Q&A: Kaylie Smith, Author of ‘A Reckless Oath’

We chat with author Kaylie Smith about A Reckless Oath, which is the sequel to the spellbinding A Ruinous Fate with more action, romance, and magic abound as Calla and friends must deal with their losses and come to grips with their own part to play in the Fates’ War ahead.

Hi, Kaylie! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! My name is Kaylie Smith, I’m a romantasy author from Louisiana and I love to write books about magic and fate with lots and lots of romance and gothic influence. I grew up around New Orleans and everything witchy and haunting has always enchanted me. When I’m not reading or writing I’m often playing dress up, making collage art, or napping on my couch with my dogs.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I’ve always adored being told stories. My grandfather used to take me to the library every single day after school from the ages of five to thirteen. It was our little ritual. When I finished middle school I moved further away from my grandparents and had to start finding stories on my own. I think those years of discovering books by myself and really digging into what my individual reading taste was made me realize there were so many things I wished some of the stories had, and so I began to write such things for my own entertainment. Then it turned into writing things for my friends and the joy of making people happy and excited with my little tales really took ahold of me. And now I get the honor of writing them for all of you!

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: Bunnicula by James & Deborah Howe
  • The one that made you want to become an author: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone

A Reckless Oath is the follow-up to your debut A Ruinous Fate and it’s out January 30th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Calamitous journey of reckless self-discovery. (Does a hyphenated word count as one? I think it should!)

What can readers expect?

In book one we left our crew in a pretty dire situation that involved a devastating death. This book we get to see how that affects the characters relationships with each other as well as their fates. We get to explore more of the world from new characters’ POVs and there’s more complicated romances to be untangled. But a lot of this book deals with the idea of how grief shapes us and how shedding the past may be painful but sometimes its necessary to grow.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring further?

My absolute favorite part of writing this book was getting explore the cover star, Delphine, and her back story! She’s a fan favorite and I was so happy to give my readers more of her. She has a pretty dark past, but her story arc is probably the most satisfying to watch unfold!

A moment I enjoyed writing the most, though, involves a certain pair and lots and lots of butterflies…

Can you tell us about any challenges you faced whilst writing the sequel and how you were able to overcome them?

Writing a sequel in general is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The pressure of making readers who loved the first book happy while also making myself happy and doing justice to the characters and their arcs…oof. That’s a tall order. But in the end I wrote the best book I could, the one that would make me most proud of myself. I think sometimes as an author you have to be a little selfish and please yourself first, otherwise you’ll drive yourself mad with goals that are just, honestly, unattainable. It’s getting easier with every book I write to remember that, and I think readers can feel that authenticity too.

With it being the new year, will you be setting any goals or resolutions?

I start every new year with both professional and personal goals! I make two lists for each—one that is reasonably achievable and one that is striving for the sky.

On my achievable author list this year I have things like: go on sub with a new project, outline one of the book ideas that has been sitting in my notes app for the past five years, meet at least one reader.

On my striving for the sky author list I have things like: don’t cry during drafting, stop writing so much about blood, sell the new series I’ve been working on…

What’s next for you?

After A Reckless Oath comes out this month I have my debut adult romance coming out in September! It’s about a necromancer who has to enter a competition based on the nine circles of hell and makes a deal with a handsome ghost to win. I am so so excited to be able to share a new world with everyone!

Lastly, are there any 2024 books you’re looking forward to that our readers should look out for?

So many! But here’s a few at the top of my list:

Will you be picking up A Reckless Oath? Tell us in the comments below!


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