Q&A: Kelly Powell, Author of ‘Songs From The Deep’

Kelly Powell Author Interview Songs From The Deep

I recently had the pleasure of talking to Kelly Powell, author of Songs From the Deep, which releases on November 5th. It’s a melancholic yet beautiful story full of mystery as Moira and her best friend Jude work to solve a murder that has shaken the town, wrongly placing the blame on the mystical sirens. There’s so much to love about this story, with such a soft and sweet love interest. Jude Osric has won my heart and I have no doubt will win countless others, make sure you take a look and add it to your lists!

You can find Kelly on Instagram and Twitter, along with at her website.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind Songs From the Deep?

First, thank you so much for having me! I’ve always been interested in history, particularly the Edwardian era, which I used as inspiration for the setting. I also really love folklore and mythology, as well as cozy murder mysteries, so it was a matter of putting a lot of my favourite things into one book.

What was your path into publishing like, and could you tell us an aspect that you’ve really enjoyed from this experience?

Songs from the Deep isn’t the first book I wrote, but it’s one that’s very close to my heart. I spent a long time revising and querying it before signing with my wonderful agent, Kristy. She and my editor, Karen, understand my writing so well and always help me to do better. It’s honestly just a joy to work with them.

Could you tell us one of the characters in Songs From the Deep that you really related to while writing the story?

There are pieces of myself in both Moira and Jude, so I relate to both of them!

What is a tidbit about Songs From the Deep that might not have made it into the book that you would want readers to know?

Jude knits his own sweaters. I don’t think that detail made it into the final copy.

What are Jude and Moira’s favorite seasons? What would they be doing on a day like today?

The story takes place in autumn and it’s the season they both prefer. There aren’t many tourists on the island now that summer has ended, the winter storms haven’t started up yet. Moira would likely be tutoring a student in violin, and Jude would be keeping the light. They lead pretty quiet lives and they’re doing what makes them happy.

Name five things that Moira couldn’t live without?

The island, the sea, the sirens, her violin, Jude Osric.

What would Jude’s fall Netflix lineup look like?

I think he’d really enjoy the home and garden shows. He’d definitely steer clear of the crime and mystery genres.

If you could live within the realm of Songs From the Deep, what would your occupation be?

I’d love to be a lighthouse keeper, so long as I could write in my spare time.

Do you have a secret WIP? Would you be willing to share five things from it?

My WIP is currently in edits, so I can’t share too much, but it’s another YA fantasy standalone. There’s magic, murder, a girl who prints obituaries, and a boy who works as a watchmaker.

What are your favorite reads at the moment?

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson and The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones are two of my favourite reads from this year. I highly recommend them!

Will you be picking up Songs From The Deep? Tell us in the comments below!

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