Supernatural Recap: 13.22 ‘Exodus’

Supernatural 13.22 Exodus
Written by Nadia Dardon

Supernatural is coming to a close next week and so we are one episode away from the end of season 13. This episode picks up right after the events of the previous episode.

We see Sam arriving at the camp where everyone is and explaining how Lucifer brought him back. Lucifer, in an attempt to impress Jack, claims he wants to join the team and he points out that they need another archangel, since Gabriel’s grace is still running very low. Even though he’s right, nobody is happy with that option. Dean and Castiel are the first ones to express their discontent towards Lucifer’s intentions as they don’t want Lucifer anywhere near Jack. After a heated argument in which Dean demands to Gabriel to kill Lucifer, Jack teleports away.

Jack finds himself overwhelmed with everything that is going on and ends up in the woods trying to figure out what the right thing is. He is invaded by an amount of emotions and memories of the video his mother had left him before he was born. Meanwhile, Castiel snaps some handcuffs on Lucifer, who informs everyone that they have around 31 hours before the rift closes.

Family Feelings

Dean and Sam have a moment in which Dean confesses he thought he had lost Sam. The brothers hug tightly, but the moment does not last long. Knowing they don’t have much time, Dean wants to know what they’re going to do about Lucifer. Sam tells him he is going to handle it, and the brothers then head over to Mary in order to talk to her. Mary, on her part, informs her sons that she is not planning on going back to their world. Mary has been fighting with the people in the Apocalypse World for a long time now, and she wants to stay in order to help them. While the boys do not agree with her decision, it seems obvious she is not going to change her mind. So instead of trying to change her mind, Sam comes up with another plan. Their plan is to bring everyone through the rift. Once everyone is in the real world, they will take some time to form a plan in order to defeat Michael. They are a total of 25 people, so it does not look like an impossible plan.

Meanwhile, Jack comes back to the camp in order to listen to what Lucifer has to say. Lucifer tells Jack to ask him anything, and so Jack’s first question is “Why does everyone hate you?”. Lucifer guesses Jack has heard all the tales about how evil he is, but he assures Jack that they are not true. He talks about how humans are not perfect and how they are hard-wired to fall. Lucifer also comes up with the defence that he has been locked up for a very long time, so how could all this evil be his fault?

Castiel then runs to get Sam and Dean to help him out and they arrive just in time to hear Lucifer explaining how Jack’s family is the best. Castiel tries to explain to Jack how his real family are them, not Lucifer except Jack wants to continue listening to what his father has to say.

Escape Plan

Everyone heads towards base camp in order to regroup with Bobby and tell him about their plan. On the way there, Castiel is worried about Gabriel as the archangel had gone to scout but should have come back by now. Their worry does not last long, and soon Gabriel approaches them running and warning everyone about angels. Before the group of angels can attack them, they vanish into thin air with a snap of Lucifer’s fingers. Turns out, those handcuffs are not a match for Lucifer, and he makes them disappear. He claims he just wanted to help them all, which is why he just vanished the bad guys.

The group keeps moving and soon they reach base camp, which turns out to be Singer Auto Salvage and Bobby is there to greet them all. He lets them know that Charlie and Ketch are out on a mission to save a human from an angel kill squad. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a trap for the two of them, and they end up captured and tortured for answers. The one torturing them turns out to be none other than the Castiel from Apocalypse World, although he does not get too far and the rescue team shows up.

Once Charlie and Ketch are back at base camp, the Winchesters explain the plan and decide to take a vote. Meanwhile, Lucifer is running Jack through his family tree and takes Jack to introduce him to Gabriel. Of course, Gabriel is not buying the whole act Lucifer is putting up and claims that Lucifer is making himself the victim. That is just the beginning of the conversation. Later on, when the two archangels are alone, Gabriel has it out with his brother. He says Lucifer has not changed at all and Gabriel comes up with a defence for humans by claiming they are innocent and that Lucifer could not stand that God loved them more, which is why Lucifer corrupted them and God locked him in a cage. Only, it was too late. Humans were already corrupted. Gabriel also says to Lucifer that it is too late for Lucifer himself.

The people have voted, and they all agreed to go to Sam and Dean’s world. However, with just under two hours left before the rift closes, the group has to figure out a way to get everyone to the rift. Dean revisits his mechanic skills and fixes up a bus, which everyone boards in order to reach the rift. Once there, Ketch is the first one through. Rowena is keeping the rift open on the other side, and seems surprised when more people than initially planned are coming through. Jack, Mary, Bobby, Castiel, Charlie, and many others follow after Ketch and arrive at the Bunker.

However, in Apocalypse World, Michael shows up and kills the few humans that were still there. Lucifer moves to fight him, but he is taken down very easily so Gabriel tells the boys to go and that he will buy them some time. After a hand-to-hand combat against Michael, sadly Gabriel dies from Michael’s angel blade. With Gabriel’s death, Dean goes to the rift. Sam stays behind just long enough to stop Lucifer from going through and he pushes Lucifer away, finally getting his revenge. Sam then steps through the rift and it closes behind his back. Unfortunately, the closed rift leaves Lucifer and Michael together making a deal. Lucifer knows the spell to open the rift, and when they open it, Lucifer will have his son back and Michael will have everything else.

Final Thoughts?

The ending leaves us with a bittersweet taste in our mouths. While everyone is celebrating in the real world, Jack seems very bummed and the celebrations are shadowed by those we have lost with Gabriel’s death weighting down in our chests. And then Lucifer’s plan with Michael lets us know nothing good could come for the season finale. We can only wait to see what happens next week in the final episode of season 13!

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