Q&A: Michelle Gagnon, Author of ‘Killing Me’

We chat with author Michelle Gagnon about her latest novel Killing Me, along with with inspiration, writing, and more!

Hi, Michelle! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Sure! I’m a native New Englander who now lives in Southern California, despite possessing a rank terror of earthquakes and wildfires. I’m the reluctant owner of three dogs and two cats. I’m finishing a degree in Clinical Psychology and work as a therapist in a youth shelter. I have what some (killjoys) refer to as an “inappropriate sense of humor,” and according to my first grade teacher Mrs. Krakowski, also have “trouble with transitions.” (Well, the joke is on you, Mrs. Krakowski, because I’ve had five careers and counting! Turns out I’m all about transitions!)

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I hate to brag, but when I was six years old, I won an award for my very first opus: a heartbreaking work of staggering genius about a toothbrush named Timmy. It was titled, “A Toothbrush Named Timmy.” And the film/tv option is still available, Reese Witherspoon!

Quick lightning round! Tell us the first book you ever remember reading, the one that made you want to become an author, and one that you can’t stop thinking about!

Ack so stressful! I hate lightning rounds! Ok, here goes (hand over the buzzer)

  • (buzz) Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (found this very relateable despite a relatively idyllic childhood.)
  • (buzz) A Wrinkle in Time, because even at a tender age, I loved a bad ass heroine
  • (buzz) Moby Dick. Which I’ve never finished, but at least once a year I think I should give it another shot. And then I do. And I hit the whale chapter, and I throw it across the room.

Your latest novel, Killing Me, is out May 16th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

“Con artist vs serial killers” (and yes, the plural is intentional)

What can readers expect?

Hopefully a lot of fun! And so very many serial killers! Also, seedy Las Vegas! This is not Danny Ocean’s swanky version, with posh casinos and well-tailored suits; oh no, Killing Me features motels, dive bars, budget buffets, and other parts of Sin City that the tourist board would rather you not know about.

Where did the inspiration for Killing Me come from?

I wanted to write a book with some killer women who come out on top due to what are traditionally considered “feminine” qualities: their smarts, relational skills, and ability to read people. Because while I love to watch ladies execute crazy kung fu maneuvers (I always have been, and always will be, obsessed with Michelle Yeoh), the truth is we don’t celebrate “soft” skills nearly enough in crime fiction.

Were there any favourite moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I’m one of those writers who lives to make myself laugh out loud while writing. Some of Amber’s inner monologue when she’s tied up in the back of a serial killer’s van still makes me snort every time I read it. Plus, her joke about clown cars. And Doritos. Okay, I gotta stop because I’m cracking myself up again.

Was there anything in particular that led you to write mostly within the mystery/thriller genre?

Back in the oughts I was trying…and failing…to write my Great American Literary Novel, a tender coming of age story that would resonate throughout time. And finally one night, I got frustrated and said, “Screw it,” and killed off my main character. Pretty brutally, actually. And It was so much darn fun I never looked back.

What’s next for you?

The sequel to Killing Me! Which I’m almost finished writing (but shh, don’t tell my editor, she thinks it’s done). Tentatively titled Slaying Me, it’ll be released in 2024.

Will you be picking up Killing Me? Tell us in the comments below!


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