Q&A: Brittany N. Williams, Author of ‘Saint-Seducing Gold’

We chat with author Brittany N. Williams about Saint-Seducing Gold, which is the second book in Brittany N. Williams’s stunning YA historical fantasy trilogy—the Forge & Fracture Saga.

Hi, Brittany! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi, I’m Brittany N. Williams. I’m an actress and writer born in Baltimore, MD and living in New Orleans, LA with my husband, toddler, and two rowdy dogs.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I know it’s cliché at this point but I think I’ve always been a storyteller. When I was still a toddler, I’d reenact the things I saw on TV whether I was quoting Cinderella because I had to pick up my toys or getting all my friends to put our own spin on the latest Power Rangers episode (I was always the Yellow Ranger, of course). I will say that I didn’t consider becoming a professional writer until way late into my adulthood. I had a lot of internalized negativity to get past so I could remember the passion I had for writing when I was a kid.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: Look Out, He’s Behind You by Tony Bradman and Margaret Chamberlain
  • The one that made you want to become an author: The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Her Stories by Virginia Hamilton

Saint-Seducing Gold is the second installment in your Forge & Fracture Saga! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Joan, you in danger, girl!

What can readers expect?

Readers can expect things to escalate very quickly. Joan doesn’t get to take a breath between the end of That Self-Same Metal and when things get rolling in Saint-Seducing Gold and everything is so much more difficult. She’s dealing with more powerful opponents from among the Fae and the mortals in the royal court of King James I.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring further?

The fanfic writer in me wants to explore the Joan/Rose meet-cute scene from Rose’s POV and the A Midsummer Night’s Dream performance from Nick’s POV. I’d also love to explore what all the adults in the series were like as teens. They’re so fun and I want to see what they’d be like in their more chaotic youth.

Did you face any challenges whilst writing the sequel?

Sequels, particularly middle books, are extremely difficult because you have to accomplish so many things. You have to tell a new, complete story that has a satisfying conclusion while leaving the door open for the next book. You also have to give your readers more of what they loved from the first book without getting repetitive. I also had to write this book in a fraction of the time I had for the first one, which was a challenge all its own.

What’s next for you?

Right now I’m working on the third and final book in The Forge & Fracture Saga which is even harder than writing the second one. Once that’s done, I have some ideas for future YA historical fantasy books but we’ll see what sticks. I’ve gotta keep the secrets close for now.

Lastly, are there any book releases that you’re looking forward to picking up this year?

I’m looking forward to reading So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole and The Maid and the Crocodile by Jordan Ifueko. I already read this one early but I’m excited for Our Shouts Echo by Jade Adia to be out in the world so I can talk about it with other folks.

Will you be picking up Saint-Seducing Gold? Tell us in the comments below!


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