Five Realities of Becoming A Bookseller

Five Realities of Becoming A Bookseller

Working in a bookstore and becoming a bookseller has been the most rewarding job this bibliophile has ever done. However, it’s a little bit different to how we see it portrayed on screen, or even in books themselves. So, here are five things I’ve learnt since becoming a bookseller!

  1. No, we don’t get to sit around reading books all day. The movies have it ALL wrong!

When the subject of my job comes up in conversation, one of the most common comments I get is ‘Oh, I bet you love getting to read books all day!’, which is not actually the case. To set the record straight, a bookseller’s reading is done in their own time, and not on the job.

Being a bookseller is busy work. There’s always stock to shelve, or customers to serve—and that’s how it should be! Seeing so many people still seeking out books is one of the best things to see (who said physical print books are dying?!).

  1. You tell yourself daily that you don’t need any more books (and then you laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and buy more books anyway).

What people don’t tell you about working in a bookstore is the temptation. You get to see all the new releases arrive, and you get to discover all these books you never even knew about. Customers and co-workers will tell you about books they’re loving, and you’ll want to read those too. If you love a good cover buy, then you’re lost for good! Self-restraint goes out the window, especially when particular bookstores offer their staff a neat little discount. Be warned: your TBR (‘to be read’) pile will grow exponentially!

  1. Not every customer is going to like the same books/genre as you.

Helping someone find their next read is so satisfying, but it can also be a little tricky. Having a few different recommendations across multiple genres definitely helps—it’s also a great way to broaden your own reading horizons by picking up a book outside of your comfort zone. I especially love when customers recommend their favourite book, which is in a genre I don’t usually read and might not be on my radar until that moment.

  1. No one can prepare you for the sheer joy of a returning customer telling you they loved your recommendation.

This is definitely one of the biggest perks of the job. Seeing people passionate about books brings us booksellers so much joy, and sharing our own favourites with others and having people love them too—well, that’s just the icing on the cake. The simple act of bonding with a stranger over one’s favourite book truly is one of the greatest experiences of a bibliophile.

  1. It’s one of the most rewarding jobs a bibliophile can have the pleasure of doing.

It’s not just a job, it’s a safe space to share your favourite stories with others. It may sound cheesy, but after working jobs outside of my passion, I can easily say becoming a bookseller has brought me daily joy and fulfilment. I’m lucky enough to say I’ve been able to combine my passion with my career! Of course, there are still days where things don’t run so smoothly, but those days are few and far between. The bookish community is a wonderful one, and I’m proud to be a part of it!

Do you have a favourite bookstore that you love to visit? Tell us about them in the comments down below!


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