Last week’s episode of Once Upon a Time showed us the ending of Belle’s story, which was an emotional journey and we find out that Weaver is awake.
This episode begins with Victoria bringing tea and news about Lucy to the strange lady she has locked up. If Lucy doesn’t give up believing in magic, Victoria won’t be able to see Anastasia again. Victoria sets Ivy on the case to extinguish Lucy’s belief and tells Sabine that she’s going to raise her rent.
We switch back to the past with Tiana and her mother having a fancy yard sale because otherwise they have to sell their castle. Drizella is there trying to buy stuff, which breaks Tiana’s heart. The only way out is to marry, so Tiana goes on a search. Tiana reaches a town of beggars who mob her for assistance when Doctor Facilier appears, you know the voodoo man who is up to no good (who by the way, I was scared to death of in the movie). He tells Tiana her story and says he has “friends on the other side” and for a small price, he’ll help her. If she follows the red crow, she can find her prince.
Back in Hyperion Heights, Rogers and Henry are looking through old documents at Roni’s. When Rogers leaves, Roni takes the opportunity to address Henry getting cozy with Ivy. Meanwhile, Tiana has an idea for Jacinda. She has bought raw materials in order to make a surplus of beignets to make money.
At Victoria’s, she’s demanding more out of Ivy and threatens to replace her (what a lovely mother). An upset Ivy checks out the security cameras, which shows that Victoria went to see the chained lady. Ivy then calls Henry to tell him she has dirt on her mother, but Roni tells him not to believe her, to which he says that she isn’t his mother (little do you know Henry…).

At Mr. Cluck’s, Jacinda and Sabine have turned it into the new beignet restaurant and Lucy has even made them a firefly logo (getting Princess and the Frog vibes). Then we go back to Tiana’s past and she doesn’t get the money, but when a barman comes to steal her earrings, Prince Marius shows up to help her, in exchange for dinner. In the present, Victoria even gets a beignet and enjoys it, but promptly calls a guy named Ralph to destroy Mr. Cluck’s.
At the police station, Rogers shows up to find an unruly guy who’s been arrested and realises the man has a wrist tattoo, which looks like a sketch in the notebook he’s been carrying around. The notebook is part of a missing girl case: Eloise Gardner, who has been missing for ten years. The man insists the tattoo is just to ward off evil and says that if she has it, he’d hate to see the evil she’s facing.
Ralph sets Mr. Cluck’s on fire and Sabine grabs the money box and leaves as she is unable to stop the fires. Back in the past, the prince and Tiana have gone to her place and she shows him the Firefly Ruby and tells her father’s story. She says she might lose it all, and he says he’ll try to stop it and asks to see her tomorrow. When he leaves, she looks for the ruby and finds that it is gone. She gets it back from the prince and he admits he has his own situation with Facilier where his true love is a frog. He escapes and Tiana is upset because she let her mother down, but she says they have everything they need because her father’s legacy is within her (awe).
Back in the real world, Jacinda isn’t pleased with the current situation when Sabine turns over the money, which is apparently enough for two months rent (um, what?) and tells Jacinda she can have it and find a new roommate. We then flashback to Tiana visiting Facilier again and she turns over the medal in order to get the kidnapped woman/frog. She tells Facilier that there is no magic in the ruby and he can have it, but he insists otherwise. He says he’s keeping both the ruby and the frog, and when she pulls a sword on him, he jabs a small dagger into a voodoo doll. It hits Tiana hard, but she manages to escape with the frog before Facilier disappears with the ruby.
Tiana delivers the frog to Prince Marius and he is very happy. She admits she doesn’t need the medal from the father. She says she’d love for him and his lady to join her at the palace, but he says he wasn’t clear in regard to his lady (which made us all think that she might actually be a man but of course that wasn’t the case). Prince Marius ends up turning into a frog (which was very confusing), but everyone seemed happy.
In Hyperion Heights, Jacinda chases down Sabine and admits she made a mistake. She proves that she’s here for Sabine and shows that she bought them what will be their very own food truck, because apparently no one cares about rent here. Roni heads to Belfrey Towers to confront Ivy who insists that she isn’t here to screw anyone over and shows her the chained woman. Roni finds a safe and upon opening it, finds a picture of her and a boy (and that boy is Henry).
At the police station, Sabine and Rogers exchange information and beignets where he fills her in on the man with the tattoo and the notebook. From the outside, a man is calling someone and says that “someone is looking for the girl.” Then when Ivy goes to see Victoria, Victoria launches into a speech about how adequate Ivy is and how she’s ordinary and messy. This makes us all soften a bit in terms of Ivy.

Roni takes the image of her to Henry and then explains the Ivy situation. She gives the picture to Henry and wonders who the boy is. Henry of course knows that it’s him, which makes them both very confused.
Back to Ivy, who has returned to the woman at the top of Belfrey Tower where we all have to revoke our sympathies for Ivy because it turns out she is actually just as bad as we thought. Ivy is totally in cahoots with the woman and they are trying to get Henry and Regina to trust Ivy because they need them for something. They are also both keeping Victoria in the dark, so who’s really the victim here? What’s even more shocking, is the episode ends with Ivy telling the woman to call her Drizella. Guess who’s awake?
Overall Thoughts?
Phew! I’m still confused about that woman and the whole thing with Ivy and Victoria. What we do know is that Drizella is a total mean girl and everyone should be watching their backs. I did enjoy this episode and loved to see some of Tiana’s backstory, although she isn’t as much of a strong princess as in the movie.
What did you think of ‘Greenbacks’? Did you like learning more about Tiana/Sabine? And what did you think about that Ivy twist? Sound off in the comments below!
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