Movie Review: Red Sea Diving Resort

Red Sea Diving Resort Movie

What started as a casual Netflix evening, it ended in an education I never knew I needed. Chris Evan’s Captain-America’s-I-Am-A-Fugitive-Beard is back and the man behind it shows that we should not identify him only with the one role that he is the most famous for.

Red Sea Diving Resort is inspired by a true story about a group of Mossad agents who used a deserted and abandoned former hotel on the coast of Sudan to rescue and evacuate Jewish-Ethiopians from Sudan to Israel.

Kebebe Birmo (played by Michael K. Williams) asks the Israeli-American Mossad agent, Ari Levinson (Chris Evans), to help him to save his fellow Jewish-Ethiopians to get them out of Sudan where they are tortured and killed by the government, with the main executioner being Colonel Abdel Ahmed, played by Chris Chalk.

To help these people, Ari needs to convince his boss, Ethan Levin (played by the amazing Ben Kingsley) to give him the resources and let him put together a team crazy enough to agree to the plan he has. He recruits his former colleagues Rachel Reiter (Haley Bennett), Jake Wolf (Michiel Huisman), Max Rose (Alex Hassel), and Sammy Navon (Alessandro Nivola).

Ari’s plan is to ask the Mossad to buy the deserted Red Sea Diving Resort and while officially trying to renovate the place to reopen it, smuggle out people during the night through the sea to Israel.

One day, tourists arrive at the hotel and want to check in. Somehow their little hotel got promoted to tourists and now they want to take diving lessons. Thankfully, an agent is trained for every eventuality. Everything goes as planned for some time, until Col. Ahmed starts to get suspicious and hears the rumour of whole villages being abandoned.

Ari and his team start to get into trouble when Ahmed visits the resort with his army and leaves after some time because he did not find any evidence but observes them from now on. During his second visit, Rachel was forced to kill one of his men after he found some of the rescues. Now Ari and his team have to move fast to bring everyone to safety while knowing that they have to give up the resort.

Red Sea Diving Resort is a movie that will not only entertain you for two hours, but it’ll also open your eyes to the need of others as well. Unfortunately, people are still suffering in many parts of our world and are hunted for their various things, such as the colour of their skin or for who they believe in. I think there cannot be a better time for this movie to be available to watch.

The cast is outstanding, and the acting is amazing. It breaks you to see people suffering and at the same time know that this is still happening in real life because some of humankind cannot accept and appreciate diversity.

I was looking on Twitter after the movie was released and have seen a lot of tweets about a certain actor’s backside, which made me quite mad. Admiring is one thing, but why not mention how important it is to watch the movie for a more significant reason? Please pay attention to the story and show empathy. There are two scenes that shocked me the most, both included Col Ahmed. There is hate, killing, and sexual assault so be warned, that some scenes can be triggering, and violence is shown.

Red Sea Diving Resort is available for streaming on Netflix.

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