An Ode To Authors & Their Books

An Ode To Authors

The world is at an age where influencers and role models are not restricted to those who stand on a stage, own a company, or win medals. They now also include those who vlog about their lives, blog about their interests, own a podcast, create music from scratch at home and … write stories for the world. Many of the influencers of this time receive a lot of adoration, respect and love; and for book lovers, authors and the worlds that they create are a home unlike any other.

Every author out there is writing, perhaps with a favourite drink in their hand or an adorable (attention seeking) pet at their side, in their office at their homes in whichever part of the world they live in. They weave emotions, magic, plots, and worlds with their time and they do it to silence the voices and stream of creativity in their heads and perhaps give something back to the world. Whatever their reason, whichever their genre, they mean the world to a book lover sitting miles and miles away munching on a snack or curled up on their side with their eyes riveted to the book before them.

Everyone in this world is alone in some way or the other, either in person, in thoughts, in actions, or in struggles; but a book lover has someone for them. This someone, is their favourite author. Protagonists struggle like anyone else, they too have lost, have to fight, sometimes have no one or sometimes … find someone. Books give faith, throw light on both struggles and victory, loss and family. Often, in times of anxiety, pain, and wanting to hide away from the world even for a moment, this author and their words are a solace, a home where one is safe, a refuge where one can rest and nurse their wounds before they have to pit their strength against their struggles once again. Books even create chances to learn lessons, grow awareness, sensitivity, and find love, family, and belonging.

Not only have authors created a world for the mind to live in, they’ve also created a community where the book lover can find friends in reality. They now have a safe, accepting, and even encouraging space to discuss for hours about an upcoming book, gush about a new release, support the author they love, or nourish the author within them. Within this space, they find home, a place where their quirks are joyously welcomed, their passion is respected, their love for the written word is validated and sometimes … this place also becomes family: people from whom they can receive the kind of acceptance they have sought all their lives.

With nothing but a few words on a page, authors have reached out and gently touched the lives of thousands, shared their love of words and stories, and unknowingly directed the paths, dreams, and career choices of so many. They’ve given readers their first taste or that extra push to take the step towards their own passion. Only because they chose to spend their free time penning the thoughts in their head. Perhaps because they took the risk of following a career path that may have scared them but haunted them until they gave into it. It all comes a full circle when their words haunt and shape the lives of others, giving them the faith required to risk the daunting jump.

During a week when a large part of the world was quarantined for their own safety, a large number of authors made the decision to offer their books for free to everyone. Why? Simply to spread positivity during difficult times and show some support and love. Taking this extra step, going this extra mile, especially when this little consideration might come at the cost of their own earnings … it’s hard to believe that they aren’t made of something very special and rare.

This is an ode to every single author out there for putting their work out for the readers, letting readers have such a large claim on their lives, allowing readers to question them, bother them, nag them, stress them out, judge their work, spam them, love them, and tag them everywhere.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You make the lives and days of so many people around the world. Not everyone has the means to reach you, but every single one of them thinks of you, prays for you, worries for you, understands you, is appreciative of you and feels indebted to you in one way or another. Thank you for making book lovers across the world feel seen, feel love, feel brave, feel scared, feel hope, and feel passion. By staying at home and writing, you’ve helped many step out of the metaphorical restraints (that are either of their own making or of society’s) that have been holding them back all their lives.

Authors, you have taught us more than you can imagine. You too, are heard, seen, loved, accepted, admired, and understood. Thank you and please keep writing. Keep taking the risk. You are looked up to, you are role models, you are influencers, you are tide-changers, spear-heads, and inspirations.


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