Q&A: Andrea Hairston, Author of ‘Archangels of Funk’

We chat with author Andrea Hairston about Archangels of Funk, which sees Hairston weave together a rich West African traditions with epic fantasy fundamentals and an essential female voice to create another masterpiece.

Hi, Andrea! Welcome back! How have the past two years been since we last spoke?

So much has happened—more than two years worth of things. Enormous changes in the world. I am dazzled, exhausted, thrilled, enraged, and hopeful.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

As a child, I told myself stories to go to sleep. When I was six, talking too much at school, distracting the other kids, my mother asked me to write and illustrate stories for her. I liked that as much as talking to friends. I’ve been doing it ever since.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The book  that made you want to become an author: My mother inspired me to be an author. I come from the oral tradition. E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web rearranged my young mind.
  • A book that you can’t stop thinking about: Recently: The Reformatory by Tananarive Due.

Your latest novel, Archangels of Funk, is out May 7th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Hoodoo SF Celebration of Love.

What can readers expect?

Romance, Adventure, Hard Times and Celebrations as flawed characters try to conjure a way out of no way.

Hoodoo and physics. Afrofunkilicious Black Girl Magic. Instructions for the Future.

Where did the inspiration for Archangels of Funk come from?

A lifetime of watching scientists, artists, activists, and spiritual folks scheming and dreaming together to make a world that could hold us all. Plus I wanted to play with Circus Bots.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

Writing the Next World Festival and all the chapters from the point of view of dogs and the Circus-Bots.

What’s next for you?

The Redemption Center Is Closed On Sundays—a murder mystery and one of the detectives is a dog.

Lastly, are there any book releases that you’re looking forward to picking up this year?

Blackheart Man by Nalo Hopkinson.

Will you be picking up Archangels of Funk? Tell us in the comments below!


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