Written by Melissa Platt
The Gifted continues to kick off with a flashback, and this week’s episode sees Marcos meeting Lorna and Johnny for the first time and Johnny asking him to join the underground. At first, Marcos says no and Lorna trashes Carmine, but he then agrees.
Back to the present, Marcos is on the phone with Carmine and says he doesn’t want to help, but Carmine forces him to meet the next day. Carmine tries to tell him that they can work together and help each other because they are both fighting the same things. Later, she convinces Marcos to do the job and says she’ll even pay him, but as the scene ends we see a sort of devilish look play across her face. She also keeps bringing up Lorna, which makes Marcos uncomfortable and keeps changing the plan on him.
Security is getting tighter and things, such as getting food, is becoming tougher. Johnny says he is going to go find Clarice, so she doesn’t get Sentinel Services on their track, whilst Caitlyn is enforcing her school and she seems to be very forceful about it.
Turner is still haunted by voices of his daughter and wife telling him the bad news. He then walks into Roderick Campbell, who is saying to be more aggressive and Turner isn’t totally on-board. Campbell says they need to start using their ‘assets’ to get the mutants, but a higher government representative tells Turner that Campbell’s project doesn’t exist, and they need to stop. Turner says no to this, which again shows that he is becoming more like Campbell.

The higher individuals of government hold a meeting in an attempt to stop Turner and Campbell. The pair share a look and as the meeting continues we see that there is a mutant in the government and he has almost (internally) killed the higher government representative. Later, Turner calls Campbell concerned about what is happening, but Campbell just tells him to continue and it was only a coincidence…
Wes and Lauren are getting closer and he begins to influence her badly by making her be places she shouldn’t be and skip training. Shortly after, Reed finds out that Wes isn’t a good kid and tells Caitlyn, but she convinces him to not go after Lauren about it, just yet.
Johnny finds and apologises to Clarice and tries to convince her to come back. However, Clarice is trying to find the road that kept popping up in her portals when she was sick so Johnny tells her he’s going to help and doesn’t give her much of a choice.
Lorna is starting to get worried about Marcos, so she calls the supplies place and finds out that Marcos was never there. Lorna runs to Sonya (Dreamer) saying they have to find him because of a pendant that he took with him that represented the Cartels. They then go to find Marcos, and both use some brutal force to get some answers.
Reed and Caitlyn find Lauren and he gives her Wes’s file, but Lauren defends Wes causing Reed to yell at her and Lauren running off. Reed almost has the whole hard drive cracked, but he has questions about the trust system of some mutants—and we all know he is talking about Wes. Lauren confronts Wes and he doesn’t deny it, but instead explains why he did those things. Lauren becomes fed up with him, no matter what he tries to say, and leaves him too.
Meanwhile, Johnny is trying to help Clarice, but she is very stubborn and upset because they’ve reached a dead end. Clarice then tells Johnny about a few things of her past and they manage to find a house where the people that helped Clarice lived. He then uses his ability and discovers that Sentinel Services has got to them. In the end, Clarice comes back and Dreamer kisses him, but he gives us an expression of being torn, presumably between Dreamer and Clarice.
Caitlyn and Reed talk about how fast things are moving and that Reed wasn’t completely right when dealing with Lauren by telling him he needs to be more a dad than a prosecutor. Reed then goes to talk to Wes, who is surprised Reed hasn’t told the rest of the underground and leaves it to Wes to decide. We later see that told Sage and then tells Lauren he is leaving, but before he does, she kisses him and watches him leave with a smile.
Marcos does the job and burns all the drugs just as Lorna and Sonya pull up except Lorna becomes so mad that they leave before he sees them there. Back at the underground, Marcos still goes with the story that he went for supplies, but soon finds out that Lorna knows where he really was. They have a heated argument, which results in Lorna walking away and not listening to him.

The underground finds the program that Campbell is working on and Sage concludes that it isn’t a government project, but of Track Services and Reed gets worried because it’s supposed to be closed down. In the last scene, Campbell and Turner continue with the project and Campbell says they might be in a position to win the war.
What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments below!