We begin this week’s episode with a monster who talks. This monster is a dryad (which most people know from mythology). Dorian captures her and calls Ric, who’s busy announcing the formation of an honour council. Each supernatural creature at the school (vampire, witch and werewolf) will elect a representative for the council, which will allow the students to have a voice in the school’s decisions. Emma will serve on the council as the representative for the younger kids.
Before Ric leaves, Rafael convinces him to let the honour council decide if Landon will get to stay. Also, Hope wants to come with Ric but he’s decided to task her with testing Landon to see whether he’s supernatural. If Landon can convince Hope that he belongs, he can stay and Hope is not happy about this task.
The Dryad
Dryads are the living spirit of a tree. They’re gentle creatures that once lived among humans. The dryad tells Ric and Dorian that if they bring her the man she loved, Oliver, she will talk to them. When Dorian goes off to find Oliver, Ric learns that dryads don’t lie. The dryad tells Ric about how she met and fell in love with Oliver, and how Oliver became a vampire so that they could be together forever. But she was attacked the night she and Oliver were supposed to run off together. Dryads are also psychic and she can sense that Ric has lost loved ones too. Ric starts to mention Joe before Dorian enters with Oliver, saying that Bonnie helped him with a spell. However, the bad news is that Oliver doesn’t remember the dryad.
Oliver reveals that he’s married and the dryad is upset and has to lie and tell him she thought he was someone else. Once he’s gone, she agrees to tell Ric everything she knows. She tells him about the night she was attacked and that she awoke in darkness. She could feel others there but couldn’t see them and when she woke up she wasn’t far from Mystic Falls and she had an urge to possess the knife. She’s not sure why, but knows that she has to have it. Something or someone is telling her to take the knife to a dark pit beneath the earth. Then she tries to take the knife, apologising to Ric and Dorian. But, just as she tries, Dorian puts an arrow in her chest.
As she dies, Dorian fulfils her wish to be taken to the clearing with flowers that she considers home. When she is there, she remembers one last thing: a blackbird called Malivore. Then she dies and turns into a beautiful tree.
Back at the School
Lizzie is in full campaign mode. She already thinks she’s going to win and is selecting her power suit for her speech, but she has no idea that Penelope is working on a plan of her own. Rafael is trying to make sure that everyone who is elected to the honour council will vote to keep Landon at the school, and that involves him agreeing to be Lizzie’s date to her birthday party (which Josie isn’t happy about), and challenges Ted to become the new alpha.
Ted and Rafael fight and Rafael wins. However, Ted decides to take his anger out on Landon, who is failing at all of his supernatural tests. He has no supernatural strength and the only thing that is really weird is that he has no magic in his bloodline which according to Emma is strange as most humans have a small trace from an old ancestor. Hope decides to use a supernatural lie detector to find out about his past, but Landon only remembers his mother’s name: Seylah.
Landon apologises to Hope, again, and says he’s sorry he broke her trust. He tells her that if he has to leave, she needs to keep Raf from following him as Raf has a home here. However, unfortunately for Landon, Raf has pissed off some people at his new home.
Jed taking out his anger on Landon leaves Landon bloody and beaten as he doesn’t have supernatural healing. Hope tries to explain how anyone at the school could hurt Landon in the way that Jed did, and when she asks if he feels safe here, he says yes, but she finds out it’s a lie thanks to her supernatural lie detector.
Then the honour council is elected, Kaleb outsmarts MG for the vampire vote (despite him being locked up), Raf gets the werewolf vote, Hope talks her way onto the council as the only tribrid, and Josie wins the witch vote thanks to Penelope. They meet to decide Landon’s fate. Emma and Raf vote that Landon should stay, but Hope and Kaleb vote that he has to leave as Hope says he isn’t safe here. It comes down to Josie who wants to protect her family, so she votes that he has to go.

Hope walks Landon to the bus stop where she gives him a ticket to New Orleans. She promises him that a friend of hers (who?) will help him find his birth mother. She gives him a bracelet and tells him that if he needs her, he can press it and she’ll find him. Just as the bus is coming, Hope says goodbye, but Landon presses the bracelet to test it. She turns around and then the two of them kiss in the middle of the street. It was the cutest thing ever! They have so much chemistry!
When Landon is on the bus, it shows us that in the photo he has of his birth mother, her necklace matches the symbol that the dryad was drawing when she talked about the dark pit. So what does that have to do with Landon?
Back at the school, Penelope explains something to Lizzie. She says that Lizzie leaves Josie no room for herself. All Josie does is to try to take care of her sister, and she has no time for herself or a relationship. So, if Josie won’t bring Lizzie’s world down, Penelope will. (It was kind of sweet which is confusing.)
Lizzie is so angry and explodes a punching bag that she was using. Then, when Raf enters the gym, he says he’ll honor his promise even though she didn’t win. She then kisses him and takes off his shirt, indicating that they’ll have sex and he doesn’t resist.
Final Thoughts:
I love Legacies a lot. I am excited to see how everything plays out especially the relationships between the twins and Hope. I need supportive female relationships like we had in The Vampire Diaries
This episode was so good. I don’t know where the season is heading which is kind of fun. I love the characters and I ship Landon and Hope so much. I’m excited to see where we go with this show.