Review: Among Thieves by M.J. Kuhn

Release Date
September 7, 2021
9.5 / 10

Written by contributor Graceley Knox

I’m not sure what it says about me, but any time I see a title involving some sort of thievery, heist, or the like, my black little heart skips a few beats, and I immediately add it to my TBR with a grin that would do the Joker proud.

Now, I may be dating myself when I say this, but when I first saw Among Thieves by MJ Kuhn land in my Kindle library, I straight up Bring It On spirit-fingered my excitement (like the OG Bring it On, not the twenty spin-offs) and then promptly dove in.

Having read more than my fair share of debut novels thanks to my tenure in this industry, I typically try (try being the operative word here) to temper any expectations I form after I read the blurb of the book. And no, I don’t do this because I don’t have faith in any of the authors, I do this for my own reading brain sanity because I am that reader that will not DNF a book unless something truly triggering or wretched happens.

That being said… M.J. Kuhn didn’t shyly inch her way onto the fantasy scene with this debut novel… Oh, no, she straight up pulled an Angelina Jolie in her 2012 Oscars dress and made an entrance that won’t soon be forgotten with Among Thieves. Full of tightly written action sequences that would make even the most seasoned of Hollywood stunt crews heart’s pump with adrenaline, I couldn’t tear myself away from this book until I flipped to the very last page.

And the best part is… this is the first book in a series, so we can look forward to even MORE of the five kingdoms of Thamorr with our new favourite thief, Ryia Cautella leading her merry band of liars and rogues.

How’s that old expression go again? A thief, an enforcer, a master forger, a fast-fingered card dealer, and a smuggler all walk into a bar? Just kidding, clearly that’s not the saying, but it totally works for this book. If you’re a fan of morally grey characters and plotlines where the boundary between good and bad has been completely swept away, or chopped to bits by an axe in this case, you’re not going to want to miss this one.

I’ve seen this book compared to Six of Crows, as well as The Lies of Locke Lamora, and while it definitely has some of the same beats, such as a group of young criminals who all have secrets they wish to keep buried deep and more hidden agendas than the number of cards in a loaded deck—Kuhn really put her own unique spin on a tried and true trope, and created a world which I’m sure is quickly going to become a fan favourite in the genre.

Full of sharp witted remarks, a gritty and complex magic system, a tangled mass of individual agendas that keep you guessing as to whether or not each of the scheming characters is truly on Ryia’s side, and a heist that’s got higher stakes than the tallest ship’s mast on the dockside of Carrowwick—Among Thieves is any morally grey character lover’s fantasy dream book come true.

I will note that there were quite a few point of views in the story, which at times, took me out of the story for a few moments so I could refocus (thank you, ADHD brain chemistry)—but even with that small “issue” that’s not even really an issue, I’m happy to say, Kuhn’s characters didn’t blend together, as sometimes happens with larger casts in fantasy novels.

Fully fleshed out, diverse AF, and realistic, each and every character got the time and space needed to fully develop and allow the reader to connect with and their unique backstories as well as their charming, if not dysfunctional, dynamic within the group, and outside of it too. To say I was impressed with the way I both rooted for and despised each of the characters at times throughout the novel, is an understatement.

As mentioned above, this is the first book in a series, and while it does end on a sort of happily for now-ish moment, there are still a million questions left unanswered and spinning through my head. The most important being… When can I get my greedy little hands on book two? And a plea for a map of the five kingdoms included in book two, so I can keep my landmarks straight, pretty please and thank you.

Among Thieves is available from Amazon, Book Depository, and other good book retailers, like your local bookstore, as of

Will you be picking up Among Thieves? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

A high-stakes heist novel set in a gritty world of magic and malice

In just over a year’s time, Ryia Cautella has already earned herself a reputation as the quickest, deadliest blade in the dockside city of Carrowwick—not to mention the sharpest tongue. But Ryia Cautella is not her real name.

For the past six years, a deadly secret has kept her in hiding, running from town to town, doing whatever it takes to stay one step ahead of the formidable Guildmaster—the sovereign ruler of the five kingdoms of Thamorr. No matter how far or fast she travels, his servants never fail to track her down…but even the most powerful men can be defeated.

Ryia’s path now leads directly into the heart of the Guildmaster’s stronghold, and against every instinct she has, it’s not a path she can walk alone. Forced to team up with a crew of assorted miscreants, smugglers, and thieves, Ryia must plan her next moves very carefully. If she succeeds, her freedom is won once and for all…but unfortunately for Ryia, her new allies are nearly as selfish as she is, and they all have plans of their own.

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