Review: Fierce Fragile Hearts by Sara Barnard

Fierce Fragile Hearts Sara Barnard Review

Fierce Fragile Hearts by Sara BarnardWritten by Brooklyn Saliba

As part of the recent AUSYABloggers Blog Tour, I was able to interview Sara Barnard along with also receiving a proof copy of her gorgeous new book, which was a divine dream truthfully.

After reading Beautiful Broken Things last year, I was instantly drawn in and captivated by Rosie and her best friend, Caddy. It is a story where friendship felt right at the heart and soul of it, which was such an amazing and emotional experience. Then add in the gorgeous breath of fresh air that is Suze, and for me it was a perfect story of three girls. Before I knew of Fierce Fragile Hearts, I longed for another book featuring these amazing characters as they are so well-written that they all felt like such close friends of mine! Yet, I especially wanted more Suze – the beautiful soul who had been put through so much at the hands of her own family, who had gone through so much. So, to say that this book was everything that I hoped for and needed in my life is an understatement!

From the first line, it felt like I hadn’t been away from Suzanne, I instantly felt so proud of her for wanting to start fresh, moving into her own place in Brighton, reuniting with Cady and Rosie, wanting to make her own way in the world, starting fresh, and even having a little job in a coffee shop. Seeing her interact with her friends again was just so endearing to my soul, it felt like I too was back with a group of friends after a long absence.

Yet, it’s not all peachy for Suze – she’s still haunted by what she went through as a child, her tragic abuse bestowed upon her by her own family, which triggers bad memories for her when hearing about the death of a toddler at the hand of her own father. This part truly made me ache for Suzanne, purely because she felt like she couldn’t confide in anyone, which then caused friction between her and her friends, which was horrible – I only wished that Suzanne would open up sooner, but one of the many things I love about this book is that I felt like I really had a gateway into her mind, and felt myself agreeing and echoing with her actions. You can really feel her inner demons and the pain at what she would’ve gone through back then, it was just so raw and heart wrenching!

Despite the changes in Caddy and Rosie, the former coming into her self with more confidence (yet always trying to be diplomatic and rational), and the latter realising some things about herself – I felt like they too, were still the beautiful souls that we met in Beautiful Broken Things, I loved their banter and endless support of one another, but when things were rough between them, my heart honestly felt such despair because I didn’t want them to fight! But no, I know every healthy friendship has its ups and downs, but I feel like I just can’t thank Sara Barnard enough for bringing these characters back for this gorgeous book.

Yet another aspect I love about this story comes in the form of Dilys, a character Suzanne meets when she’s looking for a washing machine, drenched in a downpour of rain.

I think, no I know, that Suzanne meeting Dilys, and Clarence (such a dear dog!), will forever be one of my favourite bookish introductions – and their friendship that grew, between the teenager and the ailing elderly lady, just touched my heart so much! All of their meetings just melted my heart and I couldn’t get enough! I love how the two just drew so much from one another and I feel like no matter how much was left unsaid – that the two impacted each others lives in many ways! I also definitely think that Dilys would have been proud of Suzanne’s choices throughout the book!

I also adored Suzanne’s blossoming friendship with aspiring musician, Matt as she could just talk to him about music and be herself. However, of course, those toxic thoughts that we all know so well seeped in, and caused her some intermittent grief, but still, for me it just makes her all the more relatable.

I’ll end by saying that to call this novel a favourite of mine, even more so than its predecessor, would be totally accurate. This book was honestly a rollercoaster of fun, laughter, tears, hurt, and pain. Sara Barnard, I cannot express how much this book’s existence means to me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Every moment was sheer joy.

Fierce Fragile Hearts is available from Amazon, Book Depository, and other good book retailers.

Have you read Fierce Fragile Hearts? Or will you be checking it out? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

‘This time around, I’m going to be so much better. I’m going to prove to them that it was worth waiting on me.’

Two years after a downward spiral took her as low as you can possibly go, Suzanne is starting again. Again. She’s back in Brighton, the only place she felt she belonged, back with her best friends Caddy and Rosie. But they’re about to leave for university. When your friends have been your light in the darkness, what happens when you’re the one left behind?

Fierce Fragile Hearts is the stunning sequel to international bestseller Beautiful Broken Things.

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