‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Is Quite The Epic Movie

Avengers Infinity War

Spoilers Ahead

Written by Tasya

Where do I even begin to put my thoughts about Avengers: Infinity War into words?

I haven’t seen any movie receive so much hype since the final movie of Harry Potter, and it could be possible that Infinity War received even more hype than Deathly Hallows Part II as no one really knew what would happen in the movie. There have been countless theories and guesses, but even the cast said they never read the full script of the movie. Now that the movie has been released, does the movie met with the high level of expectation held by everyone?

I can say with absolute certainty that yes, this movie met my expectations and it even delivered more than expected! It manages to condensed 10 years worth of plot, characters, and characters development into a little over two hours. Most people were worried that the movie would have too many characters and run for too long, but believe me, by the end of the movie you will be craving for more and wish 2019 would come sooner!

For a movie that combines 10 years worth of movies, Infinity War doesn’t feel overwhelming at all. It transitions between the scenes really well with each team up and conflict receiving an equal amount of time to contribute to the progress of the story. Some characters were more developed in this movie, but don’t expect the movie to address the issue of Captain America: Civil War and Thor: Ragnarok clearly.

Infinity War supposedly was meant to take on a heavier and darker theme compared to other MCU movies, but yet it also managed to combine the tone and humour of each movie really well. You can feel the change of atmosphere with each scene depending on which characters are it, and the differences in the way they speak. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Tony, Strange, Peter Parker, Wanda and Vision. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments, but the jokes don’t get in the way of emotional scenes since they are placed really well. Speaking about laughing, I’ve never seen any movie generate as big of a response from the audience like Infinity War did. Throughout the movie, the audience laughed, applauded, gasped, and cheered together, so it is definitely a movie best enjoyed within a packed theatre.

Now let’s talk about the biggest questions of all: who died and who lived? Some were pretty obvious and the fan theories were pretty spot on. But the others are totally wrong, and a lot of people wore the same dumbstruck expression I had while walking out of the theatre. I left at 1.30am with a morning class drawing near, yet my brain is still trying to work out why Marvel chose to do what they did.

Who died? Let’s go down the list: Heimdall, Loki, Gamora, Vision, Bucky, Groot, Black Panther, Falcon, Wanda, Mantis, Drax, Starlord, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and possibly The Collector.

Who lived? Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, Rocket Raccoon, Iron Man, War Machine, and Captain America.

Who’s unaccounted for? Ant-Man, Wasp and Hawkeye. However, we’ll see them pop up in Ant-Man and the Wasp, which comes out in July and takes place prior to the events of Avengers: Infinity War.

Thanos also did incredibly well as a villain. Ever since Loki (and The Winter Soldier, if you count him as a villain) MCU rarely has a highly praised villain. For Thanos, his motives are clear and they made sense, plus this movie shows different sides of Thanos instead of him being a destroyer. I also enjoyed how the movie changed his motive so that it’s different from the comics as it just makes more sense with it coming across scarier since he kinda has a point. He has his own journey, which makes us understands more of who he is and why he did what he did.

This movie is packed to the brim with action. From the beginning to the end, all of our characters fight for their lives, and it’s definitely a delight to see the display of power from these characters. It’s amazing to see how much they’ve grown, from someone who doesn’t know what to do, got their powers by accident, or to someone who’s able to control their power and even able to protect others using it. My only complaint was that the final battle felt a bit anti-climatic, but then again, this is only half of the movie so I can’t wait to see what Avengers 4 has in-store for us!

Overall? Infinity War is truly a cinematic experience. It delivered more than what I expected, with unexpected deaths and twists. For 2+ hours movie, it felt like a breeze and totally unexpected. This movie contains a lot of characters and it’s almost the final chapter for 10 years of build up, so don’t expect a lot of character development or personal arcs, although some of the characters do get more fleshed out than the others. Instead, focusing on the larger picture, this movie works perfectly as the endgame for the first three phases of MCU.

Did you enjoy the film? Tell us in the comments below!

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