Q&A: Jean Meltzer, Author of ‘Kissing Kosher’

We chat with author Jean Meltzer about her new release Kissing Kosher, which is a hilarious and emotional rivals-to-lovers romance.

Hi, Jean! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi, everyone! I’m so excited to be here! My name is Jean, and I write unapologetically joyous, super-Jewy and chronically-fabulous romantic comedies. So basically, books that are a lot like myself! Aside from being an author, and a Jewish woman, I’m also chronically disabled. Yet, despite the challenges of my life, I believe in holding onto your joy and fighting for your happy endings. It’s a theme that has carried over into all of my books.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I have a crystal clear memory of learning to write my ABC’S in preschool. I think I was always meant to be a writer. There was something about the written word, and language, that always just called to me.

Quick lightning round! Tell us the first book you ever remember reading, the one that made you want to become an author, and one that you can’t stop thinking about?

1. Hop on Pop
2. Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye.
3. Don’t Forget to Write by Sara Goodman Confino (That ENDING!)

Your latest novel, Kissing Kosher, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Romeo and Juilet… but happy!

What can readers expect?

Like all my books, readers can expect a mix of the the serious alongside the ridiculous. In Kissing Kosher, specifically, I explore pain of all dimensions—both physical and emotional. This is also a story about sexual dysfunction, intimacy, and the importance of boundaries in creating safe and healthy love. It’s also a really fun, and heartwarming story, set in an artisan kosher bakery—so definitely make sure you have something yummy to eat before and/or while you are reading, because you will probably get hungry!

Where did the inspiration for Kissing Kosher come from?

In 2020, smack dab in the middle of the pandemic and right around the same time I learned that my first book, The Matzah Ball, was going to be published, I woke up with what I thought was a urinary tract infection. Three doctors and eight-round of antibiotics later, I knew that what I was experiencing was no simple UTI. My journey with chronic pelvic pain had begun. And, I found myself once again maneuvering the medical system, attempting to find relief and treatment.

All of which to say, becoming a chronic pain patient has not an easy process. Most of all, because chronic pelvic pain—like the sexual dysfunction and intimacy issues that come with—is so rarely talked about. And yet, when I did talk about it, the most interesting thing would happen. Someone would lean into me and whisper, “Me too.” I knew that I wanted to write a romance about chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction. I wanted to give voice, and visibility, to this thing so many people struggle with, but rarely feel comfortable speaking about aloud.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I obviously love Ethan and Avital, our heroes of the story, because despite all they are dealing with personally, they are both so good to each other and so good for each other. But in terms of the characters that were most fun to write, I definitely have to give a shout-out to Tootles, the ex-con with a passion for knitting that works at the bakery, and Rabbi Jason, the weed-smoking tantric love-making rabbi who owns a medicinal cannabis dispensary.

This is your third published novel! What are some of the key lessons you have learned when it comes to writing and the publishing world?

Make choices that reflect your values, not your goals. Write books that you love and want to read first, and your readers will find you. Stories told from authentic places reach authentic places.

What’s next for you?

I’m currently in revisions on my fourth book, Magical Meet Cute. Magical Meet Cute is about a proud Jewitch woman and potter named Faye Kaplan, determined never to fall in love again, who finds herself the victim of an antisemitic incident. Desperate to reclaim her power—and after two bottles of wine—she heads to her pottery studio and crafts a man out of clay, etching all her desires for a guardian and protector, friend and lover, onto his skin… before burying the doll in her backyard. When a handsome and mysterious stranger arrives to town the very next day, and checks every box scribbled on her clay man’s belly—including the most esoteric ones—Faye is left wondering if she’s looking for reasons to avoid falling in love, or if she’s inadvertently summoned a golem.

I’m also THRILLED to tell you that I am, once again, writing a Hanukkah romcom!!! While I can’t go into too many details just yet, my fifth book will publish in 2025, and coincide with the five-year anniversary of The Matzah Ball.

In addition to all these things, I’m launching a podcast. Chronically Fabulous with Jean Meltzer will begin airing in early December. For now, however, you can find teasers, bonus content, and more wherever podcasts are available!

Lastly, do you have any book recommendations for our readers?

Of course! Some of my favorite reads this year have been Marry Me by Midnight by Felicia Grossman, Don’t Forget to Write by Sara Goodman Confino, and Twelve Hours in Manhattan by Maan Gabriel. But honestly, I’ve read SO many great books this year. It’s hard to pick favorites!

Will you be picking up Kissing Kosher? Tell us in the comments below!


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