t look at him. Meanwhile, the underground crew begin to implement their plan.
Before it all goes down, Johnny and Clarice talk about the underground and each other. This scene shows a sensitive side of Johnny and how he won’t leave because he loves the people who are part of it. Clarice asks Johnny about when she arrived, if they went outside just the two of them. Johnny tells her no, obeying Dreamer’s wishes and leaves Clarice confused.
As everyone gets ready, Marcos tells Dreamer and Trader that he will not leave without Lorna, no matter what happens.
As the bus approaches, Andy has troubles with his powers, so Lauren says mean things to Andy to get his powers to work, and together, they blow out the tyre. Due to Andy’s troubles, the plan is redirected because the bus isn’t where it’s supposed to be. Turner (the cop) becomes suspicious and increases the defense, and brings out their secret weapon, Pulse. While all of this is happening, Reed begs Lorna that if they get a chance they need to run and Lorna agrees.

Pulse (Johnny’s friend from the star of the episode) blocks all mutant powers and because of this, Trader is shot and things go haywire. Lorna, Reed, and Johnny begin attacking the soldiers while Marcos shoots people. During this time, Caitlyn sends Lauren and Andy away to keep them safe and goes back to get Reed and help the others.
Just when you think they are helpless, Johnny manages to knock Pulse out and restores everyone’s abilities. Reed lets Lorna take his metal screws out of his leg and she uses that to help them break out of the bus. They get to Marcos and Johnny when Caitlyn pulls up and they all drive away leaving a sizeable mess and an angry Turner behind them.
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