Q&A: Nick Brooks, Author of ‘Promise Boys’

Nick Brooks’s new YA novel Promise Boys is a trailblazing, blockbuster mystery about three teen boys of color who must investigate their principal’s murder to clear their own names—think The Hate U Give meets One of Us Is Lying.

Hi, Nick! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Yoo! I’m from DC, grew up loving music and movies. I realized I had a love for writing really young and haven’t stopped since. In addition to being a novelist I’m a filmmaker and hip hop artist. I have a dog (Rottie) named Yoda and currently live in LA with my family!

When did you first discover your love for writing?

I wrote my first thing at the age of 7. It was a comic book named DINO-LAND!

Quick lightning round! Tell us the first book you ever remember reading, the one that made you want to become an author, and one that you can’t stop thinking about!

This isn’t the first book I ever read, but the one I can’t stop thinking about is a book called Makes Me Wanna Holla’ by Nathan McCall.

Your debut YA novel, Promise Boys, is out January 31st! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Fresh, Authentic, Suspenseful, Heartbreaking, Illuminating

What can readers expect?

Expect a thrilling mystery that keeps you guessing, and to fall in love with a few boys from DC.

Where did the inspiration for Promise Boys come from?

The concept for PROMISE started with a call I received from author launchpad, Cake Creative, around centering Black and Brown boys in a school mystery. From there most of my inspiration came from my experience as an educator in DC. In fact, I spent a significant time working with boys considered “at risk”, much like the population of students at Urban Promise Prep. All the characters that make up the world are amalgamations of students, teachers, families and community members I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

Were there any moments or characters you enjoyed writing or exploring?

Absolutely, I loved exploring all the characters! I think one of my favorite elements was the relationship between Ramón and his cousin, César. Growing up in the inner city there’s a very real decision to be made about pursing success legally or illegally and I enjoyed showing both sides of that coin.

Can you tell us about any challenges you faced whilst writing and how you were able to work through them?

There were no outstanding challenges writing PROMISE. The writing process is never clean. You write, then you re-write, then you re-write some more, and PROMISE was no different. I see this more as a fun exercise than a challenge.

Do you have any advice for those who may have set some writing resolutions for the new year?

Just keep writing! Try to tell the stories that only you can tell.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on a YA mystery, middle-grade graphic novel, and picture book series. I’m also writing my first TV show and in development for two feature films!

Lastly, are there any 2023 releases our readers should look out for?

Look for my second middle grade sci-fi, Too Many Interesting Things Are Happening to Ethan Fairmont!!

You can find Nick on Instagram and Twitter, along with at his website.

Will you be picking up Promise Boys? Tell us in the comments below!


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