Read An Excerpt From ‘You and Me and the Land of Lost Things’ by Andy Griffiths

Come along with New York Times-bestselling author Andy Griffiths (The 13-Story Treehouse) on a brand-new adventure that plunks the reader right into the middle of all the wacky action and laughs with its unique storytelling style.

Intrigued? Well read on to discover the synopsis and an excerpt from Andy Griffiths’ You and Me and the Land of Lost Things, which releases on April 8th 2025.

Hey, you and me sure have had a lot of amazing adventures together, haven’t we?

Remember the time we flew to the moon without a rocket? And remember the time we went to the bottom of the ocean and fought a high-voltage giant octopus? And how about the time we got lost in The Land of Lost Things?

What? You don’t remember? Really? Well, let me refresh your memory. It all started like this…

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