Review: Your Heart Is The Sea by Nikita Gill

Your Heart is the Sea Nikita Gill Review (1)

Written by Briah Krueger

There are still roses that will bloom in your lungs if you can learn to breathe through the thorns. – “All of Life is a Garden” by Nikita Gill

Your Heart Is The Sea by Nikita GillThis is just one incredibly heart striking poem from Nikita Gill’s collection of poetry Your Heart is the Sea. This book will take you to the deepest spot in your soul and mind, and though you may see darkness, these poems will embrace you with safety and understanding. This book of poetry is broken up into 8 different sections:

– The Anguish
– The Descent
– The Acceptance
– The Defiance
– The Survival
– The Worship
– The Wonder
– The Beginning

Each one is filled with a harmony of reality-slapping-realness, and finding love and peace within yourself. And, to my surprise, there is a chapter with quite a bit of mythology references. And although we of course know we aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover, you simply can’t help but be completely pulled into this mysteriously enchanting cover; just waiting for you to crack it open and sea (pun intended) its depths of words and soundness.

While reading this novel, you’ll be sure to run into phrases and poems that will captivate your heart and you’ll catch your eyes widening at the intense realities written in such soft yet darkly hushed tones. Your Heart is the Sea is extremely relatable, inventive, profound, refreshing, and wholeheartedly personal. The author gives us such a generous glimpse at their healing soul with the hope to bring peace to ours, and I think that is just beautiful.

For poetry fans, you will almost immediately fall for Gill’s fantastically even mix of melancholy and inner peace. The words will wrap around your mind in both relevance and new-found realisation.

For non-poetry fans, or readers who haven’t quite dipped their toes in the sea of poetry, if you give this poetry book a try I guarantee you will find connections within it, and swear the author wrote that poem solely for you to read. Reading words that feel like they were written for you is one of the most remarkably filling feelings as a reader, and an extremely brilliant quality in a writer We tip our hats to you Nikita Gill!

This is a book that you don’t have to read in one sitting (though you may be pulled to do so) and it is certainly a book you can keep on your shelf and always come back to, to read more and more. Its words will make you feel strong, and it will remind you of your worth and that you are important and valid to this world.

A quick note, this book does contain some swearing, so I would recommend it to perhaps 13 years old and up.

Your Heart is the Sea is available from Amazon and other good book retailers.

Will you be reading Your Heart Is The Sea? Have you already? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

Let poetry help you examine the depths of your wounds. Let it remind you that no matter how deep it goes, you will be able to heal it because you have been able to heal every single wound inflicted on your heart and soul before. Let these words show you that you will be able to find the light at the end of the wound because you have always found your way before.

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