Q&A: Natasha Preston, Author of ‘The Dare’

We chat with author Natasha Preston about her latest pulse-pounding, twisty read, The Dare!

Hi, Natasha! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! I’m Natasha and I’m British, though I don’t drink nearly enough tea so I should probably adopt a new country. I write YA thrillers and contemporary romance books which I’m so fortunate to do as a job. I enjoy nothing more than spending a sunny day in the garden with a book and trying to get my stolen shoes back from my Labrador!

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

It was about 14 years ago (I’m going to pretend it was only 4 years ago!) I was reading on Wattpad and decided to give writing a go myself. I never looked back and if I’m not writing I’m thinking about it… because my characters do not stick to my schedule.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: I don’t remember exactly which title but it was one of Jacqueline Wilson’s books. I think I binged everything she wrote in about a month.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: The Shining. Getting paid to write about creepy things? Sign me up!
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Bully by Penelope Douglas. It’s a romance that I read years ago and one I reread it often.

Your latest novel, The Dare, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Claustrophobic, twisty, high-stakes, chilling, fast-paced.

What can readers expect?

Readers can expect a friendship group that’s tested to the limit after a dare leads to dire consequences. Expect questionable and nearly impossible decisions that yield no prefect outcome no matter the choice, and characters having to think five steps ahead to protect themselves, even if it means they turn on each other. There will probably be some nail-biting and shouting involved too.

Where did the inspiration for The Dare come from?

This is a great question because this is one of those books that literally came out of nowhere. I usually have a dream or will see something that will make me think and therefore develop a plot. The Dare was a fleeting thought of “what would happen if teens were dared to do something that turned deadly”. I quickly developed the plot because putting characters into situations that they created and wondering who, if any, would want to do the right thing fascinates me.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I loved the accident scene. That was the moment where I had to decide which characters were on team right and which were team wrong. The other moment is where they realize their lie is getting too big and they have to decide between protecting their friends of themselves. It was a lot of fun to look at my characters and decide who would be willing to turn their back on each other. Thankfully it was quite a natural process as I got to know them better.

What do you love about writing within the thriller/mystery genre?

I really enjoy writing about friendships and pushing them to the extreme. Most of my books are character-driven so as I’m writing I feel how they do when these deadly situations arise. Which is probably awful for my blood pressure! I also love the big reveal scenes where all the little clues along the way come together and our characters find out who is behind all the gore.

What’s next for you?

I have just finished another book The Party for a December release and I’m currently plotting something else.

Lastly, are there any book releases that you’re looking forward to picking up this year?

I love Cynthia Murphy after reading Win, Lose, Kill, Die so I’ll be looking out for anything she releases. I have been addicted to a British crime writer’s series too and I believe Alex Smith has announced another book is releasing in August so that’s exciting.

Will you be picking up The Dare? Tell us in the comments below!


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