Review: Impossible Music by Sean Williams

Impossible Music by Sean Williams Review
Impossible Music by Sean Williams
Release Date
July 2, 2019
9 / 10

Written by Brooklyn Saliba

Every now and then you’ll read a book that will make you think of these two things: I’ve never read anything like that before, and How do I express my thoughts/feelings about this book? For me, Impossible Music by Sean Williams is such a book. Truly, I’m not even sure that words will do this book justice, but alas, I’ll try.

Firstly, I’ve well and truly never read anything like Impossible Music. Our protagonist Simon, whose life source is music, tragically loses his hearing after suffering a ministroke. This in itself was something I’d never actually come across in anything that I’ve read and I consider myself one who reads very widely. Truth be told, I actually felt myself picking up this book and reading it in such small doses because it just hurt me so much as I was reading it as I couldn’t help but ache for Simon, I mean I couldn’t even imagine waking up and not being able to hear anything! I just instantly felt so sad for him. Faced with the prognosis of his hearing not returning or being able to be restored, Simon finds himself grappling with not only the loss of music, but the loss of himself too.

In addition to Impossible Music itself, what also struck me as moving was that this is a semi-autobiographical novel. Sean Williams found himself having to bear the brunt of chronic arm and neck pain, the cause of which was from writing. Consequently, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to continue his passion, but oh I cannot express how glad I am that he was as whilst Impossible Music is the first book of his that I’ve read, it definitely isn’t going to be my last!

Impossible Music to me is a story of loss, grief, acceptance, and hope. Simon struggles to cope with his lack of hearing and loss of self, but he still tries to succeed in creating music, which I think is pretty inspiring in itself. This book is Simon’s journey of rediscovery and I found it to be completely captivating and inspiring! I felt, as a reader, that I was feeling Simon’s emotions throughout this book. Granted, I’m not deaf but just imagine having that one thing that drives you and fills you with so much passion just brutally ripped away! I was swept away through the dark depths of despair that Simon felt as he found himself unable to lose himself in music as he once would have, let alone being able to hear the voices of his loved ones and communicate as freely as he might have once been able to.

I absolutely adored the family dynamic in this book, Simon has a younger sister Maeve and they’d often be opposites, but when things were quite dark for Simon, I love how Maeve was there for him and thoroughly enjoyed their page time together bonding over exorcism driven video games and grilled cheese sandwiches. Their mother clearly has Simon’s best interests at heart too, she just wants to protect him from disappointment and not see him get his hopes up only to potentially be disappointed but I could just feel the love embedded in their dynamic!

G was just such a breath of fresh air too, I absolutely adored her scenes and page time with Simon and seeing their relationship develop was utterly adorable and heartwarming. G (short for George) herself is trying to cope with her own condition, tinnitus. They’re just honestly such a lovely balance for one another, their banter is friendly and addictive and just seeing them open up to one another about everything in their unique ways was utterly heartwarming! Also, I appreciate anyone who has a strong need for coffee as G does so I thoroughly enjoyed how she gripes at him for forgetting to bring her that essential cup! In all earnest though, Simon and G are definitely characters that will be sticking in my mind for a good while yet!

Impossible Music is a story that everyone can surely take something away from, when someone may feel as if they’re in the darkest depths after their greatest joy was robbed from them and they’re unsure where to go from here. There’s a glimmer of ethereal hope in Impossible Music that suggests that not all is lost and that you don’t need to say goodbye to yourself and what you love because of it!

Impossible Music is available from Amazon, Book Depository, and other good book retailers, like your local bookstore.

Will you be picking up Impossible Music? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

Music is Simon’s life—which is why he is devastated when a stroke destroys his hearing. He resists attempts to help him adjust to his new state, refusing to be counselled, refusing to learn sign-language, refusing to have anything to do with Deaf culture. Refusing, that is, until he meets G, a tough-as-nails girl dealing with her own newly-experienced deafness.

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