#ReadWithPride: Dangerous Remedy by Kat Dunn

Dangerous Remedy by Kat Dunn Review
Dangerous Remedy by Kat Dunn
Release Date
May 7, 2020

“We’re in trouble, but it’s time to do what we do best. No fate. No destiny. Everything is a choice, and this time, we choose not to give up. We choose to fight.”

What a wild ride! Dangerous Remedy is the first instalment in a historical fiction series. There’s a lovable rag tag team of misunderstood misfits, prison breaks, some fantastic LGBTQ rep, and a lot of plot twists. Set in the 1700s, Camille and her group, the Battalion of the Dead, have made it their mission to break people out of prison who have been put there by the new tyrannical regime and the forces around Robespierre that make innocent heads roll.

I’ve never been the biggest history buff, but this got Paris and the French Revolution atmosphere so right! All the quips and little tidbits about electricity being seen as a form of sorcery or how the earth wasn’t round had me chuckling as I flipped the pages.

There are both Camille’s and Ada’s POV chapters and while I would have loved to hear from other characters like Al (who has been exiled from his family for being gay) and Guil (who has a few secrets up his sleeve that I hope we get to learn about in the future), their point of views definitely framed this to be a romance with a lot of action in between. Camille and Ada are both keeping secrets that influence and endanger their relationship but I loved how, even though this plays in the 1700s, their love was something accepted within their group of friends if not in their family circles. Their relationship was so natural and prominent, it made the mutual pining even though they are together even more intriguing.

The mystery around Olympe and her unusual powers keeps the reader engaged in the plot and tensed to find out what will happen once time runs out and they have to give up Olympe to the ones who paid for her to be released from prison. With a lot of adventure, the occasional miscommunication and blasts from the past making appearances, this promises to be followed by an epic sequel.

Dangerous Remedy is available from Amazon, Book Depository, and other good book retailers as of May 7th 2020.

Will you be picking up Dangerous Remedy? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

Camille, a revolutionary’s daughter, leads a band of outcasts – a runaway girl, a deserter, an aristocrat in hiding. As the Battalion des Mortes they cheat death, saving those about to meet a bloody end at the blade of Madame La Guillotine. But their latest rescue is not what she seems. The girl’s no aristocrat, but her dark and disturbing powers means both the Royalists and the Revolutionaries want her. But who and what is she?

In these dangerous days, no one can be trusted, everyone is to be feared. As Camille learns the truth, she’s forced to choose between loyalty to those she loves and the future.


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