Q&A: Alexandra Monir, Author of ‘Realm of Wonders’

We chat with author Alexandra Monir about Realm of Wonders, which is a magical reimagining of Princess Jasmine blends fairy-tale lore and real history with a Disney twist.

Hi, Alexandra! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! I’m the author of eight young adult novels so far, and I’m probably best known for my sci-fi duology The Final Six, my DC Icons novel Black Canary: Breaking Silence, and my debut, Timeless. I’m also a screenwriter, songwriter, and a mom of two!

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I fell in love with stories pretty much from the moment I was out of the womb! I was a bookworm before I could read—as a toddler, I would spend hours combing through picture books and making up my own stories to go with the illustrations. It definitely feels like it was written in the stars that I would become an author. J

Quick lightning round! Tell us:
  • The first book you ever remember reading: I actually have photos of myself as a toddler reading picture books and Little Golden Books based on the classic Disney movies, like Snow White and So it once again feels like destiny that I ended up getting to write a Disney book myself!
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Little Women. I read it when I was seven and instantly connected with Jo March.
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: The Seven-Year Slip by Ashley Poston, because it’s my current read and I’m loving it and can’t wait to continue!
Your latest novel, Realm of Wonders, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Magical, Spooky, Romantic, Thrilling, Competition

What can readers expect?

We enter Jasmine’s world months after the events of the movie Aladdin, just as her life takes a dramatic turn: her father has died, she is the heir to the throne, but the patriarchal kingdom of Agrabah can’t accept the idea of a young woman taking the sultan’s place. When a male cousin enters the picture and makes a claim for the crown, Jasmine finds herself in the fight of her life—both for her birthright as sultana of Agrabah, but also to protect her kingdom from a dark and supernatural threat. Aladdin also plays a big role, and the deepening relationship between him and Jasmine, with all their ups and downs, was one of my favorite storylines to write.

How did you approach reimagining this Disney Princess?

My main approach was to further develop the character traits we already know and love about Jasmine—her strength and bravery, her quick wit, the way she values people for who they are inside and doesn’t care about wealth or status—and also flesh out her inner life and more vulnerable side. For example, I thought a lot about Jasmine’s childhood: what it must have been like to lose her mother so young, and then be raised by a single father who just so happens to be the sultan, growing up with that weight on her shoulders that unless her father eventually remarries and has a son, one day she’ll be the first female ruler of Agrabah. I put a lot of that backstory into her character, and I think it helped her feel so real for me as I was writing.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I loved exploring Jasmine’s relationship with Aladdin, and what it would look like in reality for an heir to the throne to fall in love with a man from the streets. It was really fun as a writer to dig into the complicated dynamics of their relationship, and of course all the romantic tension and kissing scenes! J

Did you face any particularly challenges? If so, how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge was probably my ambitious plot! I had a big vision for this story, one that involved multiple connecting realms, and it took a lot of revising for me to feel like I had translated my vision to the page.

What’s next for you?

As soon as I finish launching this book, I’ll be diving into a deadline for a TV pilot I’m writing—an adaptation of one of my books!

Lastly, do you have any book recommendations for our readers?

Yes! I was so lucky to be able to write this novel for Disney’s The Queen’s Council book series, which includes three (so far!) standalone novels, each following a different Disney princess as she rises to power. Emma Theriault’s Rebel Rose (Belle’s story!) launched the series, and Livia Blackburne’s Feather and Flame (Mulan) is Book #2. I absolutely love both books, they are so fantastic and I highly recommend them!

Follow me on Instagram @alexandramonir, Facebook @AlexandraMonirAuthor, and TikTok (where I’m brand new!) @alexandramonir.

Will you be picking up Realm of Wonders? Tell us in the comments below!


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