Q&A: Emily Stone, Author of ‘A Winter Wish’

We chat with author Emily Stone about A Winter Wish, where an unexpected inheritance forces two total opposites to work together, Lexie must decide if Theo is going to push her out—or pull her in for the kiss of a lifetime.

Hi, Emily! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hello! I’m in my mid-thirties, I live in Bristol – and actually I’ve just bought my own house for the very first time! I’ve lived all over the place in London, Wales, Mozambique… Since I left home, the longest I’ve stayed in one place is 18 months, so buying a house and putting down roots is a novelty for me. I have three sisters, three nieces and one nephew! A lot of girls in the family…

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I have always loved both reading and writing. I was always writing stories as a child, and I remember actually looking forward to the creative writing exam when I was about 11… I had a poem (about a horse) published in an anthology when I was the same sort of age and I remember being so proud! I have always wanted to be an author, and it feels amazing that I get to sit and write for ‘work’!

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: The Very Hungry Caterpillar – though I’m not sure if I remember that or was told about it!
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Possibly This Charming Man by Marian Keyes
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: it changes, but one is The Square of Sevens by Laura Shepherd Robinsonit’s so clever!

Your latest novel, A Winter Wish, is out October 15th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Cosy, romantic, travelling, loss, hope

What can readers expect?

It’s about Lexie, who is always on the move – I suppose a little like I have been! But there is one constant in her life – her ‘wish jar’; the childhood tradition from home that she gets out every Christmas and takes with her wherever she goes. When Lexie’s estranged dad dies, she is shocked to learn that she has inherited half of his travel company in Bath. But her dad’s will stipulates that she must work with Theo, her handsome but bad tempered business partner, for a year.

Over the course of the year, Lexie and Theo but heads as they argue over how to run the company, but trips to France, Spain and Ireland reveal they have a little more in common – and a lot more chemistry – than they thought… So maybe Lexie’s wish will change over the year – and she’ll have a decision to make come Christmas.

Where did the inspiration for A Winter Wish come from?

My sister actually runs a travel company, which was hit really hard by covid – so the idea of the travel company in the book came partly from that, although they are very different! I don’t get to do as much travelling as I like, so I suppose I was living through my characters! And I’m a big fan of forced proximity so that was a lot of fun to write. I also like exploring traditions people have at Christmas, and the idea of a wish jar popped up!

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

There are a couple of really fun bits abroad – one of my favourite scenes is in Ireland, because it’s a key moment between the two main characters, and I also really loved writing about the lemon festival in France – now I want to go there for it!

With the holiday season drawing near, what are you three go-to holiday movies?

The Holiday, Love, Actually and Home Alone

What’s next for you?

I’ve just handed in my fifth novel, which feels unreal! It’s tentatively called YOURS FOR A SEASON and was so much fun to write, I think it might be my favourite yet… But I’m waiting for my editors to tell me what they think – so I’m sure I have lots of work ahead of me before it’s finished!

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

I read Tessa Bailey’s Hook Line and Sinker which I loved, I’m really enjoying Casket Case at the moment, I loved Richard Osman’s new one We Solve Murders… There are SO many I want to read and I feel behind on my reading! I want to read The Woman on the Ledge as I’ve heard great things, I haven’t read Emily Henry’s new one yet but have the hardback waiting for me as a treat!

Will you be picking up A Winter Wish? Tell us in the comments below!


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