Q&A: Christine Riccio, Author of ‘Attached At The Hip’

We chat with author Christine Riccio about her irresistible, romantic adventure Attached At The Hip, which is described as Survivor meets The Bachelor!

Hi, Christine! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Yes! Hi, my name’s Christine, I’m originally from New Jersey. I’m a huge book nerd, I’ve been obsessed with reading my entire life, and I’ve made it my mission to get everyone else obsessed along with me. I started making comedy videos about books on youtube back in 2010 in an effort to do just that, and it’s been such a journey doing that alongside writing my own novels. I love fandom, and being unabashedly outwardly passionate about the art in this world that makes us feel seen. I have a podcast called Those Forking Fangirls where myself and my bestie Natasha talk about all the new pop culture things we’re obsessed with (*and taylor swift) every week.  Attached at the HIp is my third novel. I love it so much, and I hope you do too!

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

As soon as I learned to read I became obsessed with going to the book store and finding the next story to lose myself in. In second grade when my grandparents got Microsoft Word on their computer (1997), I GOT SO EXCITED because so I knew that meant there was a program so could type in. I immediately started writing my own book about a girl named sophie — on their computer everytime i came to visit. So, long story short, the love goes way back.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: It was called something like “the fox on a box” and i had just turned six and I was so proud of myself for being able to read an entire book. I ran around to my whole family performing it out loud to them.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Twilight made me believe I actually could be an author. Up till then i was reading so many fantasy novels, creating an entire new universe felt so daunting to me. I didn’t even think about the fact that there were other types of books I could write.
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo! I can’t wait for the third book in that series.

Your latest novel, Attached at the Hip, is out May 21st! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Comedic, Competitive, Earnest, Challenging, Fun

What can readers expect?

Readers can expect to feel like they’re binging a season of a reality show full of super fun showmance’s, social politics, and physical challenges that keep you on the edge of your seat.

With the book pitched as Survivor meets The Bachelor, are you a reality TV fan? If so, what’s your go-to?

Oh my god, my go-to has been Survivor since 2001. I LOVE a game-based reality show. For so long i only watched Survivor and the Amazing Race – but I’ve branched out in prep to write this actually. Now I also love Love is Blind, The Traitors, and The Circle.

Where did the inspiration for Attached at the Hip come from?

I’ve been so inspired by Survivor my entire life, specifically season 8 where two contestants fall in love. I’ve been itching to see it happen again ever since, and so, I DECIDED to essentially write it myself.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

Yes for sure! I had so much fun writing this book – honestly, it felt like getting to be on Survivor without actually having to go on Survivor. There’s one specific important scene between two of our leads that I loved writing and constantly referred to as the “fire scene.” I rewrote it maybe a zillion million times trying to get it exactly right, and I’m so happy with how it came out. You’ll know it when you read it, I think. There’s a cave involved… and a fire.

This is your third published novel! What are some of the key lessons you’ve learned since your debut in 2019 when it comes to writing and publishing?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to always write the story you’re most passionate about – if you’re not 1000% obsessed with what you’re working on, it’s so hard to get through the editing process. When you’re completely enamored with your story, that enthusiasm translates to the page in the best way.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on two novels right now! As usual they’re both romcomy /coming into your own/ late bloomer stories! The first one is new adult, and the second is adult!  I’m excited to dive into the little life nuances of characters slightly older than the ones I’ve been writing these past six years. Orie the lead of AATH is 23, which was such a fun age to think back and ruminate on as I developed her character – and the lead in my next novel is 25. =D

Lastly, are there any book releases that you’re looking forward to picking up this year?

YES THERE ARE ALWAYS SO MANY! Off the top of my head – the next one on my tbr is the new Christina Lauren book – THE PARADISE PROBLEM. And ’m so excited to read the new Rachel Lynn Solomon book coming out June 4th – Past Present Future!

Will you be picking up Attached at the Hip? Tell us in the comments below!


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