This week’s episode begins with Alaric and Sheriff Matt Donovan who are holding an ‘assembly’ to discuss Dana and Sasha’s disappearances. Sheriff Matt is just so done with everything supernatural which is hilarious considering his past. During the meeting, Alaric announces that he’s going to send some volunteers undercover in Mystic Falls High to gather intel. Lizzie stands up and offers herself as tribute as she is a hero (she’s such a drama queen and reminds me of Caroline). Hope, MG, and Kaleb (whom MG suspects of killing Dana since he’s been feeding on humans) also volunteer. Landon also has to come because he wants to prove his worth.

Thankfully we don’t visit any of the old classrooms or places we loved at Mystic Falls High because that would just make us fns of The Vampire Diaries cry. Instead, we are focused on the task at hand: the kids who split up to find Dana, instead of following Alaric’s instructions.Landon follows Hope who is still giving him the cold shoulder, and she eventually abandons him when cheerleaders invite her to sit with them at lunch. MG teams up with Lizzie which is not a good idea as he’s so distracted. Then, Alaric calls Lizzie and tells him they found Dana’s corpse in the woods and it looks like she was killed by a vampire.
Meanwhile at school, Raf and Josie are sitting together at lunch. Their conversation, however, is interrupted by the school’s alpha werewolf who wants Raf to submit to the pack. Raf doesn’t understand so when Josie leaves, he follows her. Later, the wolves corner Raf in the hallway and give him an option: to submit by revealing how he triggered his curse, or get beaten up and then submit. Josie helps Raf and uses magic to stop the wolves from hurting Raf. Raf is super angry though, and runs off.
Meanwhile, after getting off the phone with Alaric, MG comes clean to Lizzie about his suspicions that Kaleb killed Dana and Hope and Landon come to the same conclusion when they see cheerleaders with scarves on their necks which is a sign someone has been feeding on them. They all confront Kaleb, who denies killing Dana and Sasha. Right then, Dana comes stumbling out of the woods. She’s not dead!
Everyone thinks that she’s transitioning into being a vampire, and there’s some back and forth about what they should do with her. But Dana starts coughing up her insides right as they make a decision and she dies leaving behind her skin which shows that they aren’t dealing with a vampire. Honestly, this was so gross. Kaleb suggests that maybe Landon is responsible (because apparently now that his name is cleared, he has a right to blame it on other people). Hope is still angry and doesn’t step up to defend him, which is harsh.
Meanwhile, Josie finds Raf having a tantrum in the abandoned home where they often throw parties. Josie helps calm him down as she has experience dealing with Lizzie’s tantrums. Then, Raf notices a massive spider web on the second floor and they head up to investigate. They discover Sasha encased in webs and end up getting stuck there themselves. At the same time, the kids are trying to figure out what they’re dealing with by using MG’s comic book. Landon has stalked off and punches his bully (connor’s face) but instead reveals gross mouth fangs in the process. It’s an arachnid (a monstrous and mythological spider that takes the form of its prey).

Connor/the spider returns to his hideout. Josie needs magic but can only siphon power from something or someone magical in order to perform magic. Raf suggests himself but she can’t reach his hands so she has to kiss him. This works and she gains enough power to set the Arachnid on fire but all it does is burn off Connor’s body to reveal a gigantic spider. Thankfully, the team in Mystic Falls manage to track the arachnid down. Josie gets free, using more magic from Raf and she, Lizzie and Hope join hands and cast a spell to explode the spider. (I’m so glad they’re working together!)
This was a win for Lizzie, who wanted to be a hero because she wants to be like Hope, whom her father loves so much. She ignored her father’s orders to stay away from the arachnid, which actually ended up saving lives. Alaric points out that “Hope is not the goal” and the reason he trusts her is because she’s been through things that he never wants to experience. Josie, feels empowered and stands up to her father and demands that he start teaching them how to defend themselves because the threats won’t stop coming.
At the end, Landon lectures Hope for treating him like crap all day when all he wanted was to fit in. Then, Alaric and Matt confront Kaleb about feeding on humans, and Alaric decides to handle matters internally which annoys Matt (some tension is brewing!). Alaric then calls Dorian and tells him it’s safe to come home with the knife because nothing is after him, except apparently he spoke too soon. Just then, a slimy monster breaks into Dorian’s secret cabin in the woods right as the episode ends.
Final Thoughts?
I love Legacies a lot. I am excited to see how everything plays out especially the relationships between the twins and Hope, but I need supportive female relationships like we had in The Vampire Diaries.