Q&A: Yahrah St. John, Author of ‘Break Point’

 We chat with author Yahrah St. John about Break Point, which sess falling in love cost Teagan her heart and a pro tennis career. But when her rival returns, they’ve got one last chance for a rematch…if they can keep the game on the court!

Hi, Yarah! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

I am an award-winning romance author with a career that spans two decades in the industry. I’m a Chicago native and my catalog offers reader who likes their romance and ‘happily-ever-after’ with equal parts tension, drama, and steaminess. Among her fifty published books, I’ve collaborated on works featured in miniseries and anthologies under renowned labels like Kimani Romance and Harlequin Desire and now Afterglow Books.

I’m also a successful, multi-hyphenate creative. My twenty-five year career in property management is as expansive as my writing career. If I’m  not crafting the stories that hooks loyal readers, or managing properties in Orlando where I now live, you can find me indulging my appetite for the thrills of life. Whether it’s parasailing, white-water rafting, or jet skiing, I embrace every opportunity for adventure and travel with my husband. My zest for life translates into my writing, infusing my narratives with a vibrant energy that resonates with readers.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

For me, writing is more than my second career – it’s a calling. It started with journaling and crafting short stories as a young girl and transitioned into more when the restraints of my strict, religious upbringing prevented me from living life on my terms. My writing allowed  me to create characters and storylines representing the person I wanted to be and the life I wanted to lead. It was my escape and it translated into a commitment to represent characters that resemble and look like me.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: My first full-length novel: Chances, Jackie Collins
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Tonight and Forever, Brenda Jackson
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: November 9, Collen Hoover

Your latest novel, Break Point, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Thrilling, Dynamic, Poignant, Sexy and Unforgettable

What can readers expect?

A complex heroine. Teagan Williams is a strong black woman who has bounced back after life handed her a bag of lemons. I know her because she’s me. I used my own hardships in life and overcame them to channel it into the character. Teagan love for her besties shone through the previous five books in the Six Gems series, but this time I was able to delve into what made her so headstrong and independent. She’s complex and has flaws, but in the end just wants to be loved.

Where did the inspiration for Break Point come from?

The idea for Break Point came from a girls trip I took to Gatlinburg in 2021. While huddled up in a cabin laughing and talking with six friends, I realized a series about six besties would make for great reading. I brainstormed ideas on interesting careers that would be different from any I’d written before and those careers would be a dream that each one of the Six Gems were chasing. A fairy godmother comes along the way and helps ensure each of them has a shot at pursuing their passion.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I really enjoyed exploring the dynamic that both characters could be upset about the past and blame each other for entirely different reasons. Teagan blames Dominic for having the successful tennis career denied her due to an injury. She blames him for wanting fame and glory more than her. Meanwhile, Dominic blames Teagan for pushing him away and not fighting for their love. He blames her for thinking the absolute worst of him which couldn’t be further from the truth. When they both finally see the light, the reward is all the more sweeter.

Did you face any challenges whilst writing? How did you overcome them?

The hardest part was the tennis element. I knew absolutely nothing about tennis and I wanted to make sure I could write about the technical side intelligently without offending any fans. I leaned on a friend who plays tennis as well as my research on Serena Williams and many more tennis legends to help craft the heroine and hero: Teagan Williams and Dominic Fletcher.

What’s next for you?

A short hiatus. I’ve managed to have a 20-years in publishing with 50 books under my belt while holiding a fulltime job. I need some time for self-care and reflection and to reignite my passion for writing.

Lastly, what books are you looking forward to picking up this year?

I absolutely can’t wait for Kennedy Ryan’s Can’t Get Enough in May 2025. I loved the first two books in the series: Before I Let Go and This Could Be Us.

Will you be picking up Break Point? Tell us in the comments below!


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