Written by Nadia Dardon
After everything that has been going on, we all knew the episodes were just going to become more intense and with this one, it certainly did. We’ve been waiting for the moment when Sam and Dean go to the Apocalypse World to save Mary and Jack and now, with the help of Castiel, Rowena, and Gabriel, their plan is finally going ahead.
The episode starts with a dream Sam has, where Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, and Mary are all in the bunker safe and sound. They’re eating pizza and enjoying each other, which is really heartbreaking because when Sam wakes up, Mary is not back and neither is Jack and it just makes reality crash down.
The Rift to Apocalypse World
Rowena is preparing everything to open the rift and now they’re just waiting for Gabriel’s grace. The archangel wanted some privacy to get it himself, and when he hands it over….it is a very small serving of his grace. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t do the trick as the rift only opened for just a few seconds before closing.
That certainly creates some issues as Gabriel is still healing, and he will not be able to give any more grace. In desperate need for some archangel grace, Castiel is the one that addresses what everyone seems to be thinking: they need Lucifer. Of course, Sam hates the plan immediately as they’ve already been down that road, and it never ends well.
While Sam, Castiel, and Dean are in the kitchen discussing the matter, Rowena and Gabriel are left alone in the library. With some banter regarding the failure of the spell, tension starts to leak into the room and with some romantic music in the background, Rowena and Gabriel decide on how to spend their time while the other three discuss a plan. Naturally, as it was to be expected, the Winchesters and Castiel walk in on them hooking up and it causes some awkwardness for the group.
Trapping Lucifer
Sam explains the plan to everyone, which sees Gabriel and Rowena managing to capture Lucifer. The devil is feeling down, drinking bottle after bottle in a bar, which the other two take advantage of. After drugging Lucifer and surprising him with their presence, Lucifer is confused since he remembers killing both Gabriel and Rowena. The red-haired witch casts a spell to bind his hands behind his back and Gabriel knocks him out.
When Lucifer regains consciousness, he’s in the bunker and still bound by Rowena’s magic. It takes him no time to figure out they want their grace to get to the Apocalypse World, except doesn’t realise they plan on draining his grace so they can get more time with the rift open. Rowena opens the rift for Castiel, Gabriel, Sam, and Dean while the witch stays to watch over Lucifer.

Searching for Mary and Jack
The group arrive in the Apocalypse World, but not at the same place where Dean had arrived in his previous trip. Castiel helps them figure out where they are, and they also figure out they’re a two-day walk away from Dayton, where supposedly Jack and Mary are.
On their journey, Castiel informs Gabriel of heaven’s situation and suggests that the angels need Gabriel. Meanwhile, Sam tells Dean how close he feels as their goal is almost within their reach. They hear a woman scream, so Sam and Dean run and find a couple fighting a vampire. But it’s not a vampire like the ones our heroes are used to. It turns out when Michael and his angels started to wipe out humans, all the monsters were left without their major food source causing them to go wild. The couple tell them that they are also going to Dayton, but in order to get there, they have to go through a tunnel filled with hungry vampires. There is a much longer route to get to Dayton, but the Winchesters don’t have the time so with the promise to protect their new friends, everyone goes into the tunnel.
Of course, nothing good could come out of this and they are ambushed by multiple vampires. Sam is taken down by two and Dean is facing off his own vampires, and can’t get the chance to help his brother. One of the vampires bites Sam and drags him away. Castiel attempts to go after him, but returns just in time to stop Dean from going as well. Our dear Sammy is gone.
Rowena and Lucifer
Meanwhile, Lucifer has been trying to get under Rowena’s skin and he succeeds when he starts talking about the day he killed her. Rowena turns on him and tells him that his son is in the Apocalypse World (something he was not aware of), and that Jack has more of a relationship with the Winchesters and Castiel than with Lucifer himself. Unfortunately, that was the wrong thing to say as he becomes angry, and when Lucifer gets angry, he gets more powerful. The spell that bound his hands breaks and he’s just about to kill Rowena, when the witch throws a spell at him. The spell pushes him directly towards into the Apocalypse World rift. Now, Rowena is left trying to figure out how to leave the rift open without a tap of archangel’s grace.
Family Reunion
Castiel, Gabriel, Dean, and the woman they had saved reach Dayton. However, the place they reach is heavily warded and Castiel is having a hard time moving forward. Gabriel manages to burn off the wards, and in that moment Mary walks out. She sees Castiel first, and when she sees Dean, she rushes forwards to hug him. She asks about Sam, but Dean is unable to answer and all he can do is cry.
Sam wakes up in the cage and he’s completely cured. How did it happen? Lucifer found him and brought him back. It seems that on his way there, Lucifer encountered some of Michael’s angels and ate them in order to restore his grace. Lucifer confesses he did it because he wants a relationship with his son. As Jack already cares about Sam, Sam’s life is Lucifer’s gift to his son. Lucifer is also holding back the vampires that are waiting to attack Sam, so if Sam does not agree, the devil will let the vampires free.
Back at the camp, everyone is settling down with Castiel trying to explain what happened to Sam. Jack wants to know why they didn’t bring him back, but they explain that they were not strong enough. Dean is about to leave to get Sam’s body back, but just in that moment Sam walks inside the camp. Everyone’s relief is cut short when Lucifer appears behind him who then greets his son.

Final Thoughts?
We know we’re getting close to the end, but the series keeps giving us so many plot-twists. I am unsure of how this season could end, and that makes me nervous, but also extremely excited at the same time. The episode captured me from the start and it continued throughout the whole thing. The cliff-hanger at the end just makes me more nervous about final two episodes to come!
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