Q&A: Dylan Newton, Author of ‘Change of Plans’

We are so excited to chat with author Dylan Newton about her latest novel, Change of Plans. Ryker Matthews is a retired Marine turned mechanic who struggles with PTSD and phantom limb pain after his amputation. Bryce Weatherford is a chef at PattyCakes who is struggling to adjust to her new role as a guardian of her three young nieces. After a mishap in the grocery store, Bryce and Ryker develop a quick friendship and attraction towards each other. We chat with Dylan about inspiration, book recommendations, and all things Change of Plans!

Hi, Dylan! Thank you so much for chatting with us! Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Thank you so much for having me—you all at The Nerd Daily are fantastic!

I grew up in Wellsville, the same small town in which my rom-com series is set. I began writing stories in middle school, largely to work through personal challenges I was experiencing at that time. Writing is a form of therapy for me, and is the way I process the world. My husband and I met in seventh grade and eventually became high school sweethearts, marrying after we graduated college—we just celebrated our 30th anniversary! After working over a decade in corporate America (doing things that did not involve writing fiction), I quit to pursue my dream of becoming a novelist. Today I’m busy pursuing my happily ever after with my husband and our two daughters as we split time between Florida and Wellsville, NY.

If you had to describe Change of Plans in five words, what would they be?

Rom-Com with depth and substance.

What can readers expect?

While the book is the third in the Matthews brothers’ series, you can expect to pick this up without having read the other brothers’ stories and immediately feel at home. Wellsville is a Hallmark-like small-town, and the characters in this book are among some of my favorites—especially Bryce’s three nieces, whose hijinks are very, very similar to those of my daughters, growing up!

If you had to pick, which Matthews brother are you most like and why?

I’m most like Drake Matthews (from How Sweet It Is) because he overthinks everything, and also because he is a writer who enjoys disappearing into his work-in-progress. Also, Drake and I both use everything and everyone around us as inspiration for our books!

Do you have any “dreamcasting” for Ryker and Bryce if Change of Plans were to be adapted?

In my head, Ryker was a combination of Chris Hemsworth and wounded-warrior-turned-model, Alex Minsky, and Bryce was a combo of a brunette Scarlett Johansson with Colette, the female chef in Ratatouille.

Will there be any more books in this series of interconnected standalones (perhaps featuring Kate’s sister Kiersten Sweet *crosses fingers*)?

Maybe! *crosses fingers with you*

Bryce’s niece Addison loves Tinkerbell. Do you have a favorite Disney character or movie?

YES! In fact, my short pitch for this book was a rom-com where Despicable Me meet Ratatouille. One of my favorite scenes of all time is in Despicable Me when Gru goes through the nightly tuck-in routine, culminating with the reading of Three Little Kittens—it melts my heart every time!

What was the inspiration for Bryce’s nickname, “Aunt Beamer”?

Since I’d crafted Bryce as the daughter of a trucker who grew up learning to drive everything with wheels, I wanted to give her a car-inspired name. Her full name is Bryce May Weatherford, and with the initials of BMW,  her parents nicknamed her “Little Beamer” which morphed into “Aunt Beamer” when her brother had his daughters.

Change of Plans is full of funny and heartwarming moments. Did you have a favourite scene to write and if so, why?

Aw, thanks for that lovely compliment! I loved writing the cardboard pirate ship reveal scene so much because it showcases Ryker’s love language—acts of service. Ryker best communicates his feelings through physically doing things for those he cares for—it’s one of the many things I find swoony about Ryker!

Besides Change of Plans, what’s a book that romance readers should definitely add to their summer TBR lists?

Summer romance reading is the best! I’d highly recommend Ana Takes Manhattan, by Lissette Decos; A Lakeside Reunion, by C. Chilove; Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez, and I loved Emily Henry’s newest, Happy Place as well as the new release by Meredith Schorr, Someone Just Like You.

Lastly, what’s next for you?

I’m working on a duology that will loosely tie into the Matthews brothers’ series, so look for more small-town romantic comedies with all the feels soon!

Will you be picking up Change of Plans? Tell us in the comments below!


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