The Gifted is back and kicks off Season 2 with a powerful first episode. Six months have passed since the Mutant Underground was destroyed and split up. Our Mutants have now moved from Atlanta to Washington where the Inner Circle has its Headquarter.
The episode begins by introducing Reeva Payge (Grace Byers who is best known for her role as Anika in Empire), a member of the board of the Inner Circle. She has to explain to the members her actions in Atlanta and persuade them that having Polaris on their side is a good thing. No matter what, the board is not convinced. Motivated by her vision of a new world in favour for her fellow Mutants, she kills all the other board members with her sonic scream, along with the help of the Frost Sisters who shoot all of them in the head.

Meanwhile, Polaris is preparing herself for the birth of her child with a thoughtful Andy by her side. They seem to become good friends and joke around with baby names. Not even born, the baby is showing what a strong little Mutant she already is. During contractions, Polaris is not able to control her or the baby’s power.
Polaris feels that something is not right and that she cannot trust Reeva, so she makes Andy promise that he has to protect the baby, no matter what. Polaris may be unstable, but she cannot be fooled when it comes to her and the baby’s well-being.

Somewhere in an apartment building in Washington, a handful of mutants from the no longer existing Mutant Underground are living next to each other in hiding. They still try to save as many Mutants they can in the now almost daily raids by Sentinel Services. On a happier note, Thunderbird and Blink are now living together and they look happy.

The Strucker’s are trying to be a happy family again. While Kate is working as a nurse once more, Reed is creating new identities for the saved Mutants in a hideout behind a secret wall in a storage room in the hospital. Lauren on the other hand is fully committed with saving fellow Mutants, although her parents encourage her to do anything else. Little do they know that her bond to her brother seems to get stronger, even through separation.
Eclipse is broken and all he can think about is finding Polaris so he is there when their baby is born. While the others think it is too risky to find her, he continues with his plan.

While Reed is focusing on his new purpose, Kate does not give up on finding Andy and joins Eclipse’s plan. Driven by that, they go to a Mutant who is dealing with sensitive information and Kate proves that she is not a helpless human.
Back at home, Eclipse wants to see what is on the flash drive he and Kate got, except the power goes out and a show of lights on the night skyline is starting. He recognises it as Polaris’s powers so Thunderbird follows the signals, while the rest follow him in two cars until he loses her. Kate realises that the uncontrolled flashes have to be contractions and she was right.
Reeva has prepared a whole building for the birth. However, she underestimates the power of the little baby. During contractions, Polaris and the baby almost destroy the whole building. A mental blockade is preventing the baby from coming out and only the Frost sisters are able to break it while showing Polaris a future in which Mutants are ruling the world. Was letting the Sisters into Polaris’s head a good idea? We will see Andy, we will see.
The episode ends with Polaris holding her baby girl in her arms and calling her Dawn. Fits perfectly, right?
Now we have to wait for the second episode to explain what is going on with Reed. Seems like Daddy Strucker’s Mutant Power is about to come out to play….

The only question left for now is: do you join the Inner Circle or fight for the Mutant Underground?