Last week’s episode of Riverdale saw Cheryl taken away to Sisters of Quiet Mercy because of her behaviour and the Riverdale gang on opposing sides of both student council and Riverdale council. Riverdale episodes are always an emotional rollercoaster and this episode was no different, plus it was jam-packed with everything Riverdale excels at.
It begins with us seeing Cheryl’s new life where she is completely miserable and the only time she can escape is the weekly movie nights. Every other time we see her she is doing physical manual labour. Is lifting bags supposed to make her straight? I mean really.
Meanwhile, Riverdale High has turned into a political war zone with all the teams facing off in debates that feel all too personal. Plus Reggie and Josie’s campaign slogan seems to be, “we’re chill.”
Then there’s the other political campaign—Fred versus Hermione for mayor. Fred mentions that he never went to New York and left Riverdale behind. Plus, he hasn’t been to prison (I’d vote for you!). The campaign is putting the Lodge and Andrews families even more at odds and Archie keeps asking, “Can’t this be a fair fight?”
Later on, Archie shows us all the confidence he has when the Lodges get home to realise that Hiram has some unexpected guests (Lenny and Carl). Archie steps forward as if he’s Hiram’s bodyguard (news flash Archie, you are a literal teenager) and practically threatens them, but Hiram stops him and tells Archie that he can handle it. Later it’s revealed Carly and Lenny are concerned about Hermione running for mayor as it will bring unwanted attention. Hiram decides to take them out to dinner to calm them down and Archie wants in. Unsurprisingly, Hiram agrees. Archie is also asked by his mother that Archie stands by his father’s side when he announces his campaign run on Friday, to which Archie agrees.
Betty and Alice are having real problems because the authorities find the dead guy’s car in the swamp. FP tells everyone to lay low and act normal (this is from a guy who’s been to prison). The Serpents also let Jughead know that they’re not going to vote for him if Betty is his co-president, which is partially because her mother abandoned the Serpents. Jughead and Betty then decide that their ‘normal’ is to investigate something even when the world tells them that they shouldn’t, so they ask Kevin what he knows. Kevin suspects nothing and tells them that the owner named Darla claimed it this morning.
It seems Chic’s dealer (the dead guy) borrowed his girlfriend’s car and after Betty tries to get Chic to be helpful, he decides to give Darla a call, which obviously only makes matters worse.
Meanwhile, Reggie tells Archie that only one of them can have the Bulldogs vote so they arm wrestle because obviously that’s how you win votes and Archie wins this contest. At dinner, Carl and Lenny want 25% of the prison project and when Hiram says no, Archie steps up and gives an intimidating speech about not underestimating Hiram. All they do is laugh and Hiram tells Archie that he’s a ‘good boy’ (is he a dog?) and Archie returns home to find Jughead helping his father with his campaign announcement and it’s so awkward.
Chic proves he’s useless once again, as he brings Darla into the Cooper house where she demands $10,000 in exchange for her silence. The bank is closed, so the next morning Betty goes, but when Alice calls her and tells her not to come home because someone else has joined: Chic’s ex-hostel manager.

Betty ends up coming back home, but it turns out that Betty called Jughead and he brings the Serpents to save the Coopers. After, Alice kicks Chic out of the house and apologises to the Serpents. She promises to be proud of where she came from and winds up at FP’s who welcomes her inside.
Archie and Veronica discover a man in a black hood attacking Andre so Archie chases him down and discovers that it’s Adams who is now working for Carl and Lenny. Now, Hiram needs to come up with a plan as he’s unprotected at this point. Archie has an idea for a long-term plan and it’s using teens once again to scare grown mobsters. This time they are masked members of the “Dark Circle”. Together, they blow up Lenny and Carl’s car and tell them to get out of Riverdale.
Archie returns home where his mother is disappointed in him for missing his dad’s announcement. She tells him that she doesn’t know who he is anymore whereas Hiram on the other hand, gifts Archie a new car so he can take Veronica to school everyday.
Toni takes more of a role in this week’s episode and updates Veronica and Josie about the whole “boarding school” lie. The three of them head to Cheryl’s house to confront Penelope, but Penelope isn’t messing around. She shows Josie one of the drawings that Cheryl did of the two of them during her obsession.
Toni gets a call from Nana Rose who is trapped in the house and she and Veronica go to Kevin’s to find out about the Sisters of Quiet Mercy who indeed do conversion therapy. Toni and Veronica decide to break Cheryl out and Kevin helps as they learn about the tunnels that run to the main living space from Kevin.
Once inside the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, Toni finds Cheryl at movie night and the two share their first kiss. Veronica bursts in and they escape through the tunnels. When they get back to school, Cheryl is glad that she’s back just in time to star in Carrie: The Musical.

Final Thoughts?
This episode was insane with all the different storylines. One thing I am glad that came out of this was that Cheryl was saved and Choni is a thing.
Unfortunately Riverdale is taking yet another mini hiatus and it will return with the musical episode on April 18th.
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