Q&A: Kieran Scott, Author of ‘Regrets Only’

We chat with author Kieran Scott about her latest release Regrets Only, which is a fast-paced new novel in the vein of Big Little Lies, a single mother goes undercover to investigate a host of disturbing secrets held by the leaders of a local suburban parent-school association, including embezzlement, bribery, adultery, and murder.

Hi, Kieran! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hello! I’m a life-long avid-reader and writer. I’ve written a ton of books—mostly for teens and tweens—and have been having a lot of fun trying my hand at writing for adults. (I mean, I’ve been an adult myself for… a while.) I have two kids, one husband, one dog and a serious baking habit that I balance out with my serious Peloton habit.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I was one of those kids who started reading well above their age range in kindergarten, and around that time I also started writing. My first story, about a package of animal crackers that comes to life and goes on an adventure across the breakfast table, was published in my school paper when I was six. What a high that was! (Not that I knew what a high was at the time.) I don’t think I ever looked back.

Quick lightning round! Tell us the first book you ever remember reading, the one that made you want to become an author, and one that you can’t stop thinking about!

  • The first book I remember reading: A picture book titled Willaby
  • The book that made me want to become an author: The Endless Steppe
  • The book that I can’t stop thinking about currently: The Villa

Your new novel, Regrets Only, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Twisty fun mystery with romance

What can readers expect?

Readers can expect to fall in love with the characters, who I like to call perfectly-imperfect, and to not be able to predict what will happen next. It’s not super dark. I wrote it during lockdown and used it as my own escape into a world where people could go to parties, and have trunk-or-treats and casual coffee without feeling like they were in mortal peril. There’s a murder and a mystery, but it’s also kind of light and fun. It’s been compared to Real Housewives and Mean Girls and I’m not mad at it.

Where did the inspiration for Regrets Only come from?

I heard a story about a group of women who basically cyber-bullied a woman in power out of her job and it kind of fascinated me. We’re all so horrified when kids do this to each other, but here was a group of adult women who did it to another adult woman. That, itself, would have made a terrific story to explore. But then I thought . . . what if it was taken a step further and that woman was murdered instead> And then I came up with a motive for the murder and a ton of red herrings and here we are.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I always love writing characters that are my polar opposite, so I really loved writing Nina. She’s a bit prickly and very rigid and says things I would never say outloud. Although I’d probably think them. I really enjoyed figuring out how she’d react to the various situations she’s put in. I also loved writing her husband, Ravi. He’s one of the sexiest guys I’ve written and he doesn’t get enough time on the page.

Do you have any advice for those who may have set some writing resolutions for the new year?

I’m sure it’s been said a million times, but the key to being a writer is to write. No matter what, no matter how tired you are or how uninspired you feel, try to write at least a few sentences a day. Carve out time for yourself and just do it. I wrote half my first book in the waiting room outside my son’s Tae Kwon Do classes. You can do it! It doesn’t matter if those few sentences are crap. There have been so many times in my life that I’ve started writing crap, but the longer I kept at it and started to flex the muscle, the less crappy whatever I was writing became. If you sit down with that goal to just write a few sentences, you might just do that, or you might find yourself in a flow and you’ll end up writing a few paragraphs or pages instead.

What’s next for you?

I’m currently working on another adult mystery that I really love. It takes place at the Jersey shore, which is one of my favorite places and revolves around one of those guys who seems to charm every woman he comes into contact with. Is it pheromones? Is it charisma? Is it wealth? And just how far will these women go for him? I also have another idea in the hopper, so I can’t get this one out of me fast enough. I always have too many ideas and too little time.

Lastly, are there any 2023 book releases our readers should look out for?

Do you have a few hours? Just kidding. Well, I LOVED the aforememtioned THE VILLA by Rachel Hawkins, which just came out. I love the Finlay Donovan books by Elle Cosimano and the third one is out soon. I’m SO looking forward to SUMMER STAGE by Meg Mitchell Moore—that will be my first summer read, for sure. And THE AUDREY HEPBURN ESTATE by Brenda Janowitz—I LOVE her writing. And in YA, THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD by Jade Adia is sooooo good. (I’ve already read it.) Totally entertaining and definitely a conversation starter!

Will you be picking up Regrets Only? Tell us in the comments below!


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